Reference:Patrick Dulebohn, Chiso Preniv journal
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Location | Chiso Preniv |
Author | Patrick Dulebohn |
The Age of Chiso Preniv, aka "another library" in D'ni . . . or so we think. The name seems a bit blunt and basic and not the usual elegance of D'ni names. The translation team seems to think it may be more of a slang name. So far, we haven't found the proper Age name, so until we do, we'll just have to go with what we've got.
When first Linking in, you can tell it's a D'ni Age. Rows and rows of shelves for what could hold thousands of Books. Only one problem...the library is completely empty. Any Books, Ages or otherwise, appear to have been removed entirely from the complex. It's definitely a contrast to the library on Teshafee, where we found Chiso and some notes pertaining to it.
The mosaics when you first Link in seem quite familiar. They, along with the tree mural and Guild of Writers symbol on the floor, seem quite symbolic. The tree itself leads to nine pedestals at the other end of the building, which themselves have "branches" surrounding the metal pedestals themselves. Perfect to display Age Books for easy Linking.
Strangely, most of the inner structure is not made of nara as usual, but of a rather durable redwood. The bookshelves and book stands set into the walls are also made of this wood...and the design of the latter seems oddly familiar.
While we weren't able to find an exit to the outdoors, they were clearly visible through the large ornate windows at the opposite end of the library. The blue skies and rolling green fields, while beautiful, humorously reminded many of us of a certain default wallpaper for a certain computer operating system. Even so, we're anxious to get out and explore the land!
The building itself seems structurally sound. Just the minor wear and tear: some cracks here or there. The only concerning damage is a a significant hole in the roof off to the side. The debris was cleared away by someone, but the hole itself was never patched, allowing the foliage from outside to creep in slightly and the sounds of the outdoors to drift into the chamber. THe elements don't seem to have worn away the surrounding structure, so despite the "gaping wound", it shouldn't be a problem structurally.
What could have cause it though?
All in all, we'll need to do some more searching around here. More later.
After some preliminary searching, we've been unable to find an exit from the building yet...aside from that hole. We've now made plans to use the opening in the ceiling to venture outside and explore, but other Ages and the work therein means it'll have to wait awhile.
On the plus side, we've begun to move some of the archived Book and texts here from Teshafee to free up more room in the latter's library while we catalog everything. Our desks there were beginning to pile up with the proverbial "in" and "out" piles!
An incredible expedition!
While it was a pain and a half getting out of that opening (the hole is not as wide as it looked!), we were finally able to use the equipment we brought to climb up and out. Reminded me of those awful rope-climbing events in gym glass back in the day!
Outside, we found that the building was situated on top of a large hill overlooking the vast fields we had seen from the windows inside. The land stretched up steeply behind and also slightly around the sides of the structure, offering protection on most sides, but still allowing the windows on the ceiling to receive the natural light from the sun.
Exploring outward, we even found evidence of a primitive civilization, long gone from these lands! It appears to be a temporary camp set up near the library for some as-yet unknown reason. We've taken some writing samples that I hope our translators will be able to decipher and figure out who they were.
Most interesting was their tools...or rather, their weapons. Crude in fashion, surprisingly, they contained chunks of NARA! They appear to be D'ni-made, which further adds to the confusion. Did the D'ni give them these materials for some reason, and if so, why?
Also, why use it for weapons? To what end?
Need to think more on this. Like many other Ages we've stumbled upon, something fishy is going on here.
Our translation team truly is remarkable! They've been able to piece together most of what happened through the basic writings of the indigenous people of the Age and more documents we were able to uncover in Teshafee.
It seems, in 7349 DE, the Caltauc, a tribe of people native to this area of the Age, had approached the D'ni while they were building the library...and were none too happy that the latter were destroying and spoiling this patch of land for their own ends. The Age's Writer and head of the expedition to build the library, Relsahn, did not want to start a war with these people, so he worked with them to strike a bargain: they would trade the tribe a small batch of nara, the strongest stone work they had, for their people to use however they see fit. This would be along with a few other supplies, such as food and medicines that were found to improve the health of the Caltauc.
For a time, there was peace, until an accident occured [sic] during the final days of construction. A boy from the tribe, curious about what was going on, had wandered into the unfinished structure to explore. Tragically, he caused the collapse of one of the heavy wooden pillars and was crushed. He died instantly.
