Reference:2007-03-07 Greydragon in the UO neighborhood

From Guild of Archivists

(03/07 22:28:14) Tayrtahn: oh, hey Greydragon
(03/07 22:28:27) HarryPowers: yes a long white beard that would go good...
(03/07 22:28:29) Nine-O-Nine: and that's about equivalent to Shalom, Ked
(03/07 22:28:35) Kedry: Oh. Oops...
(03/07 22:28:37) Kedry: Ok.
(03/07 22:28:49) Kedry: 10 days to St. Patrick's.
(03/07 22:28:49) Keira Trent thinks of Gandalf from the talk of white beards
(03/07 22:28:52) Overdrive: So whats new in the world of cyan... or at least what are you alowed to share :)
(03/07 22:29:26) Greydragon: Ha.. umm don't know if i can share..
(03/07 22:29:29) Nine-O-Nine thinks the hood will fill up real fast
(03/07 22:29:41) Keira Trent: what does Bevin mean?
(03/07 22:29:42) JWPlatt: Hi GreyDragon. News of your visit travels faster than storyline, you know...
(03/07 22:29:43) Greydragon: unearthed a mysterious new age..
(03/07 22:29:49) Nyx: you can trust us
(03/07 22:29:53) AKA: you can tell us Gd...we wont tell
(03/07 22:29:57) AKA starts to laugh
(03/07 22:29:57) Overdrive: Oh yeah, Nick was talking about that earlier
(03/07 22:29:58) Jan Stepmeir: lol
(03/07 22:30:03) Kedry: /stoplog. :P
(03/07 22:30:05) Overdrive: Have you discovered a name?
(03/07 22:30:18) Nyx: this is the discrete bevin
(03/07 22:30:18) Greydragon: ya lots of meetings.. today was a good day though..
(03/07 22:30:26) Kedry: :D
(03/07 22:30:27) Keira Trent wants to add Aka and Nine but doesn't know how.
(03/07 22:30:27) K'Tania: GD...Any word on when they will have the fix for the "hood" change problem ready?
(03/07 22:30:29) AKA cheers
(03/07 22:30:43) Greydragon: change name? or what change?
(03/07 22:30:46) HarryPowers cheers
(03/07 22:30:47) AKA: open you ki keira
(03/07 22:30:50) Tayrtahn: why was today a good day?
(03/07 22:30:57) Keira Trent: K
(03/07 22:31:00) AKA: click on the middle icon
(03/07 22:31:06) Jan Stepmeir: and they shall name the new age Jesus ... errr .... wait ... wrong story...
(03/07 22:31:08) K'Tania: Changing your say
(03/07 22:31:09) AKA: the one that looks like a little guy
(03/07 22:31:18) K'Tania: uO bevin
(03/07 22:31:18) Overdrive: lol
(03/07 22:31:23) AKA: go to age players
(03/07 22:31:29) Kedry: Hey, GD? I've been trying to catch you to ask about hood customizations...
(03/07 22:31:38) S'eahag: I'm really enjoying Uru Live
(03/07 22:31:42) Keira Trent: K
(03/07 22:31:49) Keira Trent: yes ma'am
(03/07 22:31:50) Greydragon: K you can't go to someone else relto and join that way?
(03/07 22:31:53) HarryPowers: yes i would really like to know about hood customizations also...
(03/07 22:31:58) S'eahag: Think you all are doing great.
(03/07 22:32:04) K'Tania: Nope..didn't work
(03/07 22:32:04) Kedry: Are we allowed to choose some?
(03/07 22:32:31) K'Tania: If you ask ResEng W.Corat he can tell you what happens when I try.
(03/07 22:32:31) Greydragon: not right now.. that is one of the many things we want in the future
(03/07 22:32:38) Kedry: Ok, thanks.
(03/07 22:32:45) Kedry: Hi, JWPlatt!
(03/07 22:32:46) Tayrtahn: many, many things, I suspect
(03/07 22:32:50) JWPlatt: In the future. :)
(03/07 22:32:52) Nine-O-Nine: AKA can't jpin a hood, or have people join her hood.... she owns 3 hoods (3!)
(03/07 22:33:08) Greydragon: wow
(03/07 22:33:15) Greydragon: that can't be
(03/07 22:33:20) Nine-O-Nine: ask!
(03/07 22:33:30) Nine-O-Nine: it's in her KI, and i've been in all 3
(03/07 22:33:31) K'Tania: i have the same peoblem
(03/07 22:33:37) AKA nods her head
(03/07 22:33:38) Jan Stepmeir: does Cyan keep a big marker board with things that "Can" and "Can Not" be talked about? ;) lol
(03/07 22:33:40) Greydragon: AKA put in a bug?
(03/07 22:33:41) K'Tania: Problem
(03/07 22:33:44) Tayrtahn is a bit puzzled...
(03/07 22:33:48) S'eahag: Lol
(03/07 22:33:55) K'Tania: I did
(03/07 22:33:57) AKA: i am the proud owner of 3 hoods
(03/07 22:33:59) Keira Trent: Ah darn, I gotta go.
(03/07 22:33:59) From White Rose in White Rose's Negilahn: My power just went out
(03/07 22:34:02) AKA: i did put in a bug
(03/07 22:34:07) From White Rose in White Rose's Negilahn: this is getting to be no fun
(03/07 22:34:09) Kedry: Bye, Kiera!
(03/07 22:34:10) K'Tania: And was told theat it was fixed
(03/07 22:34:12) AKA: bye keria it was nice meeting you
(03/07 22:34:13) Jan Stepmeir: hoodalicious
(03/07 22:34:19) AKA: come back again
(03/07 22:34:20) Nine-O-Nine: Bye Keira
(03/07 22:34:24) S'eahag: Bye!
(03/07 22:34:28) Greydragon: no marker board..
(03/07 22:34:37) Overdrive: Oh, if you're not already swamped with questions... is there any plan to get rid of the numbering if you happen to reset an age? It kinda bugs me that i'm talking from Overdrive(3) Negilahn :P
(03/07 22:34:39) Keira Trent: goodnight everyone it was nice meeting you all and I hope to come by again.
(03/07 22:34:42) Greydragon: first tim i am going to say this in a long time..
(03/07 22:34:45) K'Tania: But then I had a REsEng visit my hood and found out that the bug was still there
(03/07 22:34:58) AKA: please do come back kiera
(03/07 22:34:59) Greydragon: PM me on the forums with that marker issue.. give me your ki #
(03/07 22:35:04) Greydragon: I will look in the vault..
(03/07 22:35:11) Keira Trent: now..I just need to figure out, how I log out
(03/07 22:35:15) Kedry: Shall I not log this, then? ;)
(03/07 22:35:33) Tayrtahn: so, any special reason you said today was a good day?
(03/07 22:35:38) Greydragon: Keira you never log out..
(03/07 22:35:42) Greydragon: lol
(03/07 22:35:44) Jan Stepmeir: have you ever gotten lost in the "vault"?
(03/07 22:36:17) Kedry waves hello
(03/07 22:36:19) Greydragon: na the vault isn't hard to navigate..
(03/07 22:36:31) Kedry waves hello
(03/07 22:36:32) K'Tania: GD I have pictures of what AKA and I go thru with the bevins...
(03/07 22:36:36) Tayrtahn says hey
(03/07 22:36:41) K'Tania: Do you want to see them?
(03/07 22:36:42) Overdrive: Is it the same vault that has the Ark of the Covenant?
(03/07 22:36:51) AKA: so do i k'tania
(03/07 22:36:52) Jan Stepmeir: lol
(03/07 22:37:02) Greydragon: K'tania just pm me on the forum.. i'll really look into it..
(03/07 22:37:07) JWPlatt: How about you, GD. How are you and everyone doing personally? Getting any time to yourself now, maybe some sleep? Feeling good?
(03/07 22:37:07) Kedry: Thanks, GD. ;)
(03/07 22:37:10) AKA: are cracking me up
(03/07 22:37:18) K'Tania: ah but i have my view and the ResEng's view as well.
(03/07 22:37:25) K'Tania: K
(03/07 22:37:40) Nyx: GD, if I may ask, how do you prioritize which bugs get addressed first
(03/07 22:37:55) Greydragon: Um.. today was a good day just cause we had a meeting and i think everyone left feeling pretty good.. well everyone who didn't have any bugs..
(03/07 22:37:57) Chloe: overdrive, the Ark isn't in the vault anymore. After WII was one, we moved it to Area 51 along with Walt Disney's frozen head.
(03/07 22:38:04) Thumbs up from Tayrtahn
(03/07 22:38:24) Chloe: won not one.
