Reference:2007-05-01 Greydragon fields questions

From Guild of Archivists

(05/01 19:19:22) Greydragon: So what secret do you want me to tell you?
(05/01 19:19:25) Owehn: hi everybody
(05/01 19:19:29) Breanna Walker: all
(05/01 19:19:32) peni: everything!!
(05/01 19:19:37) Ivy: good move, sit on the fountain... I see you have been coned before GD
(05/01 19:19:37) Thend: May we approach closer to the fountain, GD? What sort of distance do yoiu require?
(05/01 19:19:39) Kaelri: And anything.
(05/01 19:19:42) walt: Life, the Universse, and Everything
(05/01 19:19:45) petfam: I thought you had all the secrets
(05/01 19:19:47) Myst'Aken: Haven't seen you since your Kadish poofed me that night
(05/01 19:19:52) Ural: The newest of course
(05/01 19:19:56) Jared: walt, that's easy, 42
(05/01 19:20:07) Thend: GD, I have one - Where is vid?
(05/01 19:20:16) Thend: And what is going on?
(05/01 19:20:16) Curty: Wow 10,000 people at the Dave Ramsey event in Kansas City!
(05/01 19:20:18) Curty: Sweet
(05/01 19:20:26) Greydragon: Thend - you think i know?
(05/01 19:20:35) From Jolly jr. in The Meeting Place's(1) Bevin: o my
(05/01 19:20:39) Thend: GD, you may
(05/01 19:20:42) Myst'Aken: We think GD knows all
(05/01 19:20:47) Thend: I rule nothing out
(05/01 19:20:51) Breanna Walker kneels down...
(05/01 19:20:54) Kaelri: You are clearly omniscient.
(05/01 19:21:09) Thend: And we are concerned, so thought I'd ask
(05/01 19:21:13) Curty: grey what have you been up to lately?
(05/01 19:21:26) Greydragon: Well hmm.. lots of meetings..
(05/01 19:21:31) Curty: With the Community?
(05/01 19:21:32) Jolly jr. wants to ask a question...
(05/01 19:21:33) Ly'net: Sounds like fun
(05/01 19:21:33) Curty: Oh....
(05/01 19:21:42) Curty: hey Lyn:)
(05/01 19:21:47) Ly'net: hi Curty!
(05/01 19:21:59) Greydragon: just played a prototype of a new age.. i like it..
(05/01 19:22:00) Curty: Nice to see you here
(05/01 19:22:06) Ly'net: Which age?
(05/01 19:22:07) Caith: ooo
(05/01 19:22:12) Jared: would this be the fabled Minkata?
(05/01 19:22:13) D'Lanor cheers
(05/01 19:22:14) Greydragon: haha
(05/01 19:22:14) Kaelri: Does it have a name yet?
(05/01 19:22:14) Ly'net: ty
(05/01 19:22:17) Myst'Aken: And which would that be ?
(05/01 19:22:17) Curty: Really could it be a large one?
(05/01 19:22:19) Ural: Nice, describe it??
(05/01 19:22:28) Greydragon: You it would be that easy...
(05/01 19:22:32) Breanna Walker: spoil us a little
(05/01 19:22:35) Janine: glad *you* liked it :D
(05/01 19:22:36) Thend: GD, are there vehicles, like in MarioKart?
(05/01 19:22:40) Breanna Walker: or maybe a lot
(05/01 19:22:42) Greydragon: you walk in it
(05/01 19:22:44) Ly'net: come on. just a little hint?
(05/01 19:22:45) Curty: Lol
(05/01 19:22:50) Ivy: Lol @Thend
(05/01 19:22:57) Greydragon: you can turn left and right... its
(05/01 19:23:01) walt: any interesting machines???
(05/01 19:23:02) Thend: WOW
(05/01 19:23:03) Janine roars with laughter
(05/01 19:23:04) Jared starts to laugh
(05/01 19:23:08) petfam: lol
(05/01 19:23:10) Kaelri: Sweet.
(05/01 19:23:11) jimmyleg: wow, left AND right?
(05/01 19:23:12) D'Lanor is amazed!
(05/01 19:23:12) Ivy starts to laugh
(05/01 19:23:16) Ural: Any great views?
(05/01 19:23:17) Myst'Aken: So cart then...not nascar
(05/01 19:23:18) Curty: GD you're a brat
(05/01 19:23:18) Curty: Lol!
(05/01 19:23:18) Jolly jr.: lol walking is great
(05/01 19:23:19) Jared: glad to see they haven't drained you of your sense of humor
(05/01 19:23:20) Ly'net: I'ld beg, but there is no emote for it.
(05/01 19:23:21) Caith: Does prototype mean fairly early in development?
(05/01 19:23:21) peni: all by yourself?
(05/01 19:23:22) Owehn turns left
(05/01 19:23:29) Greydragon: haha its a prototype.. right now.. it doesn't have anything in it...
(05/01 19:23:33) Ivy: What about forward and back?
(05/01 19:23:49) Thend: Does Minkata have any gamey-gaming elements?
(05/01 19:23:50) Ural: How big??
(05/01 19:23:54) Sydney Austin: Can I be anti about it? just kidding
(05/01 19:23:55) Curty: So its brand new to everyone huh
(05/01 19:23:58) peni: up, down?
(05/01 19:24:04) Ly'net: what are gamey-gaming elements?
(05/01 19:24:12) Greydragon: gamey gaming elements.. for the gamers who like games?
(05/01 19:24:14) Curty: syndey's so silly;)
(05/01 19:24:22) Thend nods his head
(05/01 19:24:30) Owehn: exactly
(05/01 19:24:33) Greydragon: or hunt game..
(05/01 19:24:35) peni likes games
(05/01 19:24:43) Greydragon: like sharper lol
(05/01 19:24:43) Ly'net: deer hunter?
(05/01 19:24:44) Uli: ask question
(05/01 19:24:45) Thend: Like, competition elements. Like in MarioKart
(05/01 19:24:48) Curty: What is the background color this time?