The Caltauc were furious. They blamed the D'ni for their carelessness in not securing the site better. War was imminent, so Relsahn and the D'ni had no choice but to Link in their forces and forcefully drive the Caltauc away to finish their work. The building was finally completed in 7352 DE.
For a time, things were booming in Chiso Preniv. Books were being Written and stored there, many great texts of D'ni storytellers were being archived as well. Numerous works of art graced the great chamber. The Guild of Writers had yet "another library", which actually was where the joking Age name came from after awhile.
The Caltauc, to their credit, were far more industrious than the D'ni gave them credit for, as they took the supply of nara and were able to backwards-engineer it to the point they could create their own, crude version of it. It was then that an assault on the library was planned to drive the D'ni out once and for all.
In 7358, a mere six years after the library opened, the Caltauc attacked with their nara-esqe [sic] weapons, breaking their way through the ceiling and engaging the D'ni. The latter were able to repell [sic] the former with effort, but it was clear that the library was compromised and the Books were no longer safe.
The Guild of Writers ordered the immediate removal of all their work to another site. Within a day after driving off the Caltauc, the D'ni, and all their belongings aside from the building itself, were gone. There was much celebration within the Caltauc, who felt they had defeated their foe and had avenged the boy who had died. Still, they guarded the site from their makeshift camp nearby and were ready to drive the D'ni out again should they return.
Flash forward to today: the Caltauc, satisfied that the D'ni were truly gone and not coming back, had moved on centurious [sic] ago to elsewhere in the Age. After exploring further, we found that, not only was their makeshift camp long abandoned, but so was their regular settlement. In fact, there appeared to be no signs of any indigenous people anywhere nearby for a very long time.
It's my hope that, if they ever do come back, it would be in peace. Even so, we'll take precautions.
Almost a year and a half and we've slowly made Chiso our own. Books are trickling into the library from Teshafee as we catalog them, and we have yet to be disturbed by anyone native to the Age.
I'm starting to think this would be a perfect place to accumulate not only our own work, but other groups' work as well if they so choose.
Success! We've finally found an exit to the library...and quite by accident!
Who knew this library was someone like a haunted in actual secret passages. I guess it makes sense given the tense relations with the Caltauc at the time. One of our volunteers was doing a bit of dusting (something that is constantly needed, it seems) and stumbled upon the mechanism that opens up one of the bookcases to reveal a passageway leading downward further into the hill's rocky interior.
This "basement" is about the same size above, but contains many private study rooms an only a few shelves. This looks to be where the D'ni did quite a bit of Writing. We discovered more blank Books and the precious ink that goes with them. I guess, in their haste to evacuate, the D'ni had forgotten them. Good to know we're not the only ones that forget something important during a big move!
As such, we took all we found and have stockpiled them in the usual place, as well as donated some to the other groups working in the cavern. Hopefully, they'll be of some use someday.
Wow, that's a whole lotta nines in that date...and quite a bit of time since I last wrote in this!
I've come to the decision that this library should be open to all of our friends in the cavern. It's selfish to just limit it to our group and those working in Teshafee.
I'll consult with our usual people to make sure this place is ready for the public.
So busy with other projects, but the work here is important too. It's been discussed, and we'd like to turn this library into a hub for a new restoration of sorts, led by the Called...the explorers who have come to D'ni to seek adventure, enlightenment, knowledge, belonging...and fun, of course!
I should probably get in touch with members of the DRC again to consult them on this and get their advice. If anyone knows what should go into a restoration of this magnitude, it's them.
It's a shame Atrus isn't available (at least as far as I know!).
With all that's going on on the surface, it's good to get away to what is literally another world for awhile. We've completed most of the safety checks for the library, and I've begun asking some friends if they'd like to add Linking Books to their Ages here. I've asked Rustee, Lontahv and Keith Lord if they're up for providing Links to Vothol Gallery, Tre'bivdil and Fehnir's House respectively. We'll see what they say.
For now, I'll be adding Books to our own works, namely the Guild of Messengers Pub in Ae'gura and Veelay Tsahvahn. They're both perfect showcases of the fantastic work many have done over the years and should both be ready for the foot traffic releasing them to the general public will entail.