(03/07 22:38:24) Jan Stepmeir: and the bones of the Elephant Man
(03/07 22:38:35) AKA: all these green hats are great
(03/07 22:38:46) Chloe: ah yes, the Elephant man. I love the elphant man.
(03/07 22:38:47) Greydragon: nyx.. its hard..
(03/07 22:38:51) Tayrtahn nods his head
(03/07 22:38:51) Kedry: Yeah, this'll make a great pic for my new imager. ;)
(03/07 22:38:54) Jackburne: What is this? Green hat night!
(03/07 22:39:01) Nyx: I'm sure
(03/07 22:39:05) Greydragon: We are working on a way to "catch up"
(03/07 22:39:07) Maria Valentine: all hail the green hatts!
(03/07 22:39:09) HarryPowers: yep.. the irish are comming
(03/07 22:39:12) Maria Valentine: hats
(03/07 22:39:24) Nyx nods her head
(03/07 22:39:36) Jan Stepmeir: don't worry about the Irish, great scientists one second, drunks the next...
(03/07 22:39:41) Kedry: Oh, GD, one of the main complaints is the "lack of story"....will we be seing any more in the near future?
(03/07 22:39:53) Greydragon: want a perfect world idea?
(03/07 22:39:57) Maria Valentine: hey! I resemble that remark!
(03/07 22:40:04) AKA: well I think you guys are doing a great job...this place is awesome
(03/07 22:40:05) Nyx: always
(03/07 22:40:10) Tayrtahn: I love perfect worlds
(03/07 22:40:14) Greydragon: about the bugs and content..
(03/07 22:40:22) Kedry: Jus' Kedri the reporter. ;)
(03/07 22:40:22) Nyx: yes please
(03/07 22:40:23) AKA: sure
(03/07 22:40:26) HarryPowers: so do I.... where is the link book again for that perfect world
(03/07 22:40:30) Overdrive: Idea's are always good
(03/07 22:40:36) Jan Stepmeir: we could use more shrubbery
(03/07 22:40:46) Jackburne sneezes
(03/07 22:41:07) Tayrtahn sneezes
(03/07 22:41:09) Jackburne sneezes
(03/07 22:41:14) Jan Stepmeir: ok who's playing with the lights?
(03/07 22:41:20) Kedry: *Notices sneezes* Er...maybe less flowering shrubbery...
(03/07 22:41:22) Jan Stepmeir: you're kicking up dust
(03/07 22:41:28) Tayrtahn starts to laugh
(03/07 22:41:52) Kedry: Nice Max T-shirt, by the way. Do you play them?
(03/07 22:41:57) Greydragon: IN a perfect world you would have one team just making new content and fixing bugs... another team making content and fixing bugs but at a staggered date. and o
(03/07 22:42:19) Maria Valentine does a dance
(03/07 22:42:25) Nine-O-Nine: well.... right now.... gotta manage scarce resources..... bugs seems a bit more pressing, ATM..... but.... that's just me
(03/07 22:42:40) Greydragon: So.. when one team is launching content for an update.. the other team is making content and fixing bugs for the next update..
(03/07 22:42:49) JWPlatt: And would this perfect world have about 75 employees in it?
(03/07 22:42:52) HarryPowers: Valentine don't distract us here... with the little dance.
(03/07 22:43:08) Greydragon: jw.. maybe i don't do the math..
(03/07 22:43:11) K'Tania is waiting...
(03/07 22:43:13) Maria Valentine: oh sorry
(03/07 22:43:17) Nyx nods her head
(03/07 22:43:24) Kedry hums the Sam & Max theme song
(03/07 22:43:28) Tayrtahn: what is the current staff size?
(03/07 22:43:31) JWPlatt: YOu get help on all these puzzles then? :)
(03/07 22:43:35) HarryPowers: just hanking your chain ... Dance on...
(03/07 22:43:51) Jackburne points
(03/07 22:44:04) Greydragon: Tay- I was tryng to figure that out the other day..
(03/07 22:44:14) Yellowdog: Im sure bugs get fixed in importance of gameplat... Things that intirupt gameplay get fixed first ...minor Graphic details second...
(03/07 22:44:14) Greydragon: but is smaller then it use to be...
(03/07 22:44:17) Kedry: Didn't RAWA say 40-50?
(03/07 22:44:22) Overdrive: Has the push to release so many smaller ages been part of the plan to set the stage for this story content peope have been requesting?
(03/07 22:44:27) Kedry: 'round 48?
(03/07 22:44:32) Greydragon: Yellow.. yes.. if it blocks gameplay its first..
(03/07 22:44:41) JWPlatt: RAWA said 40-something.
(03/07 22:44:45) Greydragon: Kedry- smaller
(03/07 22:44:48) Overdrive: I mean
(03/07 22:44:51) Kedry: 38?
(03/07 22:44:52) Overdrive: erm mt
(03/07 22:44:54) Greydragon: Haha
(03/07 22:44:57) Kedry: '-'
(03/07 22:44:57) AKA: lol
(03/07 22:44:58) Nyx: that's sounds like a good system, I'm just concerned that the bugs that affect a very small number of players will never make it to the top of the list. Personal interest
(03/07 22:45:15) JWPlatt: Because of the new hires for ResEng's.
(03/07 22:45:18) Greydragon: nyx.. i think we try to get them all..
(03/07 22:45:29) Greydragon: i know some bugs are harder to find then others
(03/07 22:45:51) Yellowdog: I just want to say I think you all are doing a FANTASIC job!!!!
(03/07 22:45:54) Yellowdog cheers
(03/07 22:45:58) Greydragon: We are tracking this one down now.. and we have found others along the way which we think have helped some people.
(03/07 22:46:00) Tayrtahn cheers
(03/07 22:46:00) HarryPowers: yes ... i agree...
(03/07 22:46:00) Tai'lahr cheers
(03/07 22:46:05) HarryPowers cheers
(03/07 22:46:10) Kedry: Not to bother you(Much), but I've been having a rare bug with my personal log-in picture where it cuts off the side...
(03/07 22:46:11) AKA cheers
(03/07 22:46:26) Nine-O-Nine: because i'd really like to re-join my hood.... and since AKA's the only remaining member... i can't.
(03/07 22:46:31) Tayrtahn: I have noticed a few bug fixes along the way - it makes me happy
(03/07 22:46:34) Jackburne: Green hat night
(03/07 22:46:38) Yellowdog: Im just glad to be here and hope to be for a long tim
(03/07 22:46:47) Montgomery: SOrry -- didn't mean for that to be private.
(03/07 22:46:50) Yellowdog: time
(03/07 22:46:54) Nyx: Your guys are really dedicated and I appreciate all the time they've spent trying to fix my bugs.
(03/07 22:46:55) K'Tania: Bye the way thank w. cowart...he's been a big help with the bevin bug.
(03/07 22:47:22) Jan Stepmeir: I know, I've often wanted to time travel to 5 years into the future and see how URU has changed over that length of time
(03/07 22:47:29) Yellowdog pats graydragon and Cyan on th back!
(03/07 22:47:33) Nine-O-Nine: i hear that bugs' been upped to top priority.... which is nice :-)
(03/07 22:47:45) JWPlatt cheers for the great job all the ResEng's do!
(03/07 22:47:46) S'eahag: My husband hasn't seen me in over 4 weeks since I joined!
(03/07 22:47:47) Greydragon: we do the best we can with the team we have..
(03/07 22:47:54) Montgomery: Just got here -- which bug?
(03/07 22:47:56) Kedry nods his head
(03/07 22:48:14) Greydragon: we, like you, want more content and story.. we try to do as much as we can
(03/07 22:48:14) K'Tania: And tell everyone there thank the time uru originally came out my system couldn't support it and only now have i been able to play.
(03/07 22:48:14) HarryPowers: Seahag.. do not worry you can remarry in here>
(03/07 22:48:29) Greydragon: I understand that the new ages lack backstory...
(03/07 22:48:31) Nine-O-Nine: some people can't join a hood or join other to a hood. they are blocked, Monty
(03/07 22:48:39) Montgomery: Greydragon, is there any process in plce to educate the new post-beta players how to report bugs?
(03/07 22:48:40) JWPlatt: There's a bug flying around the light right next to GreyDragon rigth now...
(03/07 22:48:48) S'eahag: Lol, this one has been bring food home so I can play!
(03/07 22:48:50) Yellowdog: but forward progress is nice!
(03/07 22:48:50) Kedry laughs
(03/07 22:48:57) Nyx: He can't get away from them
(03/07 22:49:01) K'Tania laughs
(03/07 22:49:11) Montgomery: hHx, 9
(03/07 22:49:15) Montgomery: thx
(03/07 22:49:17) HarryPowers: yes i see that bug
(03/07 22:49:20) Jan Stepmeir: take your Relto book, open it up, get the bug into it and rapidly close it shut
(03/07 22:49:22) Tayrtahn: ack, he was about to comment on the lack of backstory! I wanna hear that
(03/07 22:49:24) Greydragon: Mont - i'll mention it.. be nice to have a guide i bet..