(05/01 19:24:53) Breanna Walker: no hunting animals please
(05/01 19:24:57) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:25:00) Greydragon: No mario karts.
(05/01 19:25:08) Janine: come on GD a little hinty
(05/01 19:25:11) Jared: shucks
(05/01 19:25:11) Sydney Austin: I need a gun, hunting sounds fun
(05/01 19:25:12) Greydragon: No hunting animals..
(05/01 19:25:14) Ly'net: go-carts?
(05/01 19:25:15) Curty: Example the City is yellow
(05/01 19:25:16) D'Lanor: D'ni speedboats then?
(05/01 19:25:19) Thend is sorta bummed...
(05/01 19:25:26) Caith: roller coaster?
(05/01 19:25:32) Ly'net: sounds like fun D
(05/01 19:25:40) Thend: So, all that lazertag at Mysteriums have rubbed off then? ;)
(05/01 19:25:54) Owehn wants to ask a question...
(05/01 19:26:04) Greydragon: really its not even to a stage i can say anything about it.. i tested a gameplay element.. wich was cool. But not something you can just say..
(05/01 19:26:10) Jolly jr.: so how are things going along at CYAN, GD?
(05/01 19:26:12) Greydragon: which
(05/01 19:26:13) Curty wants to listen .....
(05/01 19:26:23) Caith: It's good to know there are things in development.
(05/01 19:26:37) Greydragon: Oh life here is pretty good.
(05/01 19:26:40) Ly'net wants to see Rand
(05/01 19:26:41) Ly'net nods her head
(05/01 19:26:42) Owehn: So, what does a typical day in the life of GD look like?
(05/01 19:26:50) Caith: The C.O. Meter is not quite at the top yet. :)
(05/01 19:26:50) D'Lanor: has your coffee improved?
(05/01 19:27:04) Curty: i notice Cyan likes to work on everything at once;)
(05/01 19:27:08) Sydney Austin: Good keep it down, the strike continues
(05/01 19:27:09) Gondar: Woop, busy!
(05/01 19:27:09) Greydragon: Well i go to bed about 2 am in the morning.. people like hanging with me..
(05/01 19:27:13) Jared: I hope you're keeping the ripping out of hair to a minimum
(05/01 19:27:21) Gondar: Yo GD
(05/01 19:27:31) Jolly jr.: what plans does CYAN have for the neer future
(05/01 19:27:32) Greydragon: so then i wake up around 7
(05/01 19:27:33) Dalken Starbyne: Hey, GD!
(05/01 19:27:35) lightkeeper: Enough strike talk jeessh
(05/01 19:27:47) Ly'net: whose going on strike?
(05/01 19:27:57) Ivy: Wow you don't get much sleep
(05/01 19:28:08) Jared: sounds about like me, lol
(05/01 19:28:14) Joorea wants to ask a question...
(05/01 19:28:14) Curty: Aren't we all just glad to be back down here in the cavern together?:)
(05/01 19:28:17) Greydragon: then.. i take a shower.. maybe have something to drink.. coffee or tea.. get to work..
(05/01 19:28:33) jimmyleg: k, the work part now
(05/01 19:28:36) peni: wow
(05/01 19:28:40) Greydragon: then leave at 5-6 .. oh wait did you want to know about my work life?
(05/01 19:28:43) Caith: (watch him skip to lunch)
(05/01 19:28:45) Caith: lol
(05/01 19:28:49) Thend starts to laugh
(05/01 19:28:52) Ural: Yes!
(05/01 19:28:52) Ly'net roars with laughter
(05/01 19:28:54) Curty: gD have you updated your blog recently?
(05/01 19:28:55) Kaelri: Well, now that you mention it...
(05/01 19:28:56) petfam: lol
(05/01 19:29:10) Janine nods at Kaelri
(05/01 19:29:17) Thend: GD, you sound positively DRC-like at times...
(05/01 19:29:22) Greydragon: Curty - more coming soon.. been posting them elsewhere..
(05/01 19:29:27) Leonor: Shorah
(05/01 19:29:36) Ural: Hello!
(05/01 19:29:40) Thend: Where elsewhere?
(05/01 19:29:50) Ivy: GD - where we can't find them? LOL
(05/01 19:29:53) Myst'Aken: thats a large area
(05/01 19:29:58) Jolly jr.: I would like to thank you Greydragon and the rest of CYAN for all your hard work so far!
(05/01 19:29:59) Ly'net: Hi Leonor
(05/01 19:30:00) Leonor: I thought we weren't doing these fountain sceances anymore ;)
(05/01 19:30:01) Valdez: shorah everyone and Greydragon
(05/01 19:30:08) petfam: agree jolly
(05/01 19:30:14) Valdez bows
(05/01 19:30:18) lightkeeper: Yea Jolly
(05/01 19:30:27) Jolly jr. bows at Greydragon.
(05/01 19:30:31) Jolly jr. bows
(05/01 19:30:38) Gondar cheers
(05/01 19:30:42) Gondar: Woo Cyan!
(05/01 19:30:45) Greydragon: Okay so work has a meeting in the morning.. and then i talk to the mods.. read the forums.. check email.. check websites.. blah blah blah.. its all kinda boring..
(05/01 19:30:52) Thend nods with Jolly's comment
(05/01 19:31:05) Gondar: Check the forums and websites, eh? Hmmm..
(05/01 19:31:13) Greydragon: sneak into the design teams offices .. chat with them..
(05/01 19:31:15) Ly'net: Sounds like web surfing to me
(05/01 19:31:17) Gondar laughs
(05/01 19:31:22) Jared: gotta see what your fanbase is up to
(05/01 19:31:23) Thend: If you think your job is boring, GD, can I have it?
(05/01 19:31:23) Ural: Thats what we do as well!
(05/01 19:31:24) Gondar: Yeah, but he gets paid for it.
(05/01 19:31:29) jimmyleg: jeeze, that's what 80% of us do
(05/01 19:31:33) Valdez: are you one of Cyan's staff?
