3rd century DE

From Guild of Archivists
<< 3rd century DE >>
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The 3rd century DE was a D'ni century which lasted from 1250 DE to 1874 DE.

Events[edit | edit source]

  • 1303 DE: The Judges of Yahvo steal Books and Ink from their respective guild halls, setting in motion the start of the Pento War.
  • 1320 DE: The Pento Age is written.
  • 1323 DE: Start of the Pento War.
  • 1323 DE: King Koreen's family is driven from D'ni by the Pento.
  • 1323 DE: Birth of Ahlsendar, firstborn of King Koreen.
  • 1352 DE: The Judges of Yahvo assassinate King Koreen and claim control of the D'ni government.
  • 1352 DE: Ahlsendar returns to D'ni 15 weeks after his father's death.
  • 1376 DE: End of the Pento War.
  • 1376 DE: Ahlsendar is crowned King of D'ni.
  • 1423 DE: Birth of Solath.
  • 1466 DE: The Pento warlord Mekarr assassinates King Ahlsendar's family with help from the Judges of Yahvo.
  • 1466 DE: Ahlsendar secretly orders the genocide of the Pento people using biological warfare.
  • 1500 DE: Ahlsendar admits his responsibility for the Pento plague and seals himself inside the Temple of the Great King.
  • 1501 DE: The Temple of the Great King is ordered permanently sealed by Solath, Ahlsendar's chosen successor.
  • 1502 DE (Leefo 23): The Temple of the Great King is renamed the Tomb of the Great King.
  • 1502 DE: Solath is crowned King of D'ni following Ahlsendar's effective abdication.
  • 1520 DE: The prophetess Nemiya denounces Ahlsendar, whom she had served.
  • 1527 DE: Nemiya vanishes.
  • 1604 DE: King Solath announces plans for a new civic district called Karim.
  • 1610 - 1650 DE: Construction of the Karim District.
  • 1735 DE: King Solath marries Jolatha following his first wife's death.
  • 1748 DE: Birth of Me'erta, firstborn of Solath.
  • 1779 DE: Death of King Solath.
  • 1779 DE: Me'erta is crowned King of D'ni.
  • 1817 DE: Me'erta commissions the construction of the Temple of the Tree.
  • 1843 DE: Construction of the Temple of the Tree is completed.
  • 1871 DE: Birth of Gan.

Significant people[edit | edit source]