Reference:2007-05-23 Michael Engberg in the Great Tree's Hood and Eder Tsogal

From Guild of Archivists

During the tragic events of Scars, Michael Engberg linked to the Great Tree's Hood and their Eder Tsogal, saying very little.

(05/23 22:28:02) Yawni wants some space!
(05/23 22:28:08) Michael Engberg: It passed everything...
(05/23 22:28:26) Eleri: It was safe, Michael.
(05/23 22:28:38) Julian Lapis: Michael... you and the DRC... you did everything right.
(05/23 22:28:47) Eleri nods her head
(05/23 22:28:49) Akiva: You did everything you could to make sure of that
(05/23 22:28:55) Julian Lapis: Dont think for a second that you or they are to blame.
(05/23 22:29:02) Yawni : I don't think he can hear us.
(05/23 22:29:13) Yawni : At the moment...
(05/23 22:29:37) Akiva: He's no doubt oblivious to us - in his own thoughts
(05/23 22:29:49) Moiety Jean: :(
(05/23 22:29:50) Yawni : Exactly.
(05/23 22:30:04) Yellowdog: We need to find Yeesha, she is the only one that can explain what happened.
(05/23 22:30:22) Moiety Jean: What can we do?
(05/23 22:30:40) Yawni : Oh, is that all Yellowdog?
(05/23 22:30:48) Yellowdog: can we find Yeesha?
(05/23 22:30:48) Moiety Jean: I want to go to Noloben....
(05/23 22:30:57) Yawni : Easier said than done.
(05/23 22:31:01) Julian Lapis: Michael!
(05/23 22:31:25) Eleri: Michael, let us help you, please
(05/23 22:31:43) Moiety Jean: You're not alone, Michael
(05/23 22:32:30) Michael Engberg shakes his head.
(05/23 22:32:41) Moiety Jean: Say whatever you need to..
(05/23 22:32:56) Yawni : You're among friends...
(05/23 22:33:09) Julian Lapis: You can talk to us, Michael.
(05/23 22:33:29) Michael Engberg: It was safe.

Michael Engberg linked to Eder Tsogal.

(05/23 22:33:48) Yawni : Go well.
(05/23 22:35:37) Yawni : That's more than enough, I think.
(05/23 22:36:06) Michael Engberg: There were no signs.
(05/23 22:36:27) Moiety Jean: Sometimes there aren't..
(05/23 22:36:33) Julian Lapis: No one could have forseen this.
(05/23 22:36:33) Eleri: couldn't know
(05/23 22:36:47) Moiety Jean: Do you hear us?
(05/23 22:37:26) Akiva: Micheal?
(05/23 22:38:21) Moiety Jean: Where ...
(05/23 22:38:51) Moiety Jean: We hurt for you.
(05/23 22:39:08) Michael Engberg: It was sound.
(05/23 22:40:28) Eleri: It was Michael. it was sound. Something...this was not normal
(05/23 22:40:29) Michael Engberg: This can't be.
(05/23 22:40:38) Moiety Jean: The building wasn't to blame
(05/23 22:42:20) Yawni : Hard to say.
(05/23 22:42:21) Julian Lapis: God DAMNIT!!!
(05/23 22:42:29) the Monk: Hes in the nexus...poor guy
(05/23 22:42:29) Yawni : I think he's roaming at the moment.
(05/23 22:42:36) Julian Lapis punches the wall
(05/23 22:42:41) Moiety Jean: We can't do anything for him
(05/23 22:42:49) Akiva: Strange - and sad
(05/23 22:42:52) Moiety Jean: He just has to grieve
(05/23 22:42:59) the Monk: yeah
(05/23 22:43:00) Yawni : Its worse than that.
(05/23 22:43:04) Yawni : He blames himself.
(05/23 22:43:05) Akiva: Yeah but he seems very restless
(05/23 22:43:08) Moiety Jean: No one will reach him right now
(05/23 22:43:10) Julian Lapis: WHo has done this?
(05/23 22:43:18) the Monk: He's in another bevin
(05/23 22:43:27) Julian Lapis: WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING DOWN HERE?!?
(05/23 22:43:29) Eleri: he's in shock. He shouldn't be alone, but who's going to take away his link?
(05/23 22:43:34) Moiety Jean: He has to wander right now
(05/23 22:43:36) Yawni : He was in charge of structural safety and holds himself responsible for this.
(05/23 22:43:40) Akiva: he was Mr Saftey, he is not to blame
(05/23 22:43:51) Yawni : Of course not.
(05/23 22:43:51) Julian Lapis notices the blood on his hand
(05/23 22:44:01) Eleri: Jules...
(05/23 22:44:15) Moiety Jean: This will pass
(05/23 22:44:18) Yawni : It all right Julian, we couldn't have done anything else.
(05/23 22:44:29) Eleri: we did everything we could...
(05/23 22:44:42) Eleri: none of us could have anticipated those last seconds.
(05/23 22:45:12) Julian Lapis says nothing
(05/23 22:45:32) Akiva shakes her head
(05/23 22:45:43) Julian Lapis: I...
(05/23 22:45:49) Julian Lapis: I have to go.
(05/23 22:46:07) ...Chat.log stopped.