Reference:2007-07-31 The Opening of Kirel

From Guild of Archivists

Cate Alexander, joined by Ikuro Kodama, links into Kirel and the Cavern location becomes available in the Nexus. They answer questions about the forthcoming restored guilds, the bahro, and Kirel itself. Later, Cate Alexander started to take further questions, but cut it short due to too much argument.

(07/31 17:01:27) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate Alexander is online, apparently in Kirel
(07/31 17:01:44) Illuvatar: dunno, but cate is in Kirel right now
(07/31 17:01:46) allis11isall: maybe's she's checking it one last time before they release it.....
(07/31 17:02:31) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Kirel is available in the nexus list
(07/31 17:02:54) To Robert F. Caine: check the nexus. Kirel is open!
(07/31 17:02:54) Veotax: I was the second in :D
(07/31 17:03:00) LostOwl waves hello
(07/31 17:03:08) Tofer: Shorah Cate
(07/31 17:03:20) Marck: Finally, we can hear the firemarbles klicking again :)
(07/31 17:03:20) Cate Alexander: Welcome everyone to Kirel.
(07/31 17:03:23) Veotax cheers
(07/31 17:03:27) LostOwl claps his hands
(07/31 17:03:29) Thend: Hello Cate, where the heck ARE we? lol
(07/31 17:03:33) Nara: Shorah Cate
(07/31 17:04:00) allis11isall cheers
(07/31 17:04:01) Cate Alexander: We are in Kirel, the first, albeit small, step toward the restoration of the Guilds!
(07/31 17:04:25) Amicizia cheers
(07/31 17:04:29) Cate Alexander: It is a good day.
(07/31 17:04:38) Calumon: hello
(07/31 17:04:38) Thend: Cate, interesting, so this is the Guild Hoods? Is this the one for all of them or will there be more?
(07/31 17:04:42) Stevecrox: hey all
(07/31 17:04:50) Veotax: That it is
(07/31 17:05:02) Legacy: AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
(07/31 17:05:16) Veotax: That linking sound never ends
(07/31 17:05:24) Nadnerb covers his ears
(07/31 17:05:25) LegoAddict: Yeah. I'm in a 100 person pileup
(07/31 17:05:25) [ Shadow ]: wow hello all
(07/31 17:05:35) Nadnerb: the linking is d3afening
(07/31 17:05:37) Selee Tayoy: this is the worst place for a meeting
(07/31 17:05:38) Janine: looks like you have it set for a party Cate
(07/31 17:05:38) Cate Alexander: This is simply a spot to learn abou the first four Guilds that will be implemented.
(07/31 17:05:41) Jedi Roland: Whoa bigggg lockup
(07/31 17:06:36) Cate Alexander: This is a spot to offcially recognize the DRC's effort to renew the Guilds.
(07/31 17:06:37) [ Shadow ]: sounds great
(07/31 17:06:38) Jacob Prentice: Lag enopugh?
(07/31 17:06:38) Veotax: I don;t need Fraps running to tell me my frame rate right now :D
(07/31 17:06:38) Cate Alexander: It is not much but it is a start on the journey.
(07/31 17:06:38) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Dr. Kodama and Cate Alexander are both in Kirel
(07/31 17:06:38) Illuvatar: Excuse me, kate.. sorry
(07/31 17:06:39) Thend: Dr Kodama, we meet again
(07/31 17:06:39) Cate Alexander: We hope to do much more in the future.
(07/31 17:06:56) Rufellen: Ah afternoon everyon
(07/31 17:06:57) Lontahv: I can't pick up the shirt
(07/31 17:06:57) paul147: Wow cool
(07/31 17:07:00) Cate Alexander: In preparation for a much better day, we have opened Kirel.
(07/31 17:07:08) The.Modificator: shora
(07/31 17:07:08) paul147: Wow cool
(07/31 17:07:08) paul147: :)
(07/31 17:07:08) Illuvatar: Excuse me doctor kodoman
(07/31 17:07:08) Thend: Doctor, how are you?
(07/31 17:07:11) D'ean: Shorah
(07/31 17:07:16) Anony Mouse: the guilds were the source of D'ni pride -- which goeth before the fall
(07/31 17:07:16) Cate Alexander: For those standing in front of me, please move.
