Reference:2007-02-06 Greydragon in the UO neighborhood

From Guild of Archivists

(02/06 23:52:42) Greydragon: Mathew - when the story started weeks ago that was our story launch..
(02/06 23:53:11) Matthew Allen: so the rate of story progression now is pretty much the same as we should expect after launch as well?
(02/06 23:53:49) Matthew Allen: then is there a fundamental difference between beta and launch in-cavern or is it just a marketing and payment thing?
(02/06 23:54:07) Greydragon: It might change a bit, but the DRC are coming into the game as much as they use too..
(02/06 23:54:34) Matthew Allen: ok, thanks
(02/06 23:54:41) Greydragon: We have had to drag out content to fill in some gaps we weren't expecting..
(02/06 23:55:05) Matthew Allen: Because we're all getting excited for launch and I was just curious about what exactly that meant for us already in the game, besides just a terminology thing
(02/06 23:55:08) Greydragon: I mean i hate to say it will be different
(02/06 23:55:14) Greydragon: and i hate to say it will be the same
(02/06 23:55:18) Matthew Allen: right
(02/06 23:55:30) BrettM: Now THAT adds a lot of clarity. B-)
(02/06 23:55:50) Greydragon: I think alot of it will be in the minds of the fans...
(02/06 23:56:18) BrettM: It always is. I'm just afraid a lot of people have inflated expectations for launch.
(02/06 23:56:20) Greydragon: I think everyone has been waiting to push the story till launch.. expecting that on launch day something big will happen.
(02/06 23:56:36) Matthew Allen: Right, I think that's the general feeling
(02/06 23:56:46) Greydragon: Brett, ya i am worried about the expectations too..
(02/06 23:56:58) Greydragon: everyone wants a huge age.. and lots of puzzles..
(02/06 23:57:30) Greydragon: I want that stuff too.. but the team is still small and we still have to work smart with the limited team we have..
(02/06 23:57:53) Matthew Allen: I think the big concern right now is just the story, like how Eder Delin doesn't have any real background like the other ages did.. and people are just hoping that will come eventually and we're not just getting content for the sake of content
(02/06 23:58:20) BrettM: I would agree with that. I like to at least have some history on the new Ages.
(02/06 23:59:03) BrettM: I hope Delin also fits in with the story somewhere down the road.
(02/06 23:59:32) Greydragon: I think the story will kick in when people start trying to change the story :)
(02/06 23:59:52) Matthew Allen: GD are you able to say whether the shutdown of the DRC forums was designed as a story thing or if there was a decision on Cyan's part not to have them any more.
(02/06 23:59:56) Matthew Allen: ?
(02/07 00:00:27) Greydragon: Mathew, i can't comment on a DRC decision..
(02/07 00:00:41) Whilyam: So, GD... ready to be burned at the stake because of your holding hostage the posts on the DRC site, evil evil man (j/k) :P
(02/07 00:00:53) BrettM roars with laughter
(02/07 00:01:23) Greydragon: :) I don't own the DRC Site.. last i knew it was Registered to Dr. Watson.
(02/07 00:01:23) Matthew Allen: yeah there were nearly some riots on the boards over that..
(02/07 00:01:38) BrettM: Some of the posts ought to be burned at the stake. But others need to be visible again.
(02/07 00:02:03) Yali: like RAWA's clarifications
(02/07 00:02:26) Whilyam: Any news on stuff Cyan is doing at the moment?
(02/07 00:02:27) Matthew Allen: So what is the general vibe at Cyan like these days? Is everybody pretty psyched about launch or is everyone just going around with dark circles under their eyes like zombies?
(02/07 00:02:56) Greydragon: I think Rand is going down to DICE
(02/07 00:03:11) Greydragon: Its crazy at work..
(02/07 00:03:40) BrettM: Well, at least you have a pizza party to look forward to. B-)
(02/07 00:03:50) amonre: yes!
(02/07 00:04:22) Greydragon: Yes, i am excited about that
(02/07 00:04:42) Yali: GD, may I ask, where do you see Uru in 5 to 10 years?
(02/07 00:05:14) Greydragon: So are people upset at the DRC or Cate over the forums.. or both?