(03/07 22:49:32) Jackburne does a dance
(03/07 22:49:38) HarryPowers: right.. close that book
(03/07 22:49:51) Overdrive: Do you have a plan to start adding backstory to the new ages?
(03/07 22:49:53) Danster (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(03/07 22:50:11) AKA: well we get the story on Tsogal and Delin?
(03/07 22:50:19) Greydragon: well depends on how you think we need to add the back story..
(03/07 22:50:23) AKA: and what the Rings in relto mean?
(03/07 22:50:34) Greydragon: All you really want to know.. is why was it a d'ni age
(03/07 22:50:46) Greydragon: and how does yeesha and bahro fit in right now..
(03/07 22:50:59) Tayrtahn: that sounds good
(03/07 22:51:00) Yellowdog: thats a great start!
(03/07 22:51:06) From Nebodin in D'ni-Ae'gura: diddle de dee, anyone keen for a drink in the kahlo pub ;P
(03/07 22:51:09) Kedry: Well, we already know the D'ni had garden ages.
(03/07 22:51:11) Greydragon: that stuff will come
(03/07 22:51:17) Tayrtahn cheers
(03/07 22:51:18) Yellowdog: have you heard from yeesha?
(03/07 22:51:19) Kedry claps his hands
(03/07 22:51:23) HarryPowers cheers
(03/07 22:51:25) Overdrive: in a word yes, but it doesnt have to pile up so much, its jsut we dont have very much in the way of gentle direction.
(03/07 22:51:27) K'Tania: GD i'll pm you tomorrow. and thanks
(03/07 22:51:30) Montgomery: Greydragon, a bunch of us sent a letter (vi D'net) to the DRC almost 3 weeks ago asking for information about Pento. But no response. Are they too busy, just blowing us off, or maybe they didn't get the letter? How can we get confirmation that they received it?
(03/07 22:51:43) Greydragon: might not be in journals.. but i think you will start to understand things..
(03/07 22:51:47) Nine-O-Nine: yes.... or is it even a ... "Yeesha" age... or a "him" age.... (that guy she reffers to in the intro)
(03/07 22:51:52) Greydragon: MOnt - you would have to ask them...
(03/07 22:51:59) Montgomery: How?
(03/07 22:52:04) Greydragon: HIm?
(03/07 22:52:14) Greydragon: Oh ya him... :)
(03/07 22:52:16) Kedry: Oh yes...we all want to know who "He" is...
(03/07 22:52:21) AKA: lol
(03/07 22:52:22) Nine-O-Nine: she says "He comnes.... and i will come"... so...
(03/07 22:52:25) Tayrtahn: awesome - it's really great to hear that these are not "once-off" ages
(03/07 22:52:26) Overdrive: The part about "He will come as well"
(03/07 22:52:28) Kedry: Who is he?
(03/07 22:52:30) Nine-O-Nine: we don't know who "He" is....
(03/07 22:52:32) Yellowdog: GD, Has Yesha tried to contact you all?
(03/07 22:52:38) Montgomery: I guess it Ahlsender, the Great King
(03/07 22:53:02) JWPlatt: Some think the story should be a stronger narrative with events which explorers can participate in and change to some extent, but that the main story should not wait for us so much.
(03/07 22:53:31) conndarus: im verry sorry.. who knows uruberlu?
(03/07 22:53:34) Overdrive: Its just nice to get a little positive feeback that what we're doing is the right thing... or even if its the wrong thing. But now all we have are bharo rings for the sake of rings...
(03/07 22:54:01) Overdrive: or sparklies for the sake of sparklies
(03/07 22:54:11) Greydragon: JW - Cyan just has to be smart on it..
(03/07 22:54:12) Tayrtahn: hey, the sparklies are pretty
(03/07 22:54:25) Yellowdog: and I heard there was a meeting with Sharper... Any info on that?/
(03/07 22:54:28) Greydragon: its hard to have the drc come in.. if they don't really have anything new to say?
(03/07 22:54:39) Greydragon: that would be a boring story
(03/07 22:54:41) Montgomery: For me the most frustrating thing is that it seems like the only way we explorers can impact the game is by holding these childish sit-ins. Nothing else works.
(03/07 22:54:43) Kedry: Well, we could always have more Cate controversy...
(03/07 22:54:47) Nine-O-Nine: lol ok. That's true
(03/07 22:54:53) Kedry: Laxman's job on the line...
(03/07 22:55:02) Kedry: Kodama something or other...
(03/07 22:55:07) Tayrtahn: hey, we'd be happy to play a round of Heek with an off-duty DRC member
(03/07 22:55:20) S'eahag: Table's borked
(03/07 22:55:23) Greydragon: I think all the DRC's jobs are on the line.. lol jk
(03/07 22:55:26) AKA: lol Sea
(03/07 22:55:27) Overdrive: lol
(03/07 22:55:53) Nine-O-Nine: is it really? Havent played heek in a bit....
(03/07 22:55:53) Nyx: on another level, it's kind of interesting to watch all of the collecting going on in the context of Yeesha's lectures on greed and selfishness
(03/07 22:56:38) Montgomery: Surely the DRC is made up of more then 5 people (plus the very helpful ResEngs) -- even a visit from some junior grade electrician third class working on the lightin system would be welcome.
(03/07 22:56:40) Overdrive: I agree nyx, i just wish we had more context to the content. A nice balance helps everyone see the whole picture
(03/07 22:56:40) Greydragon: ha.. the sit-ins... thats all i will say on that subject
(03/07 22:56:48) Jan Stepmeir: how is it greed when it's freely given?
(03/07 22:56:50) Drew Kafka: OK. I didn't get the memo. Someone help me out here. Are we shooting an in-cavern Lucky charms commercial or should I break out the leprechaun spray?
(03/07 22:57:06) Kedry: New hat today, Drew.
(03/07 22:57:14) JWPlatt clears his comments about sit-ins.
(03/07 22:57:20) Drew Kafka: Oh. Thanks you.
(03/07 22:57:26) HarryPowers: Its bad green hair day...
(03/07 22:57:27) Greydragon: Nice Drew...
(03/07 22:57:29) Yellowdog: What everyone has to understand is every day WE are having an impact on the game... If you think GD is here omly as GD or if other drc and developers arn on here as new players... you are mistaken
(03/07 22:57:37) Nyx: even though they are gifts, we still see our avaricious streak coming out, I'm no exception
(03/07 22:57:45) Nine-O-Nine: check your closet,Drew.... someone snuck a hat in it. A reverse-kleptomaniac or such....
(03/07 22:58:00) Greydragon: darn elves..
(03/07 22:58:01) Overdrive: Maybe the bharo are part irish?
(03/07 22:58:02) Greydragon: lol
(03/07 22:58:05) Greydragon: jk
(03/07 22:58:05) AKA: lol
(03/07 22:58:09) Kedry: Lprechauns! ^_^
(03/07 22:58:12) HarryPowers: I think they are...
(03/07 22:58:14) AKA: we love elves
(03/07 22:58:48) Greydragon: let me say this.. [b]
(03/07 22:58:51) Jackburne: OK I got my green hat now
(03/07 22:58:57) [b]Greydragon: we are listening to your concerns..
(03/07 22:59:11) AKA cheers
(03/07 22:59:18) Kedry cheers
(03/07 22:59:19) Nine-O-Nine: i got a question that's been itching me for a bit......
(03/07 22:59:22) AKA: thank you
(03/07 22:59:24) HarryPowers cheers
(03/07 22:59:24) Montgomery: GD, there has been a rumor going around that they cavern is getting lighter. Are the ResEngs actively making progress on the lake?
(03/07 22:59:25) Greydragon: The design team has been reading those threads about what people want.. most of the ideas are things we want too..
(03/07 22:59:26) Nyx claps her hands
(03/07 22:59:28) Walker waiting with bated breath
(03/07 22:59:30) Nine-O-Nine: the Nexus book in relto....
(03/07 22:59:31) Overdrive: oh hehe, your tease about sound recording on the Live forums. Any truth to that or were you just pulling our legs
(03/07 22:59:32) Arreaon (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(03/07 22:59:33) Greydragon: Time...
(03/07 22:59:45) Jan Stepmeir: well as long you don't sit on them, some of them are spikey... :x
(03/07 22:59:56) Tayrtahn claps his hands
(03/07 22:59:58) Nine-O-Nine: Whay can't we use the nexus book in relto the same way we can use the ones in the city?