(07/31 17:07:20) Device claps
(07/31 17:07:22) LegoAddict: lol
(07/31 17:07:23) Tofer: Shorah Dr. Kodama
(07/31 17:07:26) Jacob Prentice: Down in front...
(07/31 17:07:28) Veotax: Haha
(07/31 17:07:30) Dr. Philips waves hello
(07/31 17:07:32) TiareSim: please, everyone, sit and let Cate and Dr. Kodama speak
(07/31 17:07:35) Nine-O-Nine: i can't move
(07/31 17:07:56) Jedi Roland: 9i98oum, ui um hyh umnj
(07/31 17:07:56) splash1: wow!
(07/31 17:07:57) William Clark: Allright, finally, I managed to crawl my way up the Age players list
(07/31 17:07:57) Janine: everyone please clear the link in spot also as a courtesy
(07/31 17:07:58) Wulf: IF YOU SIT THE LAG WILL DECREASE!
(07/31 17:08:02) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: For those standing in front of me, please move
(07/31 17:08:04) [ Shadow ]: sitting helps alot yes
(07/31 17:08:12) William Clark: congrats on Kirel Cate
(07/31 17:08:14) paul147: Is there a relto page in here
(07/31 17:08:14) Cate Alexander: I wanted to thank Reteltee for all of his help with our work on the Guilds and this neighborhood in particular.
(07/31 17:08:17) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: people are being asked to sit down
(07/31 17:08:20) Jedi Roland: Yukky
(07/31 17:08:30) Cate Alexander: We appreciate all of his efforts.
(07/31 17:08:35) Anony Mouse: why recreate that which destroyed D'ni? Do you think you can void in just a few weeks the same mistakes that after centuries they failed to see
(07/31 17:08:35) Illuvatar: My apologies dr kodoma and cate...sorry i stood so close.. i lagged
(07/31 17:09:27) Maurus: wowse
(07/31 17:09:27) paul147: Whens jalek reslesed cate
(07/31 17:09:27) splash1: me too
(07/31 17:09:27) Cate Alexander: And could not have done it without his input.
(07/31 17:09:27) LegoAddict: Please sit to decrease Lag
(07/31 17:09:27) Jedi Roland: Id move if i caould--sorry anybody
(07/31 17:09:27) Cate Alexander: I will take a few questions.
(07/31 17:09:27) KIMK: cool shirt
(07/31 17:09:27) William Clark: Allright
(07/31 17:09:28) William Clark: Cate! what about the Bahro in the city?!
(07/31 17:10:26) Marck: Paul, let them announce the release of Kirel first, okay ;)
(07/31 17:10:27) Cate Alexander: Me or Dr. Kodama will try out best to answer.
(07/31 17:10:27) LegoAddict: Which guilds are to be opened?
(07/31 17:10:27) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: I want to thank Reteltee for all his help with our work on the guilds and his neighborhood. we could not have done it without his input. I will take a few questions.
(07/31 17:10:27) Cate Alexander: You can read for yourself.
(07/31 17:10:30) Illuvatar: cate, is sharper's bahvior apprioopriate, in the minds of the DRC?
(07/31 17:10:30) Thend: Do you need moderation?
(07/31 17:10:30) William Clark: Has the DRC attempted a peacful method of contact?
(07/31 17:10:30) paul147: When is jalek reslsed cate?
(07/31 17:10:30) Device: who's that Reteltee guy you mentioned?
(07/31 17:10:30) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: Me or Dr. Kodama will try our best to answer
(07/31 17:10:30) splash1: to much lag!
(07/31 17:10:30) Selee Tayoy: What are the next major projects ahead?
(07/31 17:10:30) [ Shadow ]: Cate, is there a time frame we are looking at for when the guilds start?
(07/31 17:10:30) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: Which guilds are to be opened?
(07/31 17:10:30) Veotax wants to ask a question...
(07/31 17:10:32) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: You can see for yourself
(07/31 17:10:34) Cate Alexander: I would rather not talk about the Bahro or Sharper at this moment.
(07/31 17:11:28) William Clark: Allright, Dr. Kodama
(07/31 17:11:29) Cate Alexander: We view the Guilds as the backbone of D'ni civilizaiton.
(07/31 17:11:30) Junee: What purpose will the guilds fill today?
(07/31 17:11:32) Anony Mouse: again, I ask "why recreate the guild structure which was the source of D'ni power and pride, that led to their destruction?"
