
From Guild of Archivists
Race Pento
Personal details
Died 1466 DE

Mekarr was one of two sons of the leader of the Pento during the Pento War[1].

After using the Pento to take over D'ni, the Judges of Yahvo killed Mekarr's father, fearing he was becoming a threat. Mekarr and his brother Timaue vied for the throne, resulting in civil war. This allowed Ahlsendar to take back parts of D'ni and re-establish himself as a King of D'ni.

Alliance with Ahlsendar[edit | edit source]

Ahlsendar began negotiations with Mekarr. Ahlsendar agreed to help Mekarr against Timaue and write an Age for the Pento to live in. In return, the Pento would leave D'ni.

In 1376 DE, Ahlsendar lead a force into Pento. In what was called the Battle of the Great King, Ahlsendar's forces defeated Timaue. Mekarr turned over two of the leaders of the Judges of Yahvo to Ahlsendar.

Death[edit | edit source]

In 1466 DE, Mekarr linked into the Palace through books he'd gotten from the Judges. He killed Ahlsendar's wife and sons. Ahlsendar killed Mekarr himself. He then went onto release a deadly plague into the Pento age.

References[edit | edit source]