(03/07 23:00:16) Kedry: Relto isn't in the Nexus, like the bahro caves or the cleft.
(03/07 23:00:27) Greydragon: i don't kow anything about sound recording..
(03/07 23:00:31) Greydragon: know
(03/07 23:00:41) Nine-O-Nine: And? it's sstill a link book.....
(03/07 23:00:43) Overdrive: lol so it was just a tease :P
(03/07 23:00:45) Montgomery: GD, please thank you and the team for tweeking the physics -- I can actually kick the firemarbles now.
(03/07 23:00:48) Tayrtahn: hm, was that rawa who posted that?
(03/07 23:00:50) Greydragon: Maybe..
(03/07 23:00:59) Greydragon: OH we can
(03/07 23:01:03) Greydragon: sweet
(03/07 23:01:04) Jackburne does a dance
(03/07 23:01:06) Kedry: Really? The firemarbles are fixed?
(03/07 23:01:21) Tayrtahn: whoa, it got crowded in here
(03/07 23:01:22) Kedry roars with laughter
(03/07 23:01:24) Yellowdog roars with laughter
(03/07 23:01:26) Overdrive: lol
(03/07 23:01:31) Kedry: Testing 'em, GD? XD
(03/07 23:01:32) Nine-O-Nine: wow no kidding
(03/07 23:01:34) JWPlatt: Let me ask this: Is there anything the explorers could do through Cate and the DRC which would have significance to certain corporate and gaming companies which could add to your actual resources?
(03/07 23:01:45) Greydragon: darn doors...
(03/07 23:01:59) Kedry: Where'd you go?
(03/07 23:02:07) HarryPowers: bunch of crazy firemarble hitters
(03/07 23:02:08) AKA: lol
(03/07 23:02:24) Montgomery: GD, you didn't know?
(03/07 23:02:27) Kedry: Gah, you're more agile than a Bahro! O_O
(03/07 23:02:29) Overdrive: Yeah theres a few issues with the doors, and the "borked" heek table :(
(03/07 23:02:30) Thumbs up from Greydragon
(03/07 23:02:36) S'eahag: I finally got that rock out of my doorway too
(03/07 23:02:49) Jan Stepmeir: UO breaks all their stuff
(03/07 23:02:57) Overdrive: :(
(03/07 23:02:59) Nine-O-Nine: we're nuts!
(03/07 23:03:01) Nine-O-Nine: :-)
(03/07 23:03:06) Overdrive: we need fischer-price heek tables
(03/07 23:03:10) Overdrive: unbreakable
(03/07 23:03:12) Nine-O-Nine: lol
(03/07 23:03:13) AKA: lol
(03/07 23:03:14) Jan Stepmeir: lol
(03/07 23:03:18) Kedry: One more question, GD, there was that one time when someone on the DRC walked through one of the hood doors...
(03/07 23:03:20) Greydragon is checking something out
(03/07 23:03:31) Kedry tries to be funny
(03/07 23:03:35) HarryPowers: made with big Dni plastic Fischer price parts.
(03/07 23:03:38) Jan Stepmeir: Kodama?
(03/07 23:03:39) Jackburne laughs
(03/07 23:03:46) Kedry: Yeah, I think it was Kodama...
(03/07 23:03:56) Greydragon: Kedry - game bug
(03/07 23:03:59) Jackburne sneezes
(03/07 23:04:04) Kedry: Really? Ok.
(03/07 23:04:06) Tayrtahn: aww
(03/07 23:04:09) Greydragon: lol
(03/07 23:04:18) Montgomery: GD, low priority, but ... are there any plans to fix the telescopes in the hoods?
(03/07 23:04:20) Tayrtahn: we're ever hopeful
(03/07 23:04:30) Tayrtahn: fix 'em?
(03/07 23:04:30) AKA: what is the reason we can't stand on the railing in the gallery anymore?
(03/07 23:04:35) Greydragon: not everything can be explained away if ic story..
(03/07 23:04:35) Kedry: I KNEW they were just rock slabs! :P
(03/07 23:04:37) Arreaon: The telescopes need fixing?
(03/07 23:04:46) S'eahag: Huh?
(03/07 23:04:55) Nine-O-Nine: what's with the scopes?
(03/07 23:04:56) Arreaon: You can see something in them.
(03/07 23:04:57) JWPlatt: Fix them so they show the dots for people on the other side.
(03/07 23:05:00) The Antagonist: hey not to bother, but are there any people who can do the garden with me?
(03/07 23:05:03) Montgomery: Well, they are out of focus
(03/07 23:05:05) Jan Stepmeir: AKA, they fixed that, it's in the release notes
(03/07 23:05:06) Magus2332: tsogal going to get some weather or other effects like delin?
(03/07 23:05:08) Nine-O-Nine: ah.
(03/07 23:05:15) K'Tania: i can
(03/07 23:05:15) Greydragon: JW - no
(03/07 23:05:19) From Vormaen in Vormaen's Relto: Hola folks...
(03/07 23:05:21) Greydragon: jk..
(03/07 23:05:23) Arreaon: I can't find a bevin with a Delin linking book
(03/07 23:05:44) Arreaon: WHOA! Someone got THREE sparklies?
(03/07 23:05:46) Greydragon: brb
(03/07 23:05:46) Overdrive: Ah good point. Will the delin books increase in their availability?
(03/07 23:05:50) AKA: i know that Jan...I want to know why they fixed it
(03/07 23:06:01) Overdrive: Some hoods have sort of fallen off the listing
(03/07 23:06:01) Montgomery (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(03/07 23:06:02) AKA: it was nice to sit on the railing
(03/07 23:06:13) Brandylyne: friendlies had a delin
(03/07 23:06:16) K'Tania:
(03/07 23:06:16) Kedry: That GD...he's too fast for us... :P
(03/07 23:06:19) Montgomery: Yep. Still showing garbage.
(03/07 23:06:21) Tayrtahn: whoosh
(03/07 23:06:22) The Antagonist: anybody for the garden door?
(03/07 23:06:23) Arreaon: WHOA WHOA WHOA
(03/07 23:06:31) Overdrive: He's afk in the fountian :)
(03/07 23:06:32) Kedry (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(03/07 23:06:35) K'Tania: montgomery
(03/07 23:06:49) Arreaon: How the fiery abyss did someone get THREE sparklies when most people can only find one?
(03/07 23:06:50) Montgomery: K'Tania ...
(03/07 23:06:57) S'eahag: We need deeper water so's you can hide better
(03/07 23:06:59) K'Tania: do you have a log started?
(03/07 23:07:01) Tayrtahn: looks like the city to me
(03/07 23:07:01) Jan Stepmeir: if anyone has a permanent marker we could write on him...
(03/07 23:07:05) Nine-O-Nine: 3 have been released, one at a time
(03/07 23:07:06) Overdrive: lol
(03/07 23:07:06) Tayrtahn: I have three sparklies...
(03/07 23:07:09) Kedry: Arreaon: They've been around a while.
(03/07 23:07:13) Kedry: One per month.
(03/07 23:07:13) Montgomery: Arreaon -- a new one each month, starting in January.
(03/07 23:07:19) Arreaon: Wow...I missed that
(03/07 23:07:24) Uthfas does a dance
(03/07 23:07:26) Montgomery: Me, no.
(03/07 23:07:31) Danster: Has there been any new news on Negahlin animals anyone?
(03/07 23:07:32) Arreaon: Seriously? Then they have 2 months of lined up content?
(03/07 23:07:39) K'Tania: k, guess i saty then
(03/07 23:07:48) Greydragon: like the hats.. limited time - get them why they are hot..
(03/07 23:07:49) Montgomery: I arrived in the middle. Anyonelogging this chat?
(03/07 23:07:50) Arreaon: Who has gotten through the portal
(03/07 23:07:59) Uthfas does a dance
(03/07 23:08:00) Kedry: Will my hat dissapear? O_O
(03/07 23:08:02) Tayrtahn: I'm sure someone is logging this
(03/07 23:08:03) Overdrive: Most of us have Arreaon Its been more or less solved
(03/07 23:08:07) Uthfas does a dance
(03/07 23:08:08) Yellowdog: Can we keep them? The hats??
(03/07 23:08:08) Overdrive: just a matter of timing
(03/07 23:08:17) Arreaon: I should have logged on earlier then.
(03/07 23:08:18) Vormaen: SHorah folks
(03/07 23:08:21) JWPlatt: No one logs the GD visits. *choke *
(03/07 23:08:22) Greydragon: Yellow they work like the santa hat
(03/07 23:08:24) Vormaen: Shorah GD.
(03/07 23:08:29) Kedry: I have a log.