(05/01 19:31:33) Ly'net: I'll take it
(05/01 19:31:33) Ivy: Loil
(05/01 19:31:36) meadow: sounds like pure fun
(05/01 19:31:38) Leonor: Sounds like what I do without being paid.
(05/01 19:31:40) Greydragon: haha i was kidding about the boring part..
(05/01 19:31:49) Kaelri: Any particularly strong impressions from the forums recently?
(05/01 19:31:52) peni nods her head
(05/01 19:31:58) Gondar: (Shoot! They're after my job! Quick, distraction!_)
(05/01 19:32:05) Thend starts to laugh
(05/01 19:32:07) Greydragon: play on the internal server the new ages.. try to find missing things..
(05/01 19:32:13) Jolly jr.: i would love to work for CYAN lol, it would never get boring for me
(05/01 19:32:15) meadow wonders where valdez's box of tissues are.
(05/01 19:32:25) Ly'net: me too
(05/01 19:32:26) Ural: Same here!!
(05/01 19:32:34) Myst'Aken: If you need any help with that give me a rig
(05/01 19:32:37) Jared: a job at CYAN would be a dream come true
(05/01 19:32:39) Caith: ages, plural
(05/01 19:32:39) Valdez: that would be a dream job!
(05/01 19:32:40) Myst'Aken: ring*
(05/01 19:32:43) Dalken Starbyne is seriously planning on it...
(05/01 19:32:45) Caith cheers
(05/01 19:32:51) Greydragon: Yes everyone loves the game and where it is going right.. ??
(05/01 19:32:55) Valdez: can i hug you?
(05/01 19:32:57) Jared: yes
(05/01 19:33:01) jimmyleg: yea yea
(05/01 19:33:01) Ly'net: rofl
(05/01 19:33:02) peni: i do
(05/01 19:33:02) Jared cheers
(05/01 19:33:02) Ivy: i love it
(05/01 19:33:02) Greydragon: JK i know we have things to work on
(05/01 19:33:06) Valdez: YES!
(05/01 19:33:08) Gondar: Well.. we're still not so sure where it is going.
(05/01 19:33:12) Owehn: I love the game - don't know where it's going
(05/01 19:33:16) lightkeeper cheers
(05/01 19:33:19) Ly'net: but the ride is fun
(05/01 19:33:20) Leonor: I do, actually. More Yeesha would me nice.
(05/01 19:33:24) Gondar: We can tell something is brewing storywise, but we know it is moving, but not where.
(05/01 19:33:25) peni will go where it goes
(05/01 19:33:28) Ly'net: here here
(05/01 19:33:29) Janine: yes, what Gondar said!!!!!
(05/01 19:33:29) Gondar: Actuially, even a journal entry or two.
(05/01 19:33:30) Curty: Grey are there any more openings for testing on the reharsal server?
(05/01 19:33:32) Caith: as long as there is room for all kinds of players, great
(05/01 19:33:53) Thend: I think it is kicking into gear, but might require some hook for gamey-gamer-type players
(05/01 19:33:54) Gondar: We need even the tidbits. Get Sharper to start saying stuff.. threaten to take away his rifle unless he comments
(05/01 19:34:00) Valdez: what do you know about vid?
(05/01 19:34:13) Greydragon: Well.. to keep in simple.. we have some exciting things planned ahead
(05/01 19:34:14) Ly'net roars with laughter
(05/01 19:34:15) lightkeeper wonders if he can have a porsche for his long travels?
(05/01 19:34:26) Caith: ooo
(05/01 19:34:27) petfam: thats great to hear GE
(05/01 19:34:30) Ly'net: howfar ahead?
(05/01 19:34:30) Gondar: Yay! But of course that doesn't say much..
(05/01 19:34:32) Ural: Get phill to come back!
(05/01 19:34:33) petfam: err GD rather sry
(05/01 19:34:35) jimmyleg: exciting
(05/01 19:34:40) peni: exciting is good
(05/01 19:34:42) lilabeth wonders about a lot of things that are being discussed
(05/01 19:34:42) Gondar: Can we get clarification of how soon 'ahead' is?
(05/01 19:34:50) Janine: can there be a better definition of "ahead"?
(05/01 19:34:52) Valdez: when are the POTS ages coming?
(05/01 19:34:55) lightkeeper thinks long way to walk to the Library!
(05/01 19:34:57) Dalken Starbyne: Gondar: "In the future"
(05/01 19:35:03) Caith: Works, petfam - "GD - he brings good things to life"
(05/01 19:35:04) Thend: Don't say 'In the future', please
(05/01 19:35:06) Gondar: No need for exact, but are we talking days, weeks, months, what?
(05/01 19:35:09) Kedry: Hello
(05/01 19:35:17) Illuvatar: Does exciting start with a "Y" and end with "eesha"???
(05/01 19:35:18) lilabeth wonders what needs to be indexed and filed
(05/01 19:35:19) Greydragon: ell i hope to announce the plan .. this week but i have to wait for a meeting i have tomorrow
(05/01 19:35:28) Greydragon: ell
(05/01 19:35:29) Gondar: Because right now you guys are working full tilt, but it seems a lot of empty in the meantime.
(05/01 19:35:34) Janine: that gives much hope GD
(05/01 19:35:40) Gondar: Ahh, meetings.
(05/01 19:35:43) Greydragon: well
(05/01 19:35:44) Leonor: Ah
(05/01 19:35:44) Jared: I hope some good stuff comes from that meeting GD
(05/01 19:35:44) Curty: Sweet ty GD
(05/01 19:35:47) Ly'net: will you be basck tomorrow to give us an update?
(05/01 19:35:49) Kedry: Could someone fill me in by PM? Thanks.
(05/01 19:35:49) Greydragon: sorry
(05/01 19:35:50) Ivy: Look forward to hearing the plans
(05/01 19:35:51) Gondar: Tell the crew we said hi.
(05/01 19:36:01) walt: So, You'll be back here tomorrow night, right?
(05/01 19:36:06) Valdez: when are the POTS ages coming?