(07/31 17:11:32) William Clark: Why not?
(07/31 17:11:32) splash1 needs a moment to breathe!
(07/31 17:11:32) From HEVYNN in HEVYNN's Nexus: Hey nad how do i get in kirel
(07/31 17:11:33) splash1: i'm up
(07/31 17:11:33) William Clark: it's important, they're out there right now!
(07/31 17:11:33) Veotax: Are the new stained glass windows going to be put up this week?
(07/31 17:11:33) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: I would rather not talk about the bahro or Sharper at this moment
(07/31 17:11:33) Cate Alexander: You are taking a particular view of D'ni history.
(07/31 17:11:33) Dr. Kodama: Let's just keep focused on the opening of Kirel for the moment.
(07/31 17:11:41) rong: shorah
(07/31 17:11:41) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: why recreate guilds when it was the downfall of the D'ni
(07/31 17:11:44) Dar H'Tor: sit
(07/31 17:11:44) Resonance: /sit
(07/31 17:11:44) Pryftan: Oh my god, this lag..! Hallo Cate..
(07/31 17:11:44) splash1 wants to ask a question...
(07/31 17:11:44) Anony Mouse: and you are not?
(07/31 17:11:54) William Clark: we can't just sit here and ignore-
(07/31 17:11:54) Wulf: SIT DOWN
(07/31 17:11:54) KIMK: lol
(07/31 17:11:54) William Clark sighs
(07/31 17:11:54) Dar H'Tor: 7sit
(07/31 17:12:06) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: You are taking a particular view of D'ni history.
(07/31 17:12:06) Illuvatar: Ok. thanks you for you have any opening wrds? for the release?
(07/31 17:12:06) Anony Mouse: only this time the slaves are loose and will not serve the guilds
(07/31 17:12:06) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Kodama: Let's keep focused on the opening of Kirel
(07/31 17:12:06) Cate Alexander: AS far as the Bahro, has anyone seen them out of the city?
(07/31 17:12:06) Pryftan: Ms. Alexander, what will the Guild of Writers be doing?
(07/31 17:12:06) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: We view the guilds as the backbone of D'ni civilization
(07/31 17:12:12) Selee Tayoy: If you ever decide to hold another meeting here, can you please pick a better spot that the link-in spot.
(07/31 17:12:12) Dr. Kodama: I'm not sure what you'd like us to do about them.
(07/31 17:12:12) Andrew Yosso nods his head
(07/31 17:12:18) Illuvatar: They've been all over the city
(07/31 17:12:18) Anony Mouse: guilds historically lead to class structure and power bases
(07/31 17:12:22) Pryftan: Other than in the Pub, no.
(07/31 17:12:29) AKA: I have seen them today in the City Cate.
(07/31 17:12:33) Selee Tayoy: yes i've seen them up close too.
(07/31 17:12:35) Wulf: we cjust checked our hood instance of the city, they werent present
(07/31 17:12:45) Cate Alexander: For those of you who would like us to do something, I suppose we could close down the city?
(07/31 17:12:46) William Clark: Dr. K, maybe try and talk to them peacefully. So we all don't end up dead in our Relots
(07/31 17:13:25) [ Shadow ]: um no
(07/31 17:13:26) William Clark: Reltos*
(07/31 17:13:26) Anony Mouse: I do not confuse guilds with class -- only to say that one leads to the other
(07/31 17:13:31) Tarynelle: No!
(07/31 17:13:33) Rufellen: I heard they where seen in the city but I only just got back from the city and walked into this nightmare
(07/31 17:13:33) From M1SF0RTUNE in M1SF0RTUNE's Teledahn: hey Nad how'd u get to Kirel?
(07/31 17:13:33) Illuvatar: Please, if you CAte and Dr kodoma have some opening words about Kirel....
(07/31 17:13:33) Wulf: It might be safer if you did
(07/31 17:13:34) bpgisme: No! DOn't close the city!
(07/31 17:13:34) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Dr. K: I'm not sure what you'd like us to do about them
(07/31 17:13:34) Device: You guys, let's not change the subject
(07/31 17:13:34) Thend: Dr Kodama, provide us with ALL the Bahro information you and Sharper have on them, in answer to your query
(07/31 17:13:34) AKA: NOOOOOOOOOO please don't close the city Cate...they didn't do anything
(07/31 17:13:35) ShadowDude: They were just sitting there... they don't seem like a threat...
