Talk:What is MYST?

From Guild of Archivists

Why is "Myst" being (inconsistently) written in all caps? The style guide makes no mention of it. --Korovev (talk) 15:49, 4 February 2024 (UTC)

I'm presuming it's because the original Myst book has "MYST" written in all-capitals and that's something that people have either consciously or unconsciously copied. Based on what the style guide does say, I would consider this to be a contravention and would be in favour of rectifying it to "Myst", as well as perhaps adding to the style guide an explicit clause that specifies that writing "MYST" in all-capitals is considered incorrect and that it should be treated as any other proper noun to avoid any future confusion.
I also question whether it makes sense to keep guides/tutorials on the wiki considering wikis are intended to act as encyclopaedias. If it does make sense to keep them here, then I would question whether it makes sense to keep them in the default ('Main') namespace alongside proper articles or whether they would be better kept under e.g. the 'GoArch' namespace, or some new namespace.
--Pharap (talk) 19:30, 9 February 2024 (UTC)