(05/01 19:36:16) Kaelri: Twenty-four hours from now, I would think.
(05/01 19:36:24) Greydragon: they all say hi back.. i just shouted it out of my office..
(05/01 19:36:29) Gondar laughs
(05/01 19:36:29) Caith: lol super!
(05/01 19:36:30) Kaelri: Excellent.
(05/01 19:36:30) Leonor: :D
(05/01 19:36:31) Ivy: :)
(05/01 19:36:32) Thend cheers
(05/01 19:36:33) petfam: lol thx
(05/01 19:36:33) Ly'net: GD, will you be back tomorrow?
(05/01 19:36:34) Janine: thanks GD
(05/01 19:36:34) Owehn: GD, I have a quick question
(05/01 19:36:39) Pituka: lol
(05/01 19:36:45) jimmyleg: nicew
(05/01 19:36:45) lightkeeper: Thanks GD :)
(05/01 19:36:46) D'Lanor waves at the Cyantists
(05/01 19:36:46) Greydragon: ya i'll come in tomorrow
(05/01 19:36:50) Gondar: No wonder GD sits on the fountain.. it's either that or drown in a sea of explorers.
(05/01 19:36:54) Janine thanks you very much!
(05/01 19:36:54) Thend: Owehn, just ask. GD is, like, casual
(05/01 19:36:55) Ly'net: Yey!
(05/01 19:36:56) Leonor: Bring Yeesha with you :D
(05/01 19:36:57) Caith: Would yo uhave picked a different name if you'd known everyone was going to abbreviate it GD?
(05/01 19:37:00) Jolly jr.: thank you for your time Greydragon, and thank you again for you work!
(05/01 19:37:01) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:37:02) Greydragon: Owehn - go ahead
(05/01 19:37:05) Valdez: When do the POTS ages come?
(05/01 19:37:06) lilabeth wonders if there is anything such as a quick quetions
(05/01 19:37:07) Curty: Remember guys don't bite the hand that feeds you even if you are paying them to do it ;)
(05/01 19:37:12) Valdez: and Minkata
(05/01 19:37:12) walt: Thanks, GD
(05/01 19:37:13) Jolly jr.: bye!
(05/01 19:37:14) Owehn: Do you know whether there's an official Cyan standpoint on how to treat Myst V IC
(05/01 19:37:19) Pituka: pots?
(05/01 19:37:20) d'ni everything: bye
(05/01 19:37:21) lightkeeper can't read this fast :(
(05/01 19:37:26) Illuvatar: Yeesha...
(05/01 19:37:31) Illuvatar: More
(05/01 19:37:33) Gondar: Oooh yes. If there isn't one can you bring it up with the people who can give us a reply?
(05/01 19:37:35) Ly'net: please?
(05/01 19:37:44) Greydragon: people at work call me warzone, dragon and dubya
(05/01 19:37:53) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:37:55) Caith: Maybe that's something we'll have to discover as we discover more Uru
(05/01 19:37:58) Gondar: It's kinda annoying to have to disregard everything in M5 as fiction..
(05/01 19:38:01) lightkeeper keeps trying to shoo cat from in front of the screen
(05/01 19:38:08) Ivy: Dubya?
(05/01 19:38:12) Ly'net roars with laughter
(05/01 19:38:12) peni: ??
(05/01 19:38:13) Thend: Warzecka
(05/01 19:38:15) Kaelri: I second that question, it'd be very helpful those of us trying to keep track of the plot here.
(05/01 19:38:17) Thend: W
(05/01 19:38:17) Gondar: Heh.
(05/01 19:38:37) Greydragon: .. rawa would know about the myst 5 stuff ..
(05/01 19:38:37) Kedry: I'd also like the Myst V stranger debate ended, too...
(05/01 19:38:40) lilabeth is lost in the convesation
(05/01 19:38:43) lightkeeper says shoo little girl
(05/01 19:38:50) Kedry: Can you call in RAWA? :D
(05/01 19:38:55) Gondar: Yeah.. can you bring M5 upo with RAWA? Or at least say the fans want a clarification?
(05/01 19:39:00) Thend: We invite RAWA to come down and see us anytime, as well :)
(05/01 19:39:08) Greydragon: brb i will go ask..
(05/01 19:39:14) Kedry: :D
(05/01 19:39:16) Gondar: Even just a quck post on the DRC forums saying "Myst 5 is canon" or "Myst 5 is not canon" will do
(05/01 19:39:16) Janine: thank you GD
(05/01 19:39:17) Ly'net: Cool!
(05/01 19:39:17) Kaelri: Sweet. Much obliged.
(05/01 19:39:17) Owehn: thank you very, very much
(05/01 19:39:19) Thend grins
(05/01 19:39:21) Ivy: Not that we dont like seeing you GD :)
(05/01 19:39:23) Gondar: Yay! Answers!
(05/01 19:39:28) Kedry cheers
(05/01 19:39:31) Valdez: thank a lot!
(05/01 19:39:31) Thend: Yeah, they're all cool
(05/01 19:39:34) Valdez: yay!
(05/01 19:39:35) Kedry does a dance
(05/01 19:39:40) lightkeeper says phew she got distracted, got a full screen view
(05/01 19:39:41) Myst'Aken does a dance
(05/01 19:39:42) Ly'net: At least someone is willing to provide answers!
(05/01 19:39:42) Valdez: PENGUINS!
(05/01 19:39:47) Ivy: Bye cya/p Caith
(05/01 19:39:57) Jared: take care Caith
(05/01 19:40:03) lilabeth chatting with friends missing the conersation
(05/01 19:40:37) Curty bows
(05/01 19:40:50) lilabeth says "darn has GoD left ?"
(05/01 19:40:57) Kedry: Soo...summary, anyone?
(05/01 19:41:05) Ly'net: He went to talk to RAWA
(05/01 19:41:06) d'ni everything: he's coming right back
(05/01 19:41:08) Kaelri: He's asking RAWA a question as we speak.