(03/07 23:08:32) Overdrive: I've been logging :)
(03/07 23:08:35) Yellowdog cheers
(03/07 23:08:41) Kedry: It'll be hard to edit, though. We talk a lot. :P
(03/07 23:08:47) Nine-O-Nine: how's the randomization bug for Delin/Tsogal books coming along, when making a new hood?
(03/07 23:08:59) Montgomery: Ithfas -- we can't hear you.
(03/07 23:09:07) Tayrtahn tries to be funny
(03/07 23:09:11) Tayrtahn tries to be funny
(03/07 23:09:11) Kedry: Brb.
(03/07 23:09:14) Uthfas taunts you
(03/07 23:09:16) K'Tania: Kedry: from the beginning?
(03/07 23:09:22) Vormaen: GD......will we ever see Gaternay?
(03/07 23:09:26) Kedry: No, mine's imcomplete.
(03/07 23:09:27) Tayrtahn: pardon
(03/07 23:09:30) Uthfas taunts you
(03/07 23:09:39) Brandylyne: how do you start a log?
(03/07 23:09:40) Overdrive: I have a complete log, missing the first minute or so
(03/07 23:09:43) K'Tania: shucks oh well
(03/07 23:09:50) Montgomery: GD, can we expect animals AT SOME POINT in Nehgilen?
(03/07 23:09:53) Greydragon: Vormaen - basicly if the DRC find it i think you will see it..
(03/07 23:09:56) Tayrtahn: brandytyne - /startlog
(03/07 23:10:03) scarecrowjack: the fiery abyss are you staring at?
(03/07 23:10:07) Brandylyne: thank you
(03/07 23:10:09) Greydragon: Mont - there are animals..
(03/07 23:10:10) Vormaen: OH, I thought they had found it.
(03/07 23:10:15) From Danster: I came half way through all this. Did i miss anything important?
(03/07 23:10:26) Greydragon: Vormaen.. no clue.. did they?
(03/07 23:10:38) Vormaen: I would love to see a dead world next to a collapsed sun
(03/07 23:10:45) Yellowdog: you just need to wait around for houres to see
(03/07 23:10:46) Montgomery: Animals: if we do something different will we see them?
(03/07 23:10:48) Kedry: We have Ahnonay.
(03/07 23:10:57) JWPlatt: GD is channeling Kodama
(03/07 23:11:00) To Danster: A few things, but its more or less addressing story issues and content progression. It'll all be on the forums :)
(03/07 23:11:09) From Danster: Ok thanks :)
(03/07 23:11:10) Kedry: Isn't Ahnonay an accurate representation?
(03/07 23:11:16) Vormaen: The worlds that were left behind as homes are so interesting
(03/07 23:11:18) S'eahag cowers
(03/07 23:11:29) Uthfas cowers
(03/07 23:11:55) Uthfas says hey
(03/07 23:12:00) Kedry: So long have you worked at Cyan?
(03/07 23:12:07) Arreaon: There are too many people in this Bevin. I shall depart. Shorah all.
(03/07 23:12:12) Jan Stepmeir: I'd venture to say that they're impossible to get to, mostly because they don't exist in space/time anymore
(03/07 23:12:19) Vormaen: Ok, so.......DO you have any opinions of Sharper so far, GD?
(03/07 23:12:19) Kedry: Bye, Arreaon!
(03/07 23:12:23) Kedry waves
(03/07 23:12:24) Greydragon: think 4 years come May
(03/07 23:12:35) Kedry: Only 4?
(03/07 23:12:35) Vormaen: wow, four years
(03/07 23:12:40) Chloe: GD, with Dereno getting out by mistake to some, is there any plans to officially release it earlier than anticipated? Cause i know like a few people already got their bahro slabs from Dereno.
(03/07 23:12:47) Kedry: Were you hired with the coming of Live?
(03/07 23:12:54) S'eahag: Did you play Myst, before then?
(03/07 23:13:00) scarecrowjack: dork
(03/07 23:13:03) Vormaen: Live?
(03/07 23:13:11) Kedry: The first Live.
(03/07 23:13:19) Greydragon: 4 crazy years, live going down.. animating on Myst 5 , Cyan going down..
(03/07 23:13:31) Montgomery: Greydragon, are you and LdyDrgn related?
(03/07 23:13:36) Greydragon: Cyan coming back, myst online launching..
(03/07 23:13:37) Kedry roars with laughter
(03/07 23:13:38) LdyDrgn starts to laugh
(03/07 23:13:49) Greydragon: Its been emotional..
(03/07 23:13:56) Kedry claps his hands
(03/07 23:14:05) Montgomery cheers
(03/07 23:14:06) Tayrtahn: for all of us
(03/07 23:14:09) Yellowdog: mabee you can re release EoA compleated?
(03/07 23:14:14) Jan Stepmeir: is Esher still at the bottom of the world box?
(03/07 23:14:20) Greydragon: Lock, stock and 2 smoking barrels//
(03/07 23:14:49) Tayrtahn: hey, things are looking up
(03/07 23:14:50) Kedry: Oh, and GD? Someone changed your title on UO... :P
(03/07 23:14:58) Yellowdog: looks like you all wanted to do a lot more with that one...
(03/07 23:15:13) Greydragon: Yellow thats the sad thing about Myst 5.. really ate alot of the planned Myst online content..
(03/07 23:15:17) Vormaen: GD, mind if I get a pic of you in that silly hat?
(03/07 23:15:17) Greydragon: oh well we deal
(03/07 23:15:31) Nine-O-Nine: Oh really? oy....
(03/07 23:15:49) JWPlatt: Doesn't mean you can't use it here. :)
(03/07 23:15:51) Kedry: When will we see the Myst V content back in Live?
(03/07 23:15:53) Tayrtahn: I've wondered about that - were the slates and tablet going to be in Uru at some point
(03/07 23:16:01) JWPlatt: Does it?
(03/07 23:16:08) Jan Stepmeir: and created a continuity problem making Yeesha older
(03/07 23:16:11) Yellowdog: at least we dont have to carry a tablet
(03/07 23:16:15) Magus2332: the rings remind me of a slates a bit
(03/07 23:16:17) Yellowdog: here
(03/07 23:16:21) S'eahag: lol!
(03/07 23:16:27) Greydragon: JW - wish it was that easy
(03/07 23:16:39) JWPlatt: Is it a rights issue?
(03/07 23:16:51) Greydragon: JW - like everything..
(03/07 23:17:05) Kedry: :\
(03/07 23:17:05) Danster: Is it possible that we will see some familiar ages in Uru online
(03/07 23:17:17) Yellowdog: good rittens ubisoft!!!!!!!
(03/07 23:17:23) Tayrtahn still dreams of RealRiven...
(03/07 23:17:24) Tai'lahr cheers
(03/07 23:17:41) so do i tayr
(03/07 23:17:42) Kedry: *COUGHMYST!!!COUGH*
(03/07 23:17:46) Chloe: i wouldn't mind visiting Myst again here online
(03/07 23:17:53) Vormaen: Well, GD, thanks for your time, Mind if I take that pic before I leave?
(03/07 23:18:04) Montgomery: GD, are we at some point going to get some explanation frm Yeesha what she wanted us to learn in Delin/Tsogal?
(03/07 23:18:04) Greydragon: Go ahead.
(03/07 23:18:14) Jan Stepmeir: well if they ever open up Kveer, you might see Myst again
(03/07 23:18:25) Greydragon: NO hard feeling for ubisoft..
(03/07 23:18:28) JWPlatt: Is there a time where it would again be possible to use EoA?
(03/07 23:18:36) Greydragon: they paid us from that project.
(03/07 23:18:38) Tayrtahn: montgomery - we actually got a "yes"-ish answer on that earlier
(03/07 23:18:58) Montgomery: Thx, Tay -- I'll read the log.
(03/07 23:19:00) Tayrtahn: I do hope someone posts a log of this - we got some good info
(03/07 23:19:10) Vormaen: Thanks, keep up the good work and I'll look forward to solving an age with you one day....
(03/07 23:19:16) Chloe: montgomery, I think it was pretty obvious what the lesson was in Delin and Tsogal. Teamwork. Not all journey's and paths can be followed alone, sometimes you need some friends to help along the way.
(03/07 23:19:43) Kedry: Ye gads, sure know how do draw a crowd...
(03/07 23:19:54) Montgomery: Chloe -- I concur. I'd just like to hear Yeesha say it, that's all.
(03/07 23:19:55) Vormaen: Bye folks, have a good night
(03/07 23:19:59) Danster: I was thinking a pod age looking at people like the people in rivin would be so cool
(03/07 23:20:01) Kedry: Bye, Vor!
