Reference:Gehn's Prayers

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Gehn's Prayers appear on the walls of the rotating Gate Room on Temple Island in Riven.

Transcriptions[edit | edit source]

Our Master[edit | edit source]

In Riven (2024), this text has been slightly shortened.

1997[edit | edit source]

Our Master

.UnrAot gen lepabOen set te vAxU'on
.oonrayot Gen lepahboyen set te vaytsoo'on
Our lord has blessed us by his presence.

.yUtAet manot b'navaot gen remarntan gre'arEutan xo Dovaot
.yootayet mahnot b'nahvahot Gen remahrntahn gre'ahreeuhtahn tso dovahot
We owe our existence to our master Gehn, the creator and protector of our world.

.votartEa gen bareltan xo DovatE
.votahrteeah Gen bahreltahn tso dovahtee
Praise Gehn, maker of worlds.

2024[edit | edit source]

Our Master

.UnrAot gen lepabOen set
.oonrayot Gen lepahboyen set
Our lord Gehn has blessed us.

.yUtAet manot b'navaot gen remarntan
.yootayet mahnot b'nahvahot Gen remahrntahn
We owe our existence to our master Gehn, the creator.

.votartEa gen bareltan xo DovatE
.votahrteeah Gen bahreltahn tso dovahtee
Praise Gehn, maker of worlds.

The Books[edit | edit source]

The Books

.UnrAot gen lepabOen set te Dotagen b'set a r'rIwA b'barel reKortE
.oonrayot Gen lepahboyen set te dotahgen b'set ah r'raiway b'bahrel rekortee
Our lord Gehn has blessed us by giving to us the procedure to make the books.

.cevet navaot ben r'rinåltav xo Donexoet reKorEt xEmaen
.chevet nahvahot ben r'rinaltahv tso donetsoet rekoreet tseemahen
We thank our lord for the honor of producing the books he needs.

The Ink[edit | edit source]

The Ink

.UnrAot gen lepabOen set te Dotagen b'set a reUSa b'barel relem
.oonrayot Gen lepahboyen set te dotahgen b'set ah reooshah b'bahrel relem
Our lord Gehn has blessed us by giving to us the formula to make the ink.

.cevet navaot ben r'rinåltav xo Donexoet relem xEmaen
.chevet nahvahot ben r'[r]inaltahv tso donetsoet relem tseemahen
We thank our lord for the honor of producing the ink he needs.