1502 DE

From Guild of Archivists
  • 1505 DE
  • 1506 DE
  • 1507 DE
  • 1508 DE
  • 1509 DE
  • 1510 DE
  • 1511 DE
  • 1512 DE
  • 1513 DE
  • 1514 DE
  • 1515 DE
  • 1516 DE
  • 1517 DE
  • 1518 DE
  • 1519 DE
  • 1520 DE
  • 1521 DE
  • 1522 DE
  • 1523 DE
  • 1524 DE

1502 DE was a year on the D'ni calendar.

Events[edit | edit source]

Leefo[edit | edit source]

Unknown[edit | edit source]

  • Solath is crowned King of D'ni[2] after Ahlsendar's effective abdication.
  • The Temple of the Great King is renamed the Tomb of the Great King, upon orders of Solath.[3]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. This very specific date seemingly contradicts the DRC's King Ahlsendar notebook, which states that Ahlsendar was sealed "A year later" immediately after discussing the king's speech in 1500 DE

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Cyan. "Timeline", riven.com, accessed 2024-07-31. Archived from the original on 2007-05-12.
  2. DRC. King Solath notebook. Uru.
  3. DRC. King Ahlsendar notebook. Uru.