(07/31 17:14:03) Selee Tayoy: Definately not threatening
(07/31 17:14:04) Anony Mouse: you are a member of a guild, I am not -- ergo you are more important than I am
(07/31 17:14:04) Pryftan: Ms. Alexander, we don't want you to do something about the Bahro physically. We just need information, most optimally from Sharper but he seems to incite crowds, so we're asking you and Dr. Kodoma.
(07/31 17:14:04) Jacob Prentice sighs
(07/31 17:14:04) William Clark: From what I've seen, they don't seem to be killing us
(07/31 17:14:05) Cate Alexander: We have said our opening words.
(07/31 17:14:06) Veotax: Cate, are the new stained glass windows going to be put up this week?
(07/31 17:14:06) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: for those of you who would like us to do something, I suppose we can close down the city (question about dealing with bahro question)
(07/31 17:14:06) bpgisme: Please talk about Kirel.
(07/31 17:14:06) Moiety Jean: Please do not close the city yet. It provides a good opportuity to try to communicate with them.
(07/31 17:14:06) Curty: Guys please listen to Cate
(07/31 17:14:06) William Clark: I agree with Pryfran, give us all the information you have
(07/31 17:14:08) paul147: Is tere a t shirt in here?
(07/31 17:14:08) Janine: Cate andy information the DRC can provide the exploreres is all we really want and need
(07/31 17:14:08) LegoAddict: no, it simply means that she has special skills you do not
(07/31 17:14:16) To M1SF0RTUNE in M1SF0RTUNE's Teledahn: the nexus
(07/31 17:14:20) Leonardo: Cate or Dr.Kodama, how does the Guilds will work exactly? how to sign on one of them, which instruments they'll have, etc
(07/31 17:14:26) splash1: why can't i pick this shirt up?
(07/31 17:14:27) ireenquench: Information you have might be very helpful, since we have to act on our own most of the time.
(07/31 17:14:27) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: We have said our opening words
(07/31 17:15:10) Nara: CAte will there be more than these 4 guild in future?
(07/31 17:15:11) darkstar: In view of todays events uisn;t this an excercise in fiddling whilst Roman burns Cate
(07/31 17:15:13) William Clark: This amtter concerns all of us, we're all in potential danger
(07/31 17:15:13) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: Are the new stained glass from the contest going to be put up this week?
(07/31 17:15:13) Illuvatar: cate and Dr. Kodoma...thank you for opening this area for us. We are grateful
(07/31 17:15:13) Pryftan: If you could please tell us how Sharper feels he can distinguish the good/bad BAhro, it might help us do the same.
(07/31 17:15:15) Anony Mouse: can I get those skills WITHOUT joining the guild? closed knowledge in a closed structure
(07/31 17:15:15) Cate Alexander: There will be more infromation on the Guilds in the future.
(07/31 17:15:29) rong wishes for patience
(07/31 17:15:29) Curty: Cate what is it you have to say about the opening....
(07/31 17:15:29) paul147: Wheres the t shirt
(07/31 17:15:29) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: Will there be more than these 4 guilds in the future?
(07/31 17:15:29) LegoAddict: Guilds don't nessisarily lead to a class structure, as long as they are open to all with a reasonable amount of skill or eagreness, they won't create a class structure
(07/31 17:15:29) Cate Alexander: AS I said, we will not be discussing the Bahro or Shaper right now.
(07/31 17:15:29) URU_Plum: give them a chance to speak
(07/31 17:15:29) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: there will be more information on the guilds in the future
(07/31 17:15:31) Selee Tayoy: agreed
(07/31 17:15:32) Curty: of....Kriel?
(07/31 17:15:52) [ Shadow ]: So how about those mets cate
(07/31 17:15:52) Tehanu wishes everyone would be quiet for Cate to speak
(07/31 17:15:56) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: As I said, we will not be discussing the bahro or Sharper right now
(07/31 17:16:00) Kelm: are the drc concerned that the Great Zero is still only running on 20% and has still not increased to full power yet?
(07/31 17:16:00) Device: is this the only Kirel, or are there many, like Bevin?