(02/07 00:05:25) Matthew Allen: Cate primarily
(02/07 00:05:28) amonre: well, everybody is upset with cate anyway
(02/07 00:05:33) amonre: forums or not :)
(02/07 00:05:42) Greydragon: why does everyone hate cate...
(02/07 00:05:45) Matthew Allen: I'm still a Cate fan
(02/07 00:05:57) Greydragon: She is all about releasing areas and ages..
(02/07 00:05:57) Matthew Allen: I'm running against the grain on that
(02/07 00:06:04) BrettM: I don't know about "hate", but it isn't love at first sight.
(02/07 00:06:16) Matthew Allen: Yeah, anything that inspires the DRC to you know.. do stuff.. I'm all for, so I'm a Cate fan ;)
(02/07 00:06:16) BrettM: I'm just wary of her.
(02/07 00:07:17) Whilyam: I dislike Cate for removing the forums. That's one.
(02/07 00:07:22) Greydragon: brett why its not like shes is going to take your forums away.. oh wait..
(02/07 00:07:50) BrettM: She seems manipulative and disingenuous.
(02/07 00:08:06) Matthew Allen: I think some people are disliking Cate because she's using the Nexus without a KI and seems to be a transvestite (clapping his hands..)
(02/07 00:08:10) Whilyam: She also seems to be pushing the DRC too much. Like it or not, they are the experts and if they begin feeling that they're being forced to release unsafe areas, that's not good.
(02/07 00:08:13) Matthew Allen: And yes I am kidding
(02/07 00:14:10) Matthew Allen: GD.. so Rand put his favorite gametap games in a video. What are yours?
(02/07 00:14:22) Yali: No Riven?
(02/07 00:14:28) Yali: I was surprised
(02/07 00:14:31) Greydragon: RealMyst
(02/07 00:14:36) Greydragon: Riven
(02/07 00:14:38) BrettM claps his hands
(02/07 00:14:38) Matthew Allen laughs
(02/07 00:14:50) Yali: Riven for me...all the way!
(02/07 00:15:03) Greydragon: umm
(02/07 00:15:08) Greydragon: Worms..
(02/07 00:15:11) Whilyam: brb
(02/07 00:15:16) Greydragon: I'll have to think about it
(02/07 00:15:32) amonre: monkey island? :D
(02/07 00:15:34) BrettM: No Zork:Grand Inquisitor?
(02/07 00:15:36) Matthew Allen: I've REALLY been enjoying Gametap.. got me hooked on Deus Ex and Last Express
(02/07 00:15:37) Yali: I was surprised Rand didn't list Riven o_0
(02/07 00:15:42) Greydragon: is money island on there?
(02/07 00:15:47) Greydragon: monkey
(02/07 00:15:49) amonre: but it's darn good
(02/07 00:15:53) Matthew Allen: No monkey island on Gametap right now
(02/07 00:16:04) Matthew Allen: As awesome as that would be
(02/07 00:16:08) Greydragon: Ya they need Lucas Arts games..
(02/07 00:16:17) Matthew Allen: I put in a suggestion for it though, as well as The Longest Journey
(02/07 00:16:19) amonre: full throttle... is that one on gametap?
(02/07 00:16:32) Matthew Allen: No there are no LucasArts games on Gametap right now
(02/07 00:16:41) BrettM: They have Joust! That was always one of my favorites in the old arcades. I hope it plays well on a PC.
(02/07 00:16:45) Greydragon: Someone asked me another question before the Relto Spam...
(02/07 00:16:53) Greydragon: what was it?
(02/07 00:17:10) Yali: Was it...where do you see Uru in 5 to 10 years?
(02/07 00:17:26) Greydragon: Awww yes..
(02/07 00:17:59) Greydragon: Yali - as the eightball says here, To hard to see .. ask again later..
(02/07 00:18:10) Matthew Allen: like 5-10 years later ;)
(02/07 00:18:10) Whilyam starts to laugh
(02/07 00:18:13) Yali: thanks! will to
(02/07 00:18:19) Yali: lol
(02/07 00:18:22) Greydragon: personally (Non- Cyan reply )
(02/07 00:18:27) BrettM: Ask again in 5-10 years.
