Reference:2003-11-19 Douglas Sharper meets with explorers

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Douglas Sharper meets with explorers in Ae'gura, discussing his divide with the DRC and his recent assumption of the Great Tree Pub.

Aladrin Kelahn: You’re standing by Douglas Sharper in case you didn’t notice, Dusante.
Dusante: Cool.
Christoph05: So, Douglas, should we be getting ready for a visit from Mr. Engberg again tonight?
Dusante: When will the DRC open more of Teledahn?
Douglas Sharper: Whenever they get off their duffs and start working.
Aladrin Kelahn: Ha! Good answer.
Dusante: Hehe.
Gregor: I mean the map in your office shows there is a lot more to discover.
Douglas Sharper: More than you can imagine.
Aladrin Kelahn laughs
Christoph05: What is your opinion of Mr. Engberg, Douglas? Off the record.
Dusante: How close have you gotten to Shroomie? I’ve been watching her for a while.
Douglas Sharper: Close enough.
Gregor: Did you have a boat to discover Teledahn?
Douglas Sharper: Of sorts, yes.
Gregor: What can I do with these spore machines?
Douglas Sharper: Play with them.
Christoph05: What will happen when we play with them?
Douglas Sharper: Any of you met the DRC boys?
Nytram: Yes. There were here this time yesterday.
Christoph05: I met Engberg last night…after I stumbled upon a Nexus book.
Douglas Sharper: And how were they?
Nytram: A bit concerned! A bit officious.
Douglas Sharper: Yes, that’s them: Concerned and official.
Gregor: Rand didn’t talk a lot.
Christoph05: You tell us your opinions!
Nytram: Especially Dr. Kodama.
Douglas Sharper: Kodama! Ha!
Nytram: Anyone would think they own this place!
Douglas Sharper: Well, they think they do. If you only knew what they’ve done to me.
Christoph05: Do tell, Douglas.
Nytram: We can see. (laughs)
BobbyK: Did Engberg catch you by the ferry landing, Chris?
Christoph05: Actually, many of us were standing outside the Pub. He warned us of being careful. We didn’t leave, though.
Douglas Sharper: Good for you. Don’t pay any attention to their stupid rules.
Christoph05: Do you have any Linking Books you can share?
Douglas Sharper: Sorry. Not yet.
Christoph05: Not even an un-certified DRC book you have?
Douglas Sharper: I didn’t say I didn’t have any books.
Gregor: What is Noloben like, Douglas?
Douglas Sharper: Haven’t been to Noloben. Only overheard things.
Launton: I hear we have seen only ¼ of Teledahn, Douglas. Is that correct?
Douglas Sharper: I suppose. If even that. (Noloben) sounds smaller but very interesting.
Sol: Who here is a DRC council member?
Gregor Is the DRC trying to hold us back, or is everyt:hing just not ready yet?
Christoph05: I say they are holding us back!
Garvin: Both.
Douglas Sharper: That’s their way. At least they gave me the Pub…
Christoph05: If we can help you to expose any deep, dark secrets, let us know.
Douglas Sharper: …For all their problems…
Christoph05: Do you mind if we go there once in a while?
Douglas Sharper: …Made one right decision. Go where?
Gregor: I mean, the City looks really finished, but I don’t know if we’ll be able to enter at least some buildings.
Christoph05: To your pub.
Douglas Sharper: Believe me, if I could bring you there, I would. But, as much as I hate it, the DRC runs the show. For now.
Christoph05: If we find our own way there, is it okay if we hang out there?
Douglas Sharper: You can’t find your way there. It’s in a whole other district of the City. J’Taeri they call it.
Christoph05: Okay.
Douglas Sharper: In time, my friend. I’m doing my best.
Gregor: Douglas, is it possible that you don’t have a Relto (book) with you? I can’t see yours.
To Gregor: Yeesha can’t give him a Relto (book). They (DRC) rely on the Nexus.
Douglas Sharper: It’s smarter for me not to have one.
Dusante: Hey, have you started any work on the bar/pub in D’ni, Douglas?
Douglas Sharper: What’s that shirt you are wearing, Christoph05? Bet the DRC doesn’t like that. Ha!
Christoph05: It was a gift from a friend, Douglas. Have you ever heard the name Yeesha?
Douglas Sharper: Of course. The dead girl.
Christoph05: She gave it to me after I did a few things for her. She is very much alive, Douglas.
Gregor: Dead? For sure?
Douglas Sharper: Well, you think what you will. She’s dead as far as I know.
Christoph05: Narrow-minded, Douglas. I thought you shared the same views…She at least is alive in memory.
Dusante: What do you guys think of Zandi? I wonder when we will hear more from him.
Christoph05: So, what side are you on with the DRC, Douglas? For them or against them?
Garvin: Douglas, will the DRC always maintain ultimate control or could they possibly be OBE?
Gregor: Does the DRC let Zandi come to the City?
Douglas Sharper: Hmm. We’ll see. For now, I suppose I’m with them although I disagree with how they run things.
Kha’tie: Hello, Mr. Sharper! Nice to see you.
Douglas Sharper: Hello, Kha’tie.
Christoph05: Kha’tie, did Mr. Engberg tell you what happened last night?
Kha’tie: No, he didn’t! What happened, Christoph?
Christoph05: Grey was in D’ni walking barefoot!
Kha’tie: (laughs) Good old Grey.
Douglas Sharper: Well, good talking to you all. I have things to do but I’ll be back at 4:00 (local D’ni time).
Garvin: Thanks for stopping by.
Christoph05: Thanks for stopping by, Douglas.
BobbyK waves.