Reference:2003-11-19 Douglas Sharper meets with explorers

From Guild of Archivists

Douglas Sharper meets with explorers in Ae'gura, discussing his divide with the DRC and his recent assumption of the Great Tree Pub.

Aladrin Kelahn: You’re standing by Douglas Sharper in case you didn’t notice, Dusante.
Dusante: Cool.
Christoph05: So, Douglas, should we be getting ready for a visit from Mr. Engberg again tonight?
Dusante: When will the DRC open more of Teledahn?
Douglas Sharper: Whenever they get off their duffs and start working.
Aladrin Kelahn: Ha! Good answer.
Dusante: Hehe.
Gregor: I mean the map in your office shows there is a lot more to discover.
Douglas Sharper: More than you can imagine.
Aladrin Kelahn laughs
Christoph05: What is your opinion of Mr. Engberg, Douglas? Off the record.
Dusante: How close have you gotten to Shroomie? I’ve been watching her for a while.
Douglas Sharper: Close enough.
Gregor: Did you have a boat to discover Teledahn?
Douglas Sharper: Of sorts, yes.
Gregor: What can I do with these spore machines?
Douglas Sharper: Play with them.
Christoph05: What will happen when we play with them?
Douglas Sharper: Any of you met the DRC boys?
Nytram: Yes. There were here this time yesterday.
Christoph05: I met Engberg last night…after I stumbled upon a Nexus book.
Douglas Sharper: And how were they?
Nytram: A bit concerned! A bit officious.
Douglas Sharper: Yes, that’s them: Concerned and official.
Gregor: Rand didn’t talk a lot.
Christoph05: You tell us your opinions!
Nytram: Especially Dr. Kodama.
Douglas Sharper: Kodama! Ha!
Nytram: Anyone would think they own this place!
Douglas Sharper: Well, they think they do. If you only knew what they’ve done to me.
Christoph05: Do tell, Douglas.
Nytram: We can see. (laughs)
BobbyK: Did Engberg catch you by the ferry landing, Chris?
Christoph05: Actually, many of us were standing outside the Pub. He warned us of being careful. We didn’t leave, though.
Douglas Sharper: Good for you. Don’t pay any attention to their stupid rules.
Christoph05: Do you have any Linking Books you can share?
Douglas Sharper: Sorry. Not yet.
Christoph05: Not even an un-certified DRC book you have?
Douglas Sharper: I didn’t say I didn’t have any books.
Gregor: What is Noloben like, Douglas?
Douglas Sharper: Haven’t been to Noloben. Only overheard things.
Launton: I hear we have seen only ¼ of Teledahn, Douglas. Is that correct?
Douglas Sharper: I suppose. If even that. (Noloben) sounds smaller but very interesting.
Sol: Who here is a DRC council member?
Gregor Is the DRC trying to hold us back, or is everyt:hing just not ready yet?
Christoph05: I say they are holding us back!
Garvin: Both.
Douglas Sharper: That’s their way. At least they gave me the Pub…
Christoph05: If we can help you to expose any deep, dark secrets, let us know.
Douglas Sharper: …For all their problems…
Christoph05: Do you mind if we go there once in a while?
Douglas Sharper: …Made one right decision. Go where?
Gregor: I mean, the City looks really finished, but I don’t know if we’ll be able to enter at least some buildings.
Christoph05: To your pub.
Douglas Sharper: Believe me, if I could bring you there, I would. But, as much as I hate it, the DRC runs the show. For now.
Christoph05: If we find our own way there, is it okay if we hang out there?
Douglas Sharper: You can’t find your way there. It’s in a whole other district of the City. J’Taeri they call it.
Christoph05: Okay.
Douglas Sharper: In time, my friend. I’m doing my best.
Gregor: Douglas, is it possible that you don’t have a Relto (book) with you? I can’t see yours.
To Gregor: Yeesha can’t give him a Relto (book). They (DRC) rely on the Nexus.
Douglas Sharper: It’s smarter for me not to have one.
Dusante: Hey, have you started any work on the bar/pub in D’ni, Douglas?
Douglas Sharper: What’s that shirt you are wearing, Christoph05? Bet the DRC doesn’t like that. Ha!
Christoph05: It was a gift from a friend, Douglas. Have you ever heard the name Yeesha?
Douglas Sharper: Of course. The dead girl.
Christoph05: She gave it to me after I did a few things for her. She is very much alive, Douglas.
Gregor: Dead? For sure?
Douglas Sharper: Well, you think what you will. She’s dead as far as I know.
Christoph05: Narrow-minded, Douglas. I thought you shared the same views…She at least is alive in memory.
Dusante: What do you guys think of Zandi? I wonder when we will hear more from him.
Christoph05: So, what side are you on with the DRC, Douglas? For them or against them?
Garvin: Douglas, will the DRC always maintain ultimate control or could they possibly be OBE?
Gregor: Does the DRC let Zandi come to the City?
Douglas Sharper: Hmm. We’ll see. For now, I suppose I’m with them although I disagree with how they run things.
Kha’tie: Hello, Mr. Sharper! Nice to see you.
Douglas Sharper: Hello, Kha’tie.
Christoph05: Kha’tie, did Mr. Engberg tell you what happened last night?
Kha’tie: No, he didn’t! What happened, Christoph?
Christoph05: Grey was in D’ni walking barefoot!
Kha’tie: (laughs) Good old Grey.
Douglas Sharper: Well, good talking to you all. I have things to do but I’ll be back at 4:00 (local D’ni time).
Garvin: Thanks for stopping by.
Christoph05: Thanks for stopping by, Douglas.
BobbyK waves.