(05/01 19:41:10) jimmyleg: off to get RAWA, i think
(05/01 19:41:11) Thend feels the electricity in the air. Either that, or the GZ just went on and is frying his brain
(05/01 19:41:18) Ivy: Lol
(05/01 19:41:18) Pituka: rawa?
(05/01 19:41:21) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:41:25) imara: definetely brain fry
(05/01 19:41:25) Valdez: I wish I was loved trhis much
(05/01 19:41:25) lilabeth is amazed and awed
(05/01 19:41:31) Kedry: I meant about the whole discussion.
(05/01 19:41:33) Greydragon: er...
(05/01 19:41:33) Valdez: This
(05/01 19:41:36) Kaelri: RAWA. Cyan's official D'ni historian.
(05/01 19:41:42) Gondar: er?
(05/01 19:41:44) Kedry: Welcome back, Er!
(05/01 19:41:50) walt: Richard A WAtson
(05/01 19:41:52) Thend: And Amster of Penguins
(05/01 19:41:53) lightkeeper: Er?
(05/01 19:41:54) lilabeth: hello GoD
(05/01 19:41:54) Gondar: Is that a good er, a bad er, or a 'RAWA says 'no comment' er?"
(05/01 19:41:55) Greydragon: umm ya I ahhh.. I didn't say anything..
(05/01 19:41:55) Thend: Master*
(05/01 19:42:06) Jared: lol GD
(05/01 19:42:08) lightkeeper: ?
(05/01 19:42:12) Kedry tries to pick apart "er..."
(05/01 19:42:16) Janine: he was busy??
(05/01 19:42:34) Kedry: Could the 'e' be a clue to a new age? O_O
(05/01 19:42:40) Owehn: well, there's an 'e', then an 'r', and then a few cryptic dots
(05/01 19:42:42) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:42:47) Greydragon: ya .. thats it.. rawa was busy..
(05/01 19:42:47) Thend: Er- Hey, yeah
(05/01 19:42:49) lightkeeper thinks RAWA was busy in a DRC meet and not to be disturbed
(05/01 19:42:50) terriermon waves hello
(05/01 19:42:53) Valdez: Er'Cana!
(05/01 19:42:53) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:42:56) From Kelm in Kelm's Relto: hi there
(05/01 19:43:00) Greydragon: ask later.. lol
(05/01 19:43:04) Ly'net roars with laughter
(05/01 19:43:05) Thend says DOH!
(05/01 19:43:05) Gondar: GD walks up.. "Hey Rich.. can we get a stance on Myst 5 canonicity?" "I haven't decided.. stall them for a week." "Ok." "err.."
(05/01 19:43:07) Jared: sounds like you're avoiding the topic, lol
(05/01 19:43:14) lilabeth thinks rawa not busy, just declined to respond :)
(05/01 19:43:15) Janine: well GD, please just put that on your list for us, we appreciate all that you do
(05/01 19:43:17) Richi says DOH!
(05/01 19:43:25) Kedry: No, just one 'r'. Two might offset the code...
(05/01 19:43:28) Thend: Jared, that's because he is
(05/01 19:43:31) lilabeth smirks
(05/01 19:43:35) Greydragon: i will put that on the list..
(05/01 19:43:42) Janine: thank you
(05/01 19:43:43) Kedry: Thank ye, GD!
(05/01 19:43:43) Owehn: there's a list?
(05/01 19:43:45) Ly'net: we have a list?
(05/01 19:43:45) Thend: Thank you, GD :)
(05/01 19:43:50) Illuvatar: Yeesha...more Yeesha
(05/01 19:43:50) Kedry: Oh, and Pirates or Ninjas?
(05/01 19:43:53) lilabeth: there's always a list
(05/01 19:43:55) Ly'net: Is Yeesha on the list too?
(05/01 19:44:00) d'ni everything: he checks it twice
(05/01 19:44:00) Rose: more bahro
(05/01 19:44:01) Janine: Owehn, I am betting that GD has a list!!!
(05/01 19:44:07) Ly'net: a good list or a bad list?
(05/01 19:44:08) Owehn: thanks GD
(05/01 19:44:21) Myst'Aken: Is it like a whiteboard ?
(05/01 19:44:21) lightkeeper wants a Bahro buddie
(05/01 19:44:25) Greydragon: its on my board...
(05/01 19:44:34) Ly'net: I think GD is Santa Claus in disguise
(05/01 19:44:37) lilabeth: and the board is white
(05/01 19:44:40) Gondar: Hm... if it's a good list, I wanna be on it. If it's a bad list, I'm probably already on it :-P
(05/01 19:44:43) Greydragon: Yep whiteboard..
(05/01 19:44:49) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:44:49) Myst'Aken: kewl
(05/01 19:44:50) Ly'net: me too
(05/01 19:44:50) lilabeth: hheheheheh
(05/01 19:45:02) Myst'Aken: Like Rands ?
(05/01 19:45:03) Kedry: You don't know...WHAT that video has done to us... :P
(05/01 19:45:06) Gondar: Right under "Explorers to avoid"
(05/01 19:45:13) Ly'net: What video?
(05/01 19:45:17) lilabeth: I have one of those :)
(05/01 19:45:19) Valdez: Am I one of them?
(05/01 19:45:25) Ly'net: I'm not.
(05/01 19:45:29) Janine: well GD, I hope you are working hard, but I so hope that you can get with us more often, we really need the info that seemingly you provide best
(05/01 19:45:37) Ly'net: Haven't been around long enough to get on that list
(05/01 19:45:45) d'ni everything: which explorers get to be elves
(05/01 19:45:47) Myst'Aken has
(05/01 19:45:49) Illuvatar: I have one too, says "ask for more Yeesha"
(05/01 19:45:57) Owehn: you make it sound like GD's our magic 8-ball, Janine :)
(05/01 19:45:59) Ly'net: I'm short enough to be one
(05/01 19:45:59) Kedry: *Squints* I thought you lost the beard.
