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What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, select vape pen іs one of thе 100+ chemical compounds that haνe ƅeеn isolated from hemp plant. Theѕe diverse chemical compounds, select vape pen calleⅾ Cannabinoids, weaveringcapital.com arе known for their medicinal properties that provide benefits for Suggested Site both humans and mammals alike.

Ϝoг select vape pen many years the majority of гesearch surrounding Cannabis focused on tһe cannabinoid, Tetrahydrocannabinol more commonly known aѕ THC. However, in recent yeɑrs resеarch has shown that usіng CBD offers promising гesults wіthout havіng to experience tһe psychoactive effects that comes witһ using THC.

Hemp vs. Marijuana

Ꭺlthough hemp and marijuana ⅾo come from the ѕame cannabis рlant, select vape pen their chemical compounds cause their functions to differ in mɑny important ԝays. Ꭲhe chemical THC plays аn importɑnt role in differentiating tһe tᴡo compounds.

Marijuana ᧐n average contains 15% to 20% THC resulting in a feeling of Ьeing ‘һigh". Hemp on the other hand contains 0.3% or less in THC, making it nearly in impossible to experience a psychoactive effect.

Marijuana is often known for its recreational use and at times is used for therapeutic purposes. In contrast, hemp is harvested to create a variety products such as clothing, food, plastic, CBDinfused products and much more.

How Is CBD Oil Made?

CBD in its purest form, requires an extraction process that consist of isolating the cannabinoid, CBD, from the hemp plant. CBD is commonly extracted by either using the CO₂ extraction or the ethanol extraction. Both methods are considered to be the cleanest method for extracting CBD.

CO₂ Extraction

The CO₂ extraction process entails filtering hemp plants through a series of chambers. Carbon dioxide pressurizes the hemp at a cool temperature to isolate the cannabinoid. CBD is later mixed into a carrier at a high temperature.

Ethanol Extraction

Ethanol extraction involves marinating the hemp plant in ethanol from anywhere between several hours to a few days. The CBD saturated in ethanol is then heated at a high temperature to evaporate the ethanol. This leaves behind a highly concentrated CBD extract that can be later mixed into a carrier.

What Are Cannabanoids?

Cannabinoids are a group of chemical compounds that can be found in hemp plants, and the human body.

Endocannabinoids are produced in the human body.

Phytocannabinoid are found in plants.

Synthetic Cannabinoids are manufactured manually.

Phytocannabinoids can be found in full spectrum.

Types of CBD

Full Spectrum

Full Spectrum products contain the whole hemp plant’s naturally-occurring cannabinoids. These cannabinoids include terpenes, THC, CBD and many more.

Broad Spectrum

Broad Sectrum maintains the same naturally-occurring cannabinoids as Full Spectrum, however a refining process comes into effect to remove THC.

CBD Isolate

Through the preferred extraction process, all cannabinoids are removed except CBD meaning CBD Isolate is the most pure form of CBD.

What is Full Spectrum CBD?

The easiest way to understand Full Spectrum CBD is to compare it to CBD Isolate. When isolate is extracted from the hemp plant, the goal is to retrieve only one cannabinoid, CBD. This is no small feat, considering the hemp plant contains over 100+ chemical compounds including terpenes, cannabinoids, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals.

In Full Spectrum CBD, all of the cannabinoids, terpenes, and phytochemicals in the hemp plant are extracted alongside CBD. One particular cannabinoid—Tetrahydrocannabinol, known as THC—is more prominent in the final Full Spectrum product, though still at a rate of less than 0.3% THC, making it highly unlikely to experience a psychoactive effect.

All of the cannabinoids work together in a unique way to create the entourage effect.

The Entourage Effect

Everyone needs a little help from their friends. Cannabinoids are no different. They love their entourage. Research suggests that in Full Spectrum CBD products, the extracted natural cannabinoids leverage a symbiotic relationship that promotes the functions of each individual cannabinoid and its potential benefits. This is called the Entourage Effect and it means more health benefits and therapeutic effects for Full Spectrum CBD users.

How should you think of the entourage effect in your daily life, you might ask? We like to think about Full Spectrum CBD as extra strength aspirin. vape store near me open now, that doesn’t mean it’s better than CBD isolate, just better suited for people who want something a little bit more potent. If you’re a new CBD user, you might want to start with some of our CBD isolate products and work your way up to Full Spectrum CBD. If you’re an avid CBD isolate devotee looking for some additional strength, we encourage you to incorporate Full Spectrum into your daily routine.

Tetrahydrocannabinol Aka THC

Let’s address the very chill elephant in the room. Our Full Spectrum products contain less than 0.3% of THC. While there is zero THC in our CBD Isolate products, it’s below the legal limit and not enough to give you the sensation of being "һigh."

The inclusion of THC in Full Spectrum CBD spurs the Entourage Effect, helping you reap the full benefits of the hemp plant. You can enjoy these benefits anywhere in the U.S.A. because Full Spectrum CBD can be legally shipped to all 50 states. So, give Full Spectrum CBD a try and find out why the elephant is so chill!

The Endocannabinoid System

Cannabinoids interact with an internal complex system that all mammals have called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS consists of many receptors that play a vital role in regulating many functions in your body such as motor regulations, pain sensations and sleep. There are two main types of receptors in your ECS known as the CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors are like "locks" and cannabinoids are like "keys." When parts of the body are "ⲟff," cannabinoids can be introduced to bring your body back to a balanced state.

CB1 Receptors

CB2 Receptors

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Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of Vena have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. Vena uses the highest quality CBD isolate in our product formulations.

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