Reference:Catherine, personal journal (Riven (2024))

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Catherine, personal journal (Riven (2024))
Location Tay, player satchel
Author Catherine

I write quickly from my prison... Along with this journal, I've instructed Nelah to return the book that the Moiety intercepted upon your arrival. After questioning her, I've concluded that it was written by Atrus for a very specific purpose: Gehn will wish to use it—though he will undoubtedly be suspicious.

Once he is out of the way, you'll still need the combination to release me; I'm told he keeps it somewhere in his outpost on 233.
Then I assume we're to signal Atrus... I think I know how it might be done, but don't attempt it before I'm released!

― Catherine

It's been one week since I linked to Riven, and I'm still reeling from the changes I've witnessed. Even before my eyes could adjust, the smell of my homeland embraced me. The sweet salt air was instantly familiar—but the scene that soon resolved was not. As I stood there, struggling to make sense of what I was seeing, a violent clang sounded and bars appeared before me. It was then that I must have been darted, for my memory after is cloudy...
A Rivenese man, shabbily dressed in militaristic attire, was shouting something at me. He seemed to be attempting to speak D'ni, but his grasp of the language was so poor that I could not make out his words. And then the world went black.

Many voices passed... until at last I awoke, to a familiar face—Eti! After all this time, she's still as warm and kind as ever. And yet the years have already wounded her—as they've wounded everyone whose world became a prison when Gehn was trapped here. Everything is tinged with pain and loss—even Eti's bright smile, though she does hes best to hide it. A desperate urgency, squelched by unuttered fears, seethes beneath her cordial veneer.
When Atrus & I left Gehn here, all those years ago, I was haunted by visions of what had become of my people, and how they might have come to suffer under his rule. But the injustices I imagined were nothing compared to the atrocities that have actually come to pass.
The following is a chronicle of what I have learned—a record of all that has happened... should I no longer be here to tell it.

The Moiety ―

It seems the confrontation that led to Gehn's entrapment on Riven was witnessed by some of the Rivenese. But their interpretation of the event was skewed—no doubt due to Gehn's over-inflated view of himself. Atrus and I had hoped that stripping him of his ability to link to other worlds might lead people to conclude that his claims of godhood were false. But it appear the opposite has come to pass.
If Gehn was a god, and we had vanquished him—then we must be greater gods. It was thus assumed that my absence was only temporary, and that I would surely return one day to set the world right again.
Thus, the "Moiety" (the name they adopted after Gehn's disparaging use of the term) were born: sworn enemies of Gehn, and devotees of... me.
I had no inkling of this misconception about myself until two days ago—though in hindsight it makes perfect sense, given the way I've been treated.
For their part, they naturally assumed an omniscient deity might be well aware of their own divine status, so there was no need to inform me. I only finally pieced it together during a recent underground gathering, where they reenacted their version of the story of my life; a riveting tale that culminated with the confrontation between Atrus, myself and Gehn at the edge of the fissure. The events had been exaggerated to such grandiose proportions that I found it hard, at times, to suppress my laughter; and yet, this myth has also given them the courage to stand against Gehn—and the hope that they might someday be delivered from the relentless inhumanities of his authoritarian rule.
Even so, the fact that I am the one who has been cast as their god savior—an omnipotent being, who would one gay return to Riven, overthrow Gehn, and lead them to a new paradise—is deeply unsettling. I would do anything to free my people from this hellish existence, but I am not who they think I am. I'm only How, though, can I dissuade them from this notion without also crushing their hopes?

As Gehn's power grew, so did the Moiety. And in order to evade his persecution—for he would wipe them all out in an instant, if he could—they had to become more and more adept at concealing themselves. They make use of a network of caves, that so far he has failed to discover. But I fear its [sic] only a matter of time before they're found out.

[Illustration: Secret entrance to the Moiety linking room]

Further jeopardizing their existence, is the fact the Moiety absolutely refuse to sever their ties with those who have sided with Gehn. The two factions thus live together in surprising harmony, their overarching sense of cultural unity appearing to outweigh the schism—at least for now.


I heard today that Father and Enant were inducted into Gehn's labor force. I so long to see them—but a dimness shrouded Eti's face so abruptly when I asked of them that it left me hesitant to press the matter further. I must know the truth eventually, but I fear the news will not be good.