(05/01 19:46:07) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:46:15) Janine: Owehn, I get more hope from him than most :d
(05/01 19:46:20) Curty: i think we just like the Cyanists company in the cavern.
(05/01 19:46:27) Ly'net: I know I do
(05/01 19:46:30) Greydragon: hazy try aagain later
(05/01 19:46:37) Thend starts to laugh
(05/01 19:46:38) d'ni everything: me too
(05/01 19:46:38) Jared roars with laughter
(05/01 19:46:40) Greydragon: Yes
(05/01 19:46:40) Janine starts to laugh
(05/01 19:46:44) Curty: Its just kinda know that we are heard.
(05/01 19:46:47) Illuvatar: Lilabeth, ws your father a glass maker?
(05/01 19:46:56) Owehn: "Don't count on it..."
(05/01 19:47:06) Greydragon: NO
(05/01 19:47:08) lilabeth: :)
(05/01 19:47:10) Gondar: We're explorers.. we leap on anyone semi-official.
(05/01 19:47:11) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:47:13) Valdez: Can I have a cookie?
(05/01 19:47:17) Kedry: No plastic, giant sword this time, GD...yer defenceless... >:)
(05/01 19:47:20) Ly'net: me too?
(05/01 19:47:22) Gondar: "Sharper dropped his hat.. DANCE PARTY!"
(05/01 19:47:25) lilabeth: glass breaks and scars the blower
(05/01 19:47:25) Thend: Anyone have any super-cool questions for GD? That is, if he isn't leaving yet
(05/01 19:47:29) Janine: lol if we could GD we'd shake you for a better outcome
(05/01 19:47:33) Curty: Yeah can you throw us a bone?
(05/01 19:47:39) Curty: J/k :)
(05/01 19:47:39) Kaelri: We like bones.
(05/01 19:47:43) Gondar: Hear there's lots in teledahn.
(05/01 19:47:49) lightkeeper wonders if GD can give a hint where the June Sparklie will be?
(05/01 19:47:50) Valdez: Must shake GD
(05/01 19:47:51) Illuvatar: I have a super cool question: More Yeesha?
(05/01 19:47:52) Kedry: What is the plan for the near future?
(05/01 19:47:58) Greydragon: Bones.. wasn't he on Star trek..
(05/01 19:48:03) Jared: GD, anything that could use improving at CYAN?
(05/01 19:48:05) Pituka: yes the june sparkler!
(05/01 19:48:06) From J'iim in J'iim's Nexus: It appears Greygragon in in the meeting place bevin
(05/01 19:48:07) Gondar: Yeah.. he died :-(
(05/01 19:48:14) d'ni everything: I liked him - he was the Dr
(05/01 19:48:14) Gondar: DeForest Kelley.
(05/01 19:48:19) Pituka: i mean may
(05/01 19:48:20) From J'iim in J'iim's Nexus: Greydragon
(05/01 19:48:21) Kedry: And then Scotty, too...
(05/01 19:48:24) jimmyleg: jim, it's human!
(05/01 19:48:32) Jenneth: Any comments on Vid's disappearance?
(05/01 19:48:35) Kaelri thinks this is GD's opportunity for an "I'm a doctor, not a..." joke.
(05/01 19:48:36) Myst'Aken was lost in DeForest once
(05/01 19:48:38) Abathyr: GD, what's the topmost item on that whiteboard in your office?
(05/01 19:48:41) lilabeth does a dance
(05/01 19:48:42) Janine: GD, will we get to see or hear from Yeesha again??
(05/01 19:48:43) d'ni everything: hey always freaked out
(05/01 19:48:45) Kelm: hey GD hows it going?
(05/01 19:48:49) Whilyam: GD, when will we see a storyline not dependant on Nick chasing girls?
(05/01 19:48:58) Nautico does a dance
(05/01 19:49:00) Greydragon: Sorry if i can't get to the PM's
(05/01 19:49:05) Kedry: GD, Pirates or Ninjas?
(05/01 19:49:13) peni likes Yeesha
(05/01 19:49:14) Kedry: XD
(05/01 19:49:15) Gondar: And will it be Dr. Sutherland chasing boys? :-P
(05/01 19:49:17) Ly'net: GD, chocolate or vanilla
(05/01 19:49:19) Owehn: Dragons, naturally
(05/01 19:49:22) Kedry: We're floodin' him.
(05/01 19:49:22) Greydragon: pirates..
(05/01 19:49:22) peni likes Cate too
(05/01 19:49:22) lilabeth things GoD is simply watching the show and taking notes
(05/01 19:49:22) Kelm: understandable
(05/01 19:49:26) Kedry cheers
(05/01 19:49:34) Jared: we understand, you're only one person, unless there's something you're hiding from us
(05/01 19:49:43) Kedry: Take THAT, ninja-lovers!
(05/01 19:49:50) Gondar: Maybe he's logging it for later. "Lesse.. explorers: Like cheese. Hate slow. Like ninjas or pirates."
(05/01 19:49:50) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:49:50) Rose: Anything we explorers can help with - we've got a lot of talented people here
(05/01 19:49:51) lilabeth: you do have secrets... :)
(05/01 19:49:51) Greydragon: nick .. ya silly story .. nick is that way though.. always chasing the ladies..
(05/01 19:49:51) Kedry: >:O
(05/01 19:49:55) lightkeeper is impressed even Eddie came to see GD
(05/01 19:49:56) Janine: GD will we see or hear from Yeesha again anytime soon?
(05/01 19:50:06) Kelm laughs
(05/01 19:50:09) Valdez: EDDIE!
(05/01 19:50:13) Whilyam: Will we get anything more substantial?
(05/01 19:50:20) Greydragon: Everyone should continue helping laxman
(05/01 19:50:26) lilabeth: when the moon turns blue
(05/01 19:50:26) Thend: Why?
(05/01 19:50:28) Ly'net: Why?
(05/01 19:50:34) Rose: with the markers?
(05/01 19:50:35) lilabeth: laxman holds a key
(05/01 19:50:37) Kelm says DOH!