(02/07 00:20:31) Greydragon: ( me personally not cyan ) What I want for Uru is fan created content and ages.. i want the community to be able to make things and really feel like that are making a difference.. But that is so hard to see what Uru will be in 5 years ..
(02/07 00:20:45) Whilyam cheers
(02/07 00:20:52) BrettM claps his hands
(02/07 00:21:10) amonre: yeah that'd be quite cool... that is one of the reasons why I enjoy playing MUDs
(02/07 00:21:12) Kalohi claps hands
(02/07 00:21:13) Greydragon: Here is a question I ask to the fans...
(02/07 00:21:16) Yali: I'm really hoping for Riven quality graphics at some point
(02/07 00:21:26) Matthew Allen: The answer's 42
(02/07 00:21:33) Yali: at some point in the distant future
(02/07 00:21:47) Greydragon: Where do you see Uru in the next 5 years with the current staff size of Cyan.
(02/07 00:21:57) Kal: oh
(02/07 00:21:59) Kal: that's a tough one
(02/07 00:22:06) Kal: to be brutally honest, I see it about the same
(02/07 00:22:13) Kal: just with more content
(02/07 00:22:14) Matthew Allen: Define the same
(02/07 00:22:17) Greydragon: Where do you see uru if we were able to geth 100,000 subscribers..
(02/07 00:22:30) Kal: a bigger staff and fastr content updates
(02/07 00:22:34) BrettM: I can't see Uru at all unless it is successful enough to cause a staff-up.
(02/07 00:22:37) Kal: which ultimately results in better gameplay
(02/07 00:22:39) Kalohi: lots of lag
(02/07 00:22:58) Kal: yeah, exactly. Cyan needs to get bigger at some point if there will even BE an uru in 5 years
(02/07 00:23:05) Greydragon: Where do you see Uru and the Uru community if a Huge influx if new explorers entered the game?
(02/07 00:23:08) BrettM: Not necessarily faster content updates, but bigger and better updates.
(02/07 00:23:32) Kal: i c Uru's future accelerated, but again, it won't happen unless Cyan gets more people
(02/07 00:23:35) Kal: in mho
(02/07 00:23:52) BrettM: GD, I think it depends on if the huge influx remained, or if it was just a spike of people checking things out.
(02/07 00:24:16) Kalohi: were are you expecting to get 100,000 explorers?
(02/07 00:24:40) Kal: GD, here's a question I think we'd all like to know: what is the current size of the MOUL subscriber base?
(02/07 00:24:40) Whilyam: I see it slowly growing. It will depend on content both fan and Cyan-generated. If content is easy to create and show off then Uru will grow faster.
(02/07 00:24:48) amonre: in 5 years... a few tPotS-size packs of ages more? does that sound realistic?
(02/07 00:25:00) Whilyam: Yes, how many people have subscribed to Uru?
(02/07 00:25:07) Matthew Allen: How are we even able to grasp the exact size of the MOUL subscriber base? Technically everybody subscribed to Gametap is an Uru subscriber, but not all of them play it
(02/07 00:25:23) Greydragon: Kal- can't give numbers.. and Not expecting 100,000 .. would love it if it could happen . and personally i think ti could..
(02/07 00:25:30) Kal: wow
(02/07 00:25:32) Kal: so it's possible then
(02/07 00:25:37) Whilyam claps his hands
(02/07 00:25:38) Justin: Wow
(02/07 00:25:42) Justin cheers
(02/07 00:25:43) Kalohi: cool
(02/07 00:25:46) BrettM: I think a steady growth of people who stay is more important than a sudden huge influx.
(02/07 00:25:52) Yali: I hope Uru becomes bigger than WoW
(02/07 00:26:16) Greydragon: I don't want to even say Uru could be a wow killer..
(02/07 00:26:47) Greydragon: I think enough people play online games in some form that Uru could get much larger then it is..
(02/07 00:27:16) Matthew Allen: if Uru is a runaway hit is Cyan prepared to scale up?
(02/07 00:27:19) BrettM: Are we going to see an ad blitz from GameTap?
(02/07 00:27:26) Greydragon: Let me say this.. i know the Uru sales #s and i wouldn't be surprised if people are out there and don't know that "uru " came back
(02/07 00:27:38) Kal: so it's a matter of advertising then
(02/07 00:27:40) Greydragon: Kal both
(02/07 00:27:43) Kal: ah
(02/07 00:27:53) Whilyam: When will we see those MOUL TV spots?