(03/07 23:20:03) Tayrtahn: 'night, Vormaem
(03/07 23:20:03) S'eahag: Bye
(03/07 23:20:04) JWPlatt: The reason I ask is most people thought you were clear beginning in 2008 for EoA?
(03/07 23:20:13) Montgomery: G'night Vormaen
(03/07 23:20:25) Jan Stepmeir: "and when the man looked back at the one set of footprints in the sand God said, yep, that's when I sat on your back"
(03/07 23:20:50) Tayrtahn starts to laugh
(03/07 23:20:51) Greydragon: sorry
(03/07 23:21:07) Kedry: For what?
(03/07 23:21:08) Overdrive: How did Cyan react to the community collaberation to figure out Negilahn. Did it inspire them to design new puzzle concepts?
(03/07 23:21:09) Brandylyne (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(03/07 23:21:35) Greydragon: Well its always weird how people get to solutions..
(03/07 23:21:49) Yellowdog: I know you cant get to much into it but dose Cyan still have rights to POTS?
(03/07 23:22:18) AKA: I know this is trivial...but I would like to know if we will ever be able to sit on the gallery railings again.
(03/07 23:22:38) Danster: Haha
(03/07 23:22:42) Greydragon: Yellow - really can get into it
(03/07 23:22:49) Kedry laughs
(03/07 23:22:51) Yellowdog: figured...
(03/07 23:22:53) Tayrtahn: oh, you really can, can you?
(03/07 23:23:00) Tayrtahn: : P
(03/07 23:23:00) Greydragon: opps
(03/07 23:23:05) Overdrive: heh
(03/07 23:23:06) Uthfas: red club
(03/07 23:23:07) Greydragon: Can't
(03/07 23:23:07) Jan Stepmeir: doubtful, they usually don't undo fixes
(03/07 23:23:08) Yellowdog: its OK time will tell!
(03/07 23:23:20) Tayrtahn: are Er
(03/07 23:23:32) Yellowdog: yup!
(03/07 23:23:34) Kedry: Can you tell us RAWA's secret name that he uses in-game?
(03/07 23:23:39) Jan Stepmeir: will their team of poorly fed lawyers eat you alive?
(03/07 23:23:40) Greydragon: ha!
(03/07 23:23:41) Overdrive: LOL
(03/07 23:23:42) K'Tania: Can anyone help or is interested in trying to solve Tsogal?
(03/07 23:23:52) S'eahag: Kedry.
(03/07 23:23:59) Tayrtahn: are Er'cana and Ahnonay delayed for legal reasons, bugs, or...?
(03/07 23:24:04) K'Tania: if you are meet me in the book room.
(03/07 23:24:13) Montgomery: So, GD ... when is that Two-Blondes-on-a-Waterbed Age being released?
(03/07 23:24:16) Greydragon: Tay - the DRC knows best :)
(03/07 23:24:24) Uthfas: should we be even more red? like Tiare here?
(03/07 23:24:28) Ravenclaw: i can help with tsogal
(03/07 23:24:31) Tayrtahn: grumble grumble...
(03/07 23:24:39) Greydragon: Mont - shakes head...
(03/07 23:24:47) TiareSim: :p
(03/07 23:25:10) Montgomery sighs.
(03/07 23:25:49) Jan Stepmeir: some of us want sheep on the waterbed...
(03/07 23:25:57) Kedry: o_O
(03/07 23:25:58) Greydragon: Out of the age list.. if you could have anything
(03/07 23:26:00) Tayrtahn raises an eyebrow
(03/07 23:26:04) Greydragon: what would you want?
(03/07 23:26:10) Kedry: O_O
(03/07 23:26:11) Montgomery: Any updates on the divers who were working on the sunken ferries?
(03/07 23:26:12) Overdrive: something huge
(03/07 23:26:12) K'Tania: anyone else, we need six others.
(03/07 23:26:14) Nine-O-Nine: Ercana or Anonay
(03/07 23:26:15) Tayrtahn: aquarium!
(03/07 23:26:17) Xanos: Katha Island :)
(03/07 23:26:19) Kedry: Lemme check what's on there!
(03/07 23:26:23) Overdrive: Katha sounds neat
(03/07 23:26:24) Tayrtahn: or Er'cana!
(03/07 23:26:27) Magus2332: more of the city
(03/07 23:26:29) Tai'lahr: Okay, this is getting a bit risque for me.
(03/07 23:26:29) AKA: ahnonoy
(03/07 23:26:33) Yellowdog: So GD, Any chance you can slip me a copy of the Spy Room linking book?
(03/07 23:26:35) Jan Stepmeir: yes the Ae'gura Aquarium
(03/07 23:26:37) Montgomery: Katha -- definitely!
(03/07 23:26:42) S'eahag: Relto Tree
(03/07 23:26:42) Chloe: i want that unknown one. The new one on the fastrack.
(03/07 23:26:45) JWPlatt: The Great Shaft! :) Is that on the age list?
(03/07 23:27:03) Kedry: KAHLO!!!!!!
(03/07 23:27:05) Overdrive: man... choosing sucks :P
(03/07 23:27:09) Tayrtahn: anything!
(03/07 23:27:11) Montgomery: Oooh! Great Shaft! Yes!
(03/07 23:27:13) Kedry: All!
(03/07 23:27:13) Magus2332: ablove and below the library, the rest of the museum, the palace
(03/07 23:27:14) Overdrive: everythign!
(03/07 23:27:14) Tayrtahn: all of it!
(03/07 23:27:17) AKA: ahnonay...i don't know how to spell it
(03/07 23:27:21) Overdrive: guild hall?
(03/07 23:27:27) Overdrive shrugs
(03/07 23:27:28) Kedry: Rebek! >:3
(03/07 23:27:29) Danster: What is ahnonay?
(03/07 23:27:38) Kedry: But I mostly want Kahlo.
(03/07 23:27:38) Gwylahn: guild hall
(03/07 23:27:38) Danster: Derano looks cool
(03/07 23:27:42) Danster: dereno
(03/07 23:27:44) Magus2332: oh and the hood game room
(03/07 23:27:49) Nine-O-Nine: a holy-moly of a puzzle if you didn't do PotS
(03/07 23:27:51) Kedry: Teledahn II.
(03/07 23:27:51) The Antagonist: can i get some people to help me with Tsogal?'
(03/07 23:27:56) Kedry: Gahreesen II!
(03/07 23:27:57) Montgomery: A bathroom?
(03/07 23:27:58) TiareSim: i can't decide... ahnonay... Guild Hall, Great Shaft
(03/07 23:27:59) Gwylahn: more of the city
(03/07 23:28:03) Kedry: I'm choosing my favorites.
(03/07 23:28:11) S'eahag: Lol!
(03/07 23:28:13) Drew Kafka: I want a pony.
(03/07 23:28:21) Overdrive: You cant have a pony.
(03/07 23:28:21) Kedry: Eder Gira II!
(03/07 23:28:21) S'eahag: Really long hair
(03/07 23:28:23) Danster: What is planned to be released next
(03/07 23:28:28) Jan Stepmeir: Ahonay drove me to drink... liquid drano... lol
(03/07 23:28:32) Kedry: Arch museum!
(03/07 23:28:34) <sniffle> Drew Kafka is sad
(03/07 23:28:35) AKA: amateria would be fun also
(03/07 23:28:39) Nine-O-Nine nods his head
(03/07 23:28:39) Kedry: Ae'gura aquerium!
(03/07 23:28:42) S'eahag: The Pub!
(03/07 23:28:48) Tayrtahn: just what the devil is the arch museum, anyway?
(03/07 23:28:48) Kedry: GUILD HALL!!!
(03/07 23:28:54) Overdrive: ooooh amateria...
(03/07 23:28:54) TiareSim: oooh the Pub
(03/07 23:28:55) Montgomery: I want my avvie to have some actual rythym when he "dances!"
(03/07 23:28:59) Greydragon: ahnonay would be interesting with multiplayer..
(03/07 23:29:11) Kedry: You got me on a subject I just can't stop talking about GD...;)
(03/07 23:29:11) AKA: yes it would
(03/07 23:29:20) Kedry: Rolep!
(03/07 23:29:24) Kedry: K'veer!
(03/07 23:29:24) Tayrtahn: I'd love the see ahnonay... do that cool thing... from outside
(03/07 23:29:33) S'eahag: I miss swimming!
(03/07 23:29:35) Danster: What is ahnonay?
(03/07 23:29:37) Overdrive: lol that would be sweet
(03/07 23:29:39) Magus2332: Pento with the plague
(03/07 23:29:41) JWPlatt: I've think we've seen picture of you on Ahnonay, GD!