(05/01 19:50:39) Jared: with the calibration you mean?
(05/01 19:50:40) Thend: He never quite said
(05/01 19:50:40) Sydney Austin: GD do you want to join the ADM?
(05/01 19:50:42) Kedry: How do we continue when we've finished our missions?
(05/01 19:50:45) Illuvatar: Word on Yeehsa....will we see more of her?
(05/01 19:50:50) Ly'net: he probably has lots of keys
(05/01 19:50:52) Gondar: The meter moves.
(05/01 19:50:59) Myst'Aken: I've tried even doing extras
(05/01 19:51:02) Greydragon: Sydney - Na I am independant
(05/01 19:51:03) Ly'net: No music please!
(05/01 19:51:05) Thend: Curty - No.
(05/01 19:51:05) lightkeeper and 3 other of my friends worked on laxmans projetct
(05/01 19:51:10) lilabeth: darn hate that music
(05/01 19:51:10) Rose: :)
(05/01 19:51:16) Ly'net: ty
(05/01 19:51:17) gwdone: Yes, if I amy ask, may we focus on Yeesha for a second?
(05/01 19:51:17) Greydragon: who was that?
(05/01 19:51:19) Kelm: another dumb movement
(05/01 19:51:19) Ly'net: I want to work
(05/01 19:51:24) Valdez: swhattheheck was that!
(05/01 19:51:27) Gondar: Yeah.. I wanna get into the back room of the GZ.. by the calibration chambers, the two locked doors.
(05/01 19:51:35) lilabeth: some dummy
(05/01 19:51:44) Illuvatar: Greydragon, Yeesha?
(05/01 19:51:52) Myst'Aken: I left CTD in his closet
(05/01 19:51:52) Illuvatar: Comment, pelase
(05/01 19:51:52) Kedry: Gondar, we got in there a long time ago...=_=
(05/01 19:51:54) Jared: Gondar, you haven't been there?
(05/01 19:52:02) Greydragon: yeesha.. where is she?? :)
(05/01 19:52:03) Gondar: No, no,. the ones further back.
(05/01 19:52:09) lightkeeper wants to meet Yeesha, not just a hologram of here
(05/01 19:52:11) Owehn: the two small doors with 0's on them?
(05/01 19:52:11) lilabeth: not gonna answer that one ill.. wasting your breath there
(05/01 19:52:13) Gondar: I want a new Yeesha page.. the crowebar page.
(05/01 19:52:13) Ly'net: That's what we want to know
(05/01 19:52:22) Kedry: There is no further back...those are gold decorations.
(05/01 19:52:25) Janine: oh GD, not much of an answer!!!!\
(05/01 19:52:27) lightkeeper: *her
(05/01 19:52:28) lilabeth: there is a crowbar?
(05/01 19:52:30) Gondar: They're doors.
(05/01 19:52:39) lilabeth: can we use it?
(05/01 19:52:39) Thend: GD, who are Cate's benefactors/associates? How is she intending to make money from the Cavern/explorers? Weapons/Technology dealing?
(05/01 19:52:41) Ly'net: Doors open gondor
(05/01 19:52:41) Kedry: Heh, that's almost cruelty, GD... :)
(05/01 19:52:49) Valdez: I have a crowbar in my pocket for crazy people
(05/01 19:52:50) Gondar: Ooh! GD! Can we put forward an official request for the Disco Page?
(05/01 19:52:58) Rose: What about Vid - is there a disease down here we should know about?
(05/01 19:52:59) Myst'Aken: Nooooooooo
(05/01 19:53:05) Greydragon: Well you read her DRC thing right.. Underground Ventures..
(05/01 19:53:06) Zander Nyrond shakes his head
(05/01 19:53:14) Jared: oh, are they? I didn't think there was room for anything behind them and thought they were just decoration
(05/01 19:53:15) Valdez: I think I started the viral infection
(05/01 19:53:17) Gondar: The one that makes the sun and moon spin around relto and more coloured lights than a 3rd party map?
(05/01 19:53:17) Ly'net: Can we get our old dance for the ladies please? Or at least the option?
(05/01 19:53:21) Thend: What is that? Cave tours?
(05/01 19:53:25) Greydragon: I am a closet Disco Dancers..
(05/01 19:53:26) lightkeeper pulls out trusty face mask, invisible
(05/01 19:53:30) Valdez: and I am sitting near GD
(05/01 19:53:32) Kedry: There are two gray doors with KI symbols on them, then a little further on there are golden things which are NOT doors, because they have no KI logos.
(05/01 19:53:47) Uli ask the folk: Is this what you want?
(05/01 19:53:48) Ly'net: OH! Those doors!
(05/01 19:53:53) Greydragon: Kedry be cool to go out of those doors someday
(05/01 19:53:58) Kelm: Underground Ventures hmmm sounds like a mineing company
(05/01 19:53:59) Gondar: See? We need disco page.. then the /dance /disco /groove /boogie /jive /samba /tango..
(05/01 19:54:06) Kedry: Whatheyare? O_O
(05/01 19:54:19) Gondar: It's not good until the animators break down and cry :-D
(05/01 19:54:22) Ly'net: I like that idea Gondor
(05/01 19:54:24) Thend: GD, thought it was your dance for the model on the new one. We need a selection of about 5 though, including the old ones
(05/01 19:54:35) Ly'net nods her head
(05/01 19:54:38) Greydragon: thend i agree
(05/01 19:54:42) Ly'net: I hate my new dance
(05/01 19:54:44) Valdez: can you do something about vid's oddness lately?
(05/01 19:54:45) Ivy cheers
(05/01 19:54:47) Rose: How about the KI, any plans to upgrade it? Maybe add group chatting or something?
(05/01 19:54:51) Thend: Now, this 'Cave Ventures... lol
(05/01 19:54:52) Joorea: nice that you visit us, GD. Do you have seriuos information for us?
(05/01 19:54:53) lilabeth: i like my new dance
(05/01 19:54:56) Janine: GD please say you are not responsible for the way I dance!!!!