(02/07 00:27:53) BrettM cheers
(02/07 00:27:55) amonre: gd, there's even myst fans who don't know about uru live...
(02/07 00:28:10) Kalohi: Evry one that knows someone that likes Myst, tell them about this
(02/07 00:28:16) amonre: a few days ago somebody logged in to cyanchat... somebody who had been playing all the games but hadn't heard of UL yet
(02/07 00:28:16) Greydragon: Matt, i think we are always prepared..
(02/07 00:28:38) Kal: GD, can i make a brief, humble yet selfish request?
(02/07 00:28:49) Greydragon: TV spots no clue.. prob around launch?
(02/07 00:29:09) Greydragon: Kal - whats up?
(02/07 00:29:12) Kal: is there any concept art that could be released on teh site in teh near future?
(02/07 00:29:17) Kal: I think we're all dying to see a few hint
(02/07 00:29:27) Kal: nothing huge- small stuff
(02/07 00:29:33) Kal: i don't want it to be spoilerful
(02/07 00:29:50) Greydragon: I'll look into it.. i was surprised and kinda sad that some of Stephans stuff was released.. but i'll look into it..
(02/07 00:29:58) Matthew Allen: GD- how far ahead is Uru Live "planned", like is the story and content mapped out for the next 3 months? 6? year?
(02/07 00:30:00) Kal: ok thanks
(02/07 00:30:16) Greydragon: AS you might have noticed a lot of the new ages were recently discovered
(02/07 00:30:27) Kal: yeah we noticed that on the DRC site
(02/07 00:30:30) BrettM: Yeah, I was a little disappointed that the xmas visit from Stan kind of fizzled.
(02/07 00:30:31) Yali: I'd like to see a larger version of the Ahnonay panorama, personally
(02/07 00:31:07) Greydragon: Mathew - depends on what kinda planning you want..
(02/07 00:31:22) Greydragon: Do we have an over arching story for the next 5 years?
(02/07 00:31:24) Greydragon: yes
(02/07 00:31:37) Greydragon: Do we have a smaller story for a year
(02/07 00:31:40) Greydragon: yes
(02/07 00:31:41) Jan Stepmeir: omg would I love to get my hands on THAT manual
(02/07 00:31:47) Matthew Allen: wow, you guys are like Lost writers
(02/07 00:31:48) Greydragon: and smaller then that..
(02/07 00:31:55) amonre: ah, I thought cyantists were like, "sooo I just got up, let's see what kind of story we can come up with for today"
(02/07 00:32:19) Matthew Allen: writing the series seasons in advance ;)
(02/07 00:32:27) Greydragon: amonre - but the story changes.. no one knew the great tree would do that they did and it changes..
(02/07 00:32:46) Kal: ah, so the fans have more of an effect on the storyline than just 'planned' stuf?
(02/07 00:32:49) Greydragon: do what they did.. and it changed things..
(02/07 00:33:00) Greydragon: Heck ya!!
(02/07 00:33:05) amonre cheers
(02/07 00:33:07) Kal: I feel empowered now
(02/07 00:33:17) Matthew Allen: Let's go riot for.. uh.. something!
(02/07 00:33:25) Greydragon: thats whats getting me fustrated about the forums stuff..
(02/07 00:33:29) Jan Stepmeir ponders killing Cate to alter the storyline
(02/07 00:33:30) Kal: forums stuff?
(02/07 00:33:55) Matthew Allen: Why is it frustrating you? That people are just accepting information without doing anything about it?
(02/07 00:34:19) Greydragon: personally matt yes
(02/07 00:34:26) Greydragon: you guys can do anything..
(02/07 00:34:37) Greydragon: and i have to sit here and read forums and stuff
(02/07 00:34:45) Whilyam nods his head
(02/07 00:34:57) Greydragon: I can't be a part of the fun..
(02/07 00:35:05) BrettM: So, protest on the Great Stairs? It's been done ...
(02/07 00:35:11) Kal: naw. riot sounds better.