(03/07 23:29:42) Jan Stepmeir: you'd need to fix the sharing with Ahnonay
(03/07 23:29:42) Kedry: Game room!
(03/07 23:29:49) TiareSim: it's an age Danster
(03/07 23:29:50) Chloe: mmm with K'veer comes myst.
(03/07 23:29:51) Kedry: Un. Named. O_O
(03/07 23:29:54) Montgomery glares at Magus2332.
(03/07 23:29:56) Tai'lahr: Me too; wanna go swimming again.
(03/07 23:29:58) Magus2332 laughs
(03/07 23:30:02) Danster: Aiye thanks
(03/07 23:30:05) Crystal: Lol nice hat
(03/07 23:30:06) Gwylahn: outside the Negilahn pod
(03/07 23:30:09) Kedry: GD, can you tell us stories 'bout unnamed? O_O
(03/07 23:30:15) AKA: i want to ride the ball in amateria
(03/07 23:30:17) AKA: lol
(03/07 23:30:22) Overdrive: me too XD
(03/07 23:30:24) Jan Stepmeir: I don't want to go to someones Sea Ahnonay, touch the book and end up in my Ahnonay
(03/07 23:30:26) Montgomery: GD, tell us a story....
(03/07 23:30:30) S'eahag roars with laughter
(03/07 23:30:30) yes aka!
(03/07 23:30:39) Greydragon: Kedry, I'm not in those meetings..
(03/07 23:30:53) Tayrtahn: we gotta talk to DRC about that, eh?
(03/07 23:30:54) Chair: hey, are we actually trying to crash this or what???!?!?!
(03/07 23:31:01) K'Tania: we need six people to try to solve Tsogal...anyone interested go to the link room and wait for us there.
(03/07 23:31:15) Overdrive: Wow this place fills up fast
(03/07 23:31:16) Chloe: i've got one thats not on the age list that might be fun to see Inception.
(03/07 23:31:28) Kedry: Hm...don't suppose you could give us Vika... :\
(03/07 23:31:32) Jan Stepmeir: Catherine's age?
(03/07 23:31:34) Crystal: i thought i crashed while i was linking
(03/07 23:31:45) atrus's first
(03/07 23:31:45) Chloe: jan, it was Atrus' first age.
(03/07 23:31:48) yep
(03/07 23:31:49) Danster: Riven. I wish
(03/07 23:31:54) Mystlander: GD, What time will Douglas Sharper be arriving tmorrow?
(03/07 23:31:56) Overdrive: Oh wow. I would love to see some of Catherine's work
(03/07 23:31:58) Kedry: GD, you make for a great stress test. ;)
(03/07 23:32:10) Tayrtahn: By the way, it's good to see the server not screeching to a halt with this many people here
(03/07 23:32:16) Kedry: Anyone catch the most recent population count?
(03/07 23:32:16) From Vormaen in Vormaen's(3) Negilahn: Is GD still there?
(03/07 23:32:17) Greydragon: Myst, its like NIck said for sure he was coming.. man..
(03/07 23:32:26) Crystal: 32 when i linked in
(03/07 23:32:37) TiareSim: Ooh Sharper... could you please tell him to update his journal, and just, you know, leave it open on his desk?
(03/07 23:32:42) Montgomery: Chroma'Agana
(03/07 23:32:48) From Vormaen in Vormaen's(3) Negilahn: Would you ask him if any of Cyan has seen the wierd blinking thing in Negilahn?
(03/07 23:32:50) Greydragon: hahaha
(03/07 23:32:57) Chair does a dance
(03/07 23:33:00) K'Tania: Can I have five more for Tsogal in the Link room, please.
(03/07 23:33:00) Chloe: overdrive, Myst, Serenia, just to name a couple. I want to see Atrus' first, what it was like.
(03/07 23:33:02) Chair: everybody DANNCE
(03/07 23:33:02) S'eahag: Second Journal
(03/07 23:33:04) Crystal: Im so going to have to go get that hat
(03/07 23:33:05) Chair does a dance
(03/07 23:33:12) Greydragon does a dance
(03/07 23:33:23) S'eahag does a dance
(03/07 23:33:25) TiareSim: Yeah, the second journal
(03/07 23:33:26) LdyDrgn: Has any of CYAN seen teh weird blinking thing in Negilahn?
(03/07 23:33:31) Tayrtahn: /dancewithactualrythm
(03/07 23:33:35) Tayrtahn: drat
(03/07 23:33:38) Overdrive: no i mean the one when Catherine and atrus first met... the one that atrus thought was impossible
(03/07 23:33:43) Kedry does a dance
(03/07 23:33:47) Mystlander: Oooooohhhhh... Power Rangers!
(03/07 23:33:49) Montgomery: Torus?
(03/07 23:33:53) From Vormaen in Vormaen's(3) Negilahn: Might be the source of our no wildlife woes....
(03/07 23:33:54) Greydragon is checking something out
(03/07 23:33:59) Magus2332: yeah what's up with that? (what LdyDrgn asked)
(03/07 23:34:02) Tayrtahn wants you to call
(03/07 23:34:02) Kedry: Care for a group photo, GD?
(03/07 23:34:02) Tai'lahr laughs
(03/07 23:34:13) Jan Stepmeir lifts up her shirt for GD
(03/07 23:34:24) Chair: yes everyone dance for a group photo!!!!
(03/07 23:34:24) AKA: eeewwwww
(03/07 23:34:27) Chair: on 3
(03/07 23:34:29) Danster does a dance
(03/07 23:34:29) Chair: 1......
(03/07 23:34:31) S'eahag: ?rotfl
(03/07 23:34:31) Chair: 2.....
(03/07 23:34:32) Uthfas: dance
(03/07 23:34:32) Tayrtahn lifts up his shirt for GD
(03/07 23:34:33) Chair: 3......
(03/07 23:34:37) Chair does a dance
(03/07 23:34:37) Danster does a dance
(03/07 23:34:41) Montgomery: reply/ sorry.
(03/07 23:34:42) Uthfas does a dance
(03/07 23:34:46) Overdrive: :roll:
(03/07 23:34:47) Greydragon: woah..
(03/07 23:34:51) Greydragon: time to leave,,,
(03/07 23:34:54) Nine-O-Nine shakes his head
(03/07 23:35:00) Chloe: Lol its Uru Gone Wild.
(03/07 23:35:00) Tayrtahn: aw...
(03/07 23:35:02) AKA: bye GD
(03/07 23:35:07) Nine-O-Nine: bye GD
(03/07 23:35:09) Kedry: 'night, GD.
(03/07 23:35:10) AKA: it was nice to see you again
(03/07 23:35:11) Jan Stepmeir: LOL Chloe
(03/07 23:35:12) Xanos: shorah GD
(03/07 23:35:13) Chair: thanks XANOS.... .lol the only one dancing in the photo
(03/07 23:35:14) Kedry: Thanks for the visit.
(03/07 23:35:14) HarryPowers:
(03/07 23:35:15) Greydragon: look its the red crew..
(03/07 23:35:16) Mystlander shakes her head
(03/07 23:35:16) Tayrtahn: I'll try to contain my... feelings...
(03/07 23:35:17) S'eahag: Yeah, when the dancing breaks out!
(03/07 23:35:19) Chloe: Night GD
(03/07 23:35:20) Greydragon salutes
(03/07 23:35:24) Danster: Bye thanks for answering our questions
(03/07 23:35:26) TiareSim: Lol
(03/07 23:35:29) Danster bows
(03/07 23:35:30) TiareSim: Bye
(03/07 23:35:32) S'eahag: Great to meet you. Thanks
(03/07 23:35:33) Gwylahn: bye GD
(03/07 23:35:33) K'Tania: I need four more to do tsogal, link room please
(03/07 23:35:34) Tayrtahn: oo, lets sort my shirt color
(03/07 23:35:40) Xanos: No one else has got groove ;)
(03/07 23:35:40) JWPlatt: G'nite GD!
(03/07 23:35:48) HarryPowers: is there anymore takers for Eder Tsogal... meet at the link book
(03/07 23:35:49) Tayrtahn salutes
(03/07 23:35:55) Drew Kafka: Alrighty, I'd best be getting along (it's late). Shorah everyone. Thanx GD, we appreciate your and everyone else at Cyan's hard work.
(03/07 23:35:56) Chair: SILLY HATS MEET ON THE FOUNTAIN!!!!!!
(03/07 23:36:09) Kedry: And now I poof!
(03/07 23:36:11) Montgomery: Thank you GD!
(03/07 23:36:13) K'Tania: one more
(03/07 23:36:21) Chair: JAN!!!
(03/07 23:36:27) Chair: LdyDRGN
(03/07 23:36:28) Jan Stepmeir: everyone spread the word, GD indorses red!!