(05/01 19:54:57) Kedry: (Then: We HATE the shuffle clap! Now: We want the shuffle-clap back!)
(05/01 19:55:01) gwdone: Dance? What about Yeesha??
(05/01 19:55:02) Ly'net: I don't think he's qualified to help vid
(05/01 19:55:04) Thend: LOL Janine
(05/01 19:55:08) Zander Nyrond: He would if he could get a word ini edgeways...
(05/01 19:55:08) Gondar: Yeah.. go let the character modelers and animators know the explorers want new dances.
(05/01 19:55:11) Valdez: PLEASE!
(05/01 19:55:16) Jared: so I would guess you're working to remedy the dance situation GD?
(05/01 19:55:17) Gondar: And duck.
(05/01 19:55:17) Valdez: yeah
(05/01 19:55:20) Tandy: I don't dance anymore
(05/01 19:55:25) Greydragon: joorea hope to have more tomorrow sorry to disappoint
(05/01 19:55:29) lilabeth: a slow dance would be nice
(05/01 19:55:30) Valdez: get the old dance back!
(05/01 19:55:39) Janine: I don't mind my dance, but I feeel like I'm calling for rain or something!
(05/01 19:55:49) Foxylass: Yes we need a dance selection
(05/01 19:55:50) Ly'net: lol
(05/01 19:55:51) Greydragon: Man wow.. so many people talking..
(05/01 19:55:54) Valdez: I mean look at this dance!
(05/01 19:55:56) Curty: i'm looking forward to the Museum basement
(05/01 19:56:01) Kedry: More than 40 of us.
(05/01 19:56:01) Kaelri: Fun, isn't it.
(05/01 19:56:06) Greydragon does a dance
(05/01 19:56:08) Zander Nyrond: Not so much.
(05/01 19:56:09) Curty: hi Tandy:)
(05/01 19:56:10) Whilyam: Do what Cate does
(05/01 19:56:13) lilabeth: yada yada yada
(05/01 19:56:13) Greydragon does a dance
(05/01 19:56:15) Ly'net: I'm looking forward to any thing we are given
(05/01 19:56:17) Tandy: Hi Curty
(05/01 19:56:20) Kaelri claps his hands
(05/01 19:56:21) Myst'Aken: Hope you have a note taker GD
(05/01 19:56:21) Valdez: It is horrid!
(05/01 19:56:22) lilabeth does a dance
(05/01 19:56:23) Uli starts to laugh
(05/01 19:56:24) Ly'net: Hi Tandy!
(05/01 19:56:29) Mireena: I think the guy dance is cool!
(05/01 19:56:30) Janine: GD you look like a chicken stuck in a tornado!
(05/01 19:56:31) Tandy: Hi Lyn
(05/01 19:56:31) Whilyam: Ask for a certain number of questions, that the first few.
(05/01 19:56:31) Ly'net: chatlog
(05/01 19:56:32) Jared: Hi Tandy
(05/01 19:56:39) Foxylass: I fthe majority speak for a dance change...we should get it
(05/01 19:56:43) Tandy: Hi Jared
(05/01 19:56:46) advicefield does a dance
(05/01 19:56:49) From Budgie2 in DRC(5024) Bevin: averaging 50%
(05/01 19:56:49) Valdez: DANCEPARTY!
(05/01 19:56:51) Thend: Okay, enough dance suggestions, back to super-cool questions. Uhm, unless GD has been lost to his own groove thang
(05/01 19:56:56) Greydragon: that does look like me with a few in me.. lol
(05/01 19:56:57) Curty: ;)
(05/01 19:56:58) Tandy: Yes , Foxy
(05/01 19:57:01) Joorea: why is the dance emote cut inthe time?
(05/01 19:57:01) Illuvatar: Tell rand I have bought a new computer for each myst game. all i wish in refturn is Yeesha, and lots of her
(05/01 19:57:09) Gondar: It's the "Ferret up the pant-leg" shimmy
(05/01 19:57:11) Rose: :)
(05/01 19:57:14) lilabeth: that ws cool
(05/01 19:57:17) Thumbs up from Greydragon
(05/01 19:57:22) Thend starts to laugh
(05/01 19:57:22) Whilyam wants to ask a question...
(05/01 19:57:27) Greydragon: ask
(05/01 19:57:33) Greydragon taps his foot
(05/01 19:57:42) Jared wants to ask a question...
(05/01 19:57:42) Kelm laughs
(05/01 19:57:43) Kedry roars with laughter
(05/01 19:57:52) peni likes the guy dance! do it again GD
(05/01 19:57:54) Whilyam: Are the recent Cate appearances a sign of a trend to come?
(05/01 19:57:55) Gondar: You broke Whil! He never expected you to say yes!
(05/01 19:57:56) lilabeth: please mr gd can we have multiple dances?
(05/01 19:58:08) jimmyleg: laxman, then?
(05/01 19:58:16) Illuvatar wants to ask a question...
(05/01 19:58:19) Greydragon: Yes.. more on that tomorrow
(05/01 19:58:24) Whilyam: :D
(05/01 19:58:26) Jared: Any chance we'll see anything of the Rehevkor?
(05/01 19:58:28) walt: Is the GZ going to be fixed any time soon?
(05/01 19:58:31) lightkeeper: Valdez please give space
(05/01 19:58:34) Greydragon: lilabeth.. i would like that
(05/01 19:58:39) Illuvatar: Can we expect more yeesha?
(05/01 19:58:40) Kedry: GD! /shoo, hurry!
(05/01 19:58:52) Kedry: (:O
(05/01 19:58:57) Kelm: Thend is here not sure about Trend i have not seen him
(05/01 19:59:09) Ly'net wants some space!
(05/01 19:59:14) Greydragon: okay i have to get back to it..
(05/01 19:59:14) Thend looks around for a bit
(05/01 19:59:15) lilabeth: oh thank you gd.. if you could just make a teeeny suggestion
(05/01 19:59:20) Greydragon: see you all later