
From Guild of Archivists
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Feathers are a chat box easter egg, collectable (in a specific order; attempting to collect them out of said order will display a prompt in the chat box naming the feather explorers need to find prior to obtaining their current location's) by using the KI command "/get feather"; a list of the collected feathers is printed with the command "/look in pocket". The available feathers are:

Feathers Location
7 plain feathers Eder Gira
Red feather Eder Delin
Blue feather Dereno
Black feather Payiferen
Silver feather Er'cana
Duck feather Jalak
Rukh feather Ahnonay
Yellow feather Messengers' Pub (new)
Raven feather Chiso Preniv
Dove feather Veelay Tsahvahn
Green feather Eder Naybree