(03/07 23:36:33) Chair: come meet on the foutnain for a photo
(03/07 23:36:37) Kedry: Let's see how quickly the poopulation drops. ;)
(03/07 23:36:50) From Vormaen in Vormaen's(3) Negilahn: Well, I'm going to have to stay off the DRC forums for awhile, seems my opinions of Sharper are making me a very unpopular guy.
(03/07 23:36:51) HarryPowers: ok so how many more for the EDer ... should we just go in and see.
(03/07 23:37:22) Ravenclaw: V \
(03/07 23:37:28) Greydragon: i'll get ya help..
(03/07 23:37:36) The Antagonist: :-)
(03/07 23:37:53) Overdrive: Lol everyone will follow
(03/07 23:37:55) K'Tania: Okay who has done this before?
(03/07 23:37:59) HarryPowers: so we need on more of can we multi task..
(03/07 23:38:06) The Antagonist: ive done delin before
(03/07 23:38:10) Greydragon points
(03/07 23:38:14) HarryPowers: i do not need to make the door so i could try
(03/07 23:38:14) Greydragon: you
(03/07 23:38:27) HarryPowers: i have...
(03/07 23:38:42) Ravenclaw: I don't want to be doorman but i've gone through
(03/07 23:38:48) The Antagonist: i can do door
(03/07 23:38:58) Big_John: I have cloth 3
(03/07 23:39:05) The Antagonist: whenever you guys are ready i will call out the cloths
(03/07 23:39:06) HarryPowers: ok so you ding the door Antagonist
(03/07 23:39:08) Overdrive: I have no idea what cloth I have
(03/07 23:39:15) The Antagonist: are the clothes the same? or do they change?
(03/07 23:39:22) K'Tania: What do i have pressing now
(03/07 23:39:22) Ravenclaw: They change
(03/07 23:39:27) HarryPowers: we need to map them out..
(03/07 23:39:27) The Antagonist: ok thought so
(03/07 23:39:36) Big_John: each instance is different/
(03/07 23:39:38) Ravenclaw: Just call cames to press
(03/07 23:39:48) HarryPowers: i could do these two here just ask me to press
(03/07 23:39:49) The Antagonist: just got 4
(03/07 23:39:57) K'Tania: That was me
(03/07 23:40:08) The Antagonist: next
(03/07 23:40:14) The Antagonist: 1
(03/07 23:40:18) Overdrive: that was me
(03/07 23:40:30) K'Tania: Next
(03/07 23:40:30) Ravenclaw: Anta... call name
(03/07 23:40:34) Ravenclaw: Then we press
(03/07 23:40:39) Greydragon: let me try
(03/07 23:40:39) The Antagonist: grey
(03/07 23:40:46) The Antagonist: 7 for grey
(03/07 23:40:49) The Antagonist: over?
(03/07 23:40:49) Greydragon: yay
(03/07 23:40:50) Big_John: how many need to get through the door?
(03/07 23:40:55) HarryPowers: Ok Harry
(03/07 23:40:56) Q'Ti'Pi: me
(03/07 23:40:57) K'Tania: I do
(03/07 23:41:03) Overdrive: I thin i"m one?
(03/07 23:41:04) The Antagonist: 6 for over
(03/07 23:41:11) Overdrive: 6?
(03/07 23:41:19) Q'Ti'Pi: testing
(03/07 23:41:33) The Antagonist: 5 qtip
(03/07 23:41:38) Q'Ti'Pi: thx
(03/07 23:41:39) The Antagonist: lysett?
(03/07 23:41:46) HarryPowers: got some jam on this cloth... anybody got some sani wipes..
(03/07 23:41:52) Lysette: hey
(03/07 23:42:05) The Antagonist: press your cloth lyse
(03/07 23:42:06) Montgomery: Sorry I'm late.
(03/07 23:42:13) HarryPowers: oh here goes
(03/07 23:42:14) Lysette: I'm not on a cloth
(03/07 23:42:22) The Antagonist: that was 6
(03/07 23:42:30) K'Tania: Who is on a cloth?
(03/07 23:42:32) Montgomery: How can I help?
(03/07 23:42:33) HarryPowers: man that is sticky... ok so 6 for me
(03/07 23:42:34) Overdrive: I'm not six then?
(03/07 23:42:36) Ravenclaw: Me
(03/07 23:42:44) The Antagonist: over press yours again
(03/07 23:42:53) The Antagonist: that was 1
(03/07 23:42:55) Overdrive: ok
(03/07 23:43:00) Greydragon: 7
(03/07 23:43:01) Overdrive: ok 1 :)
(03/07 23:43:01) The Antagonist: raven you press
(03/07 23:43:07) The Antagonist: 2
(03/07 23:43:12) Ravenclaw: Ty
(03/07 23:43:23) The Antagonist: big john?
(03/07 23:43:33) Big_John: i'm 3
(03/07 23:43:38) The Antagonist: yeo 3
(03/07 23:43:48) HarryPowers: och i cut my self.. now the cloth has blood on it...
(03/07 23:43:49) The Antagonist: ok eveyone shout our your numbers in order
(03/07 23:43:57) Overdrive: I still like these cattail fluffs :)
(03/07 23:43:59) Overdrive: 1!
(03/07 23:44:01) Ravenclaw: 2
(03/07 23:44:04) Big_John: 3 ready
(03/07 23:44:06) K'Tania: 4
(03/07 23:44:07) Q'Ti'Pi: 5 rdy
(03/07 23:44:09) HarryPowers: 6
(03/07 23:44:10) Greydragon: 7
(03/07 23:44:15) The Antagonist: alrighty
(03/07 23:44:20) The Antagonist: here we go
(03/07 23:44:44) The Antagonist: 5 3 7 1 46 2
(03/07 23:44:48) Q'Ti'Pi: 5
(03/07 23:44:58) The Antagonist: 3 go
(03/07 23:45:04) The Antagonist: 7 go
(03/07 23:45:12) Greydragon: 7
(03/07 23:45:15) Overdrive: 1
(03/07 23:45:17) K'Tania: 4
(03/07 23:45:20) The Antagonist: gah it reset
(03/07 23:45:24) Greydragon: grr
(03/07 23:45:27) Overdrive: :(
(03/07 23:45:28) Q'Ti'Pi says DOH!
(03/07 23:45:36) Greydragon: stupid designers...
(03/07 23:45:42) K'Tania: Try just calling out the numbers as they appear
(03/07 23:45:43) Overdrive: lmao
(03/07 23:45:47) The Antagonist: 7 4 5 1 3 2 6
(03/07 23:45:51) The Antagonist: 7 go
(03/07 23:45:53) The Antagonist: 4 go
(03/07 23:46:08) The Antagonist: 4 go
(03/07 23:46:11) K'Tania: 4
(03/07 23:46:12) The Antagonist: 5 go
(03/07 23:46:15) Q'Ti'Pi: 5
(03/07 23:46:16) The Antagonist: 1 go
(03/07 23:46:19) The Antagonist: 3 go
(03/07 23:46:31) The Antagonist: 3 go
(03/07 23:46:34) The Antagonist: 2 go
(03/07 23:46:41) The Antagonist: 2 go
(03/07 23:46:51) Ravenclaw: i did
(03/07 23:46:52) The Antagonist: ran outta time
(03/07 23:46:57) K'Tania: Rats
(03/07 23:46:59) Ravenclaw: Both time but i don't hear it
(03/07 23:47:01) Greydragon: try again
(03/07 23:47:13) Ravenclaw: I hear the water and all but not the cloth
(03/07 23:47:15) Q'Ti'Pi: my feet are getting pruney standing in this water
(03/07 23:47:27) The Antagonist: 5 2 1 7 4 6 3
(03/07 23:47:30) HarryPowers: all i got is those cat tails in my face
(03/07 23:47:30) The Antagonist: 5 go
(03/07 23:47:32) The Antagonist: 2 go
(03/07 23:47:32) Q'Ti'Pi: 5
(03/07 23:47:37) Ravenclaw: 2
(03/07 23:47:42) The Antagonist: 2 again
(03/07 23:47:47) The Antagonist: 1 go
(03/07 23:47:50) The Antagonist: 7 go
(03/07 23:47:52) The Antagonist: 4 go
(03/07 23:47:55) The Antagonist: 6 go
(03/07 23:47:59) The Antagonist: 3 go
(03/07 23:48:04) Big_John: DOOR IS OPEN!!!!!
(03/07 23:48:05) The Antagonist: RUN!!!!!
(03/07 23:48:05) Overdrive: nice
(03/07 23:48:06) K'Tania: 4
(03/07 23:48:11) Greydragon: yay!!