Messengers' Pub (new)

From Guild of Archivists
Revision as of 12:00, 25 August 2020 by (talk)
Messengers' Pub (new)
Messengers' Pub seen from the balcony.
Location Ae'gura, D'ni

The Messengers' Pub (sometimes called the new Messengers' Pub to avoid confusion with the old guild pub) is an area in Ae'gura, near the Guild Hall, restored by explorers and released to everyone on August 21, 2020.


The building appears to be a place for work and festivities - a bar, lounge, and social areas on the first floor, as well as an upstairs conference room for guild meetings. The ceiling is embedded with Firemarbles in a variety of colors[1], and is a feature in private single-person alcoves just outside the conference room. There are four larger alcoves with bench seating surrounding the lounge area.


The Pub link entrance is at the foot of a large split staircase with a central landing of a two-story building. Plants cover the entryway on the first floor, and beautiful yellow/green color scheme stained glass is seen throughout. The sides of the entryway's second floor are lined with ten small two-person social alcoves with the stained glass motif in each. A large stone Guild of Messengers symbol sits above an inactive Nexus Terminal.


The Messengers' Guild insignia statue features prominently above the central bar. Tables and seating surround the central bar, as well as imagers showing informational slides. Two bulletin boards are posted up just behind the bar, with flyers for various Guilds and happenings. A missing person flyer sits on one of the boards for a man named Leonardo, who is referenced in the Pub Journal. [2]



  1. Restoration Journal located on bar in New Messengers' Pub, Pg. 1-3
  2. Restoration Journal located on bar in New Messengers' Pub, Pg. 13