It's come down to this. Tomorrow...finally...Chiso Preniv will be open to the public! I've also "come out of the shadows", so to speak, and done a bit of public relations by chatting up explorers in the Watcher's Pub, where we've opened up a new Book room to house the Linking Book here. Their enthusiasm is so infectious...but also makes me even more nervous for tomorrow!
Time to get back to my speech! Wish me luck, inanimate journal notebook! Ha!
Only a couple of days out since the big event and I'm still over the moon. The response was, to put it mildly, overwhelming, but so very encouraging. It never ceases to amaze me how enthusiastic explorers can be for the new. So many faces packed the Watcher's Pub, I was surprised some weren't hanging from the rafters, so to speak!
For posterity, I'll write my speech here in full:
"We stand here today to take part in what many of us regard as a truly momentous occasion.
After ten thousand years of history, a catastrophic event that nearly destroyed it, and three halted restoration efforts, D'ni has lain mostly dormant for many years now. We, as explorers, have held onto the belief that we could, in our own ways, continue to breathe life into the cavern.
"In that endeavor, I believe we have been very successful over the years. You've made this place your home away from home and have gone forth on the adventure of understanding the D'ni people, how they lived, and, of course, the worlds they visited via the Art. We have also forged bonds with one another that have remained strong throughout the often joyous and occasionally troubled times.
"Good or bad, we have faced it together, and because of our strength of character, persistence...and most importantly, those aforementioned bonds...
"...after almost two *decades*...
"...we are still here!
"The D'ni Restoration Council admirably led the modern efforts to bring D'ni back to its former glory, and for that and the assistance they have offered over even these last few years, they have our gratitude. They will always have a seat at the table should they ever choose to return.
"But's our turn.
"Today, we officially begin a new restoration...*our* continue what our predecessors started and to expand our knowledge of the D'ni through their home in the cavern and the incredible Ages contained here. It is with that in mind that we are here open the door to a new era in D'ni.
"A new path...a new chronicle...a new journey.
"Chiso Preniv, the Age you're about to visit, will be the first gateway to a new gathering of Ages and points of interest here in the cavern that have been restored...or in some cases, us, the explorers of D'ni. The Books you find there now are just the beginning. I'm hoping, as the months and years pass, fellow explorers will present more of their work to the library, and their contributions will be most welcome there.
"This is, and will continue to be, the culmination of years of work by our fellow explorers, all contributing their time, efforts, and talents to making things ready for you all to see. This is the fruit of their tireless labor. For that, from the bottom of my heart, I thank them. *All* of them.
"There are too many names to mention...but each and every one has been an important part of launching this new era. If they would like to make themselves known...I leave that decision to them, as I would respect any choices of anonymity...but if they do speak up, be sure to give them thanks! They are often the unsung heroes here in the cavern. They put in untold weeks, months, and even years of labor on an entirely volunteer basis to bring us all the amazing things we will see and experience.
"Put simply, we would *not* be here today without them.
"There is one more group I'd like to turn our thoughts to today: our friends that are no longer with us. They too are an important part of why we're all still here today. They are with us now in spirit...and as we go into the future, they will always be with us.
This is as much for them as it is for us.
"We've all come a long way and experienced much. Yet there is still *so* much more out there for us to explore!
Now, more than ever, these words ring true:
"'The ending has not yet been written.'
"With all that said...I give you Chiso Preniv...the first step towards a new future in D’ni!"
Wow...rereading that, I can't believe it was me who wrote that! Ha!
I've given some well-earned time off to my team. They could use the break, as could I. Off to vacation!
Almost four months since the opening and things have gone very well. I've gotten a few interested parties that will be readying the appropriate Linking Books to bring to the library, hopefully sometime early next year.
I've also been looking into featuring the Age of Serene as a tribute to the late Andy Legate's fine restoration work from the old days. I'll need to coordinate things very carefully for that one.
I'm also hoping to open up The Vale and Kotsahvosahn at that time as well. The former is a rather peculiar Age that blends the elements of D'ni culture with another called the Visula. I'll need to put down more details in that journal as soon as we figure out more.
The latter is a cavern location located at the southeast shore, opposite the City Proper.It's notable as it connects into the series of tunnels spidering out into the rock, which could potentially include the path to the surface.
We'll do what we can. In the meantime, time for us all to head up for the holidays. Here's to 2021 being even more exciting in D'ni than 2020!