(02/07 00:35:13) amonre: gd... but isn't that partially the point? It'd be even less enjoyable if everyone would simply accept everything...
(02/07 00:35:16) Kal: we could riot for eh...something.
(02/07 00:35:21) Matthew Allen: brett, hunger strike, its easy to do around here
(02/07 00:35:26) Kal: yeah!
(02/07 00:35:27) BrettM roars with laughter
(02/07 00:36:03) Greydragon: Anyways.. i can't wait to see where everything goes
(02/07 00:36:09) Kal: us 2
(02/07 00:36:16) BrettM: Likewise.
(02/07 00:36:16) Greydragon: We have a direction.. but things can change..
(02/07 00:36:19) Kal: we're barely holding our pants on with anticipation, I can tell you...
(02/07 00:36:43) Greydragon: maybe i said to much:)
(02/07 00:39:41) BrettM: Where IS the aquarium, anyway?
(02/07 00:39:52) Greydragon: Thats one thing. i don't know how much you have control what gets opened up next.. I never looked into that
(02/07 00:41:08) Greydragon: so anyways..
(02/07 00:41:11) Kal: So, GD, would it be ok if u could find out how much influence we have on what's released?
(02/07 00:41:28) Greydragon: Kal.. you'll have to ask the DRC on that
(02/07 00:41:30) Matthew Allen: i personally don't want to know
(02/07 00:41:40) Matthew Allen: Would destroy the mystery a bit
(02/07 00:41:47) Mari': GD do ou know what if anything we do have influence over?
(02/07 00:41:51) BrettM: I agree with Matt. It's up to us to probe the limits.
(02/07 00:42:16) Greydragon: Best example i can say - is Fioca and the Great tree
(02/07 00:43:21) Greydragon: The great tree wasn't a planned group, fioca came up with it started getting in conversations with sharper and soo the great tree had jackets to show who they were
(02/07 00:43:35) Matthew Allen: Yeah I wonder how the story would change if we shoved Cate off a cliff
(02/07 00:43:38) Greydragon: soon
(02/07 00:43:40) Greydragon: sorry
(02/07 00:43:58) Greydragon: Matt that be sad.
(02/07 00:44:00) Kalohi: DRC shut down deu to lack of funding
(02/07 00:44:03) Kal: lol
(02/07 00:44:06) Kal: don't make GD sad
(02/07 00:44:09) Kal: his job is hard enough as it is
(02/07 00:44:22) Valdez: GD!!!!
(02/07 00:44:32) Valdez: Can I touch you?
(02/07 00:44:41) Greydragon: uhhhhh
(02/07 00:44:47) Matthew Allen: This conversation is getting increasingly disturbing
(02/07 00:44:51) Kal roars with laughter
(02/07 00:44:53) Whilyam agrees
(02/07 00:45:09) Whilyam notices GD hide behind the podium
(02/07 00:45:10) Greydragon: No touching the wild animals
(02/07 00:45:15) Whilyam roars with laughter
(02/07 00:45:15) Greydragon tries to be funny
(02/07 00:46:37) kengehr2785: Its in relation to Windows Vista..any idea if Uru will be more compatible by Feb 15th?
(02/07 00:46:58) Matthew Allen: yes, excellent question Ken.. do you know what the status of Uru and Vista is, GD?
(02/07 00:47:00) Greydragon: Vista - no clue
(02/07 00:47:06) kengehr2785: i'm running Vista now and after changing some compatiibility settings I'm abe to use the stand alone client no problem
(02/07 00:47:09) Greydragon: ask support
(02/07 00:47:09) KAL`EL: cows!!!!!
(02/07 00:47:11) Kal: They're the Bahro!
(02/07 00:47:41) *Moietay: GD, do you know if Cyan has any plans on releasing the Book of Marrim that was talked about a few years ago. I understand it was started, but it seems to have been forgotten about with Uru returning.
(02/07 00:47:56) Greydragon: Back burner as aways..
(02/07 00:48:01) Greydragon: always
(02/07 00:48:14) Jan Stepmeir: yes, tell Rand to get it finished, I need to know who Marrim is!!
(02/07 00:48:29) Greydragon: It explains alot of things...
(02/07 00:48:39) Greydragon: okay all night
(02/07 00:48:42) Greydragon: see ya later