(07/31 17:17:19) Rufellen: I want to hear about these new guilds, so let the lady talk
(07/31 17:17:20) Pryftan: Well then Cate.. can you please tell us what it is the Guild of Writers will be doing? Will we know enough about the Art to set that up?
(07/31 17:17:21) Cate Alexander: Well that seems enough then. Enjoy.
(07/31 17:17:22) ireenquench: Allright, so what now, Cate, Q & A time then? you need a moderator?
(07/31 17:17:23) Tarynelle: This must be an exciting day for the DRC with the opening of Kirel. Another age restored for explorers!
(07/31 17:17:24) [ Shadow ]: Thanks Cate
(07/31 17:17:25) LostOwl thanks you very much!
(07/31 17:17:25) paul147: Cate wait
(07/31 17:17:25) The.Modificator: no time for some questions? :(
(07/31 17:17:26) Anony Mouse: as long as the knowlege is available to all without guild membership, no problem -- but then we really don't need a guild for it. Besides I like my bevin too much to give it up to a guild. I just want the knowledge without the membership requirement
(07/31 17:17:29) TiareSim: thank you Cate
(07/31 17:17:46) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: Well that seems enough then. Enjoy
(07/31 17:17:58) paul147: Where are the t shirts
(07/31 17:18:00) ireenquench: Dr. Kodama will you be available for questions?
(07/31 17:18:03) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate has linked out
(07/31 17:18:03) Dr. Kodama: I'll take a few.
(07/31 17:18:18) darkstar: Yeah opity about the dead bahro in the Watchers Pub rather takes the gloss off
(07/31 17:18:18) ireenquench: Should I moderate?
(07/31 17:18:19) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Dr. K: I'll take a few (questions)
(07/31 17:18:19) Dr. Kodama: sure, ireen.
(07/31 17:18:20) ireenquench: splash please
(07/31 17:18:20) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Ireen is moderating questions
(07/31 17:18:20) Whilyam: Is the "No Bahro Questions" rule still in order?
(07/31 17:18:20) Jedi Roland: Th
(07/31 17:18:21) Jedi Roland: Is looks a lot like Bevin
(07/31 17:19:49) ireenquench: please have your questions typed out with shout when I call upon you
(07/31 17:19:52) Dr. Kodama: Splash?
(07/31 17:19:54) Moiety Jean: /Neighbors almost impossible to type in here.. so crowded.. kirel just opened
(07/31 17:19:55) Dr. Kodama: You may ask, Whilyam. I may not have an answer.
(07/31 17:19:56) darkstar: he can refuse to answer but we can still ask
(07/31 17:19:56) Thend wants to ask a question...
(07/31 17:19:57) ireenquench: splash, then Sam, then modi
(07/31 17:19:58) Whilyam: I'd rather wait until you have an answer. There are older questions first..
(07/31 17:19:58) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q about bahro, if questions about bahro are off limit
(07/31 17:20:10) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K? you may ask, I may not have an answer
(07/31 17:20:40) KIMK: I cant get a shirt
(07/31 17:20:41) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: Splash?
(07/31 17:20:42) paul147: Where you get shirt from
(07/31 17:20:42) splash1: i mean
(07/31 17:20:44) LegoAddict: The DRC table
(07/31 17:20:47) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: When is Jalak coming?
(07/31 17:20:48) Ivy: Q: when is Jalak coming?
(07/31 17:20:48) paul147: Where
(07/31 17:20:48) paul147: Lol
(07/31 17:20:48) paul147: Lol
(07/31 17:20:48) Dr. Kodama: Later this week. Likely Thursday or Friday.
(07/31 17:20:56) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: Later this week, likely Thursday or Friday
(07/31 17:20:57) splash1: why is there 2 age slots in my Relto?
(07/31 17:20:58) ireenquench: Sam next
(07/31 17:20:59) Ivy: A: later this week Likely Thursday or Friday
(07/31 17:21:00) Choochie: I got it from the closet
(07/31 17:21:05) Falmer: Ffffffff
(07/31 17:21:17) Illuvatar: Please add me to the queue, ireen
(07/31 17:21:19) Dr. Kodama: I'm not sure what you're refering to, Splash.
(07/31 17:21:33) splash1: i have to book spots in my Relto
(07/31 17:21:36) splash1: i'm sure one is for Jalak
(07/31 17:21:43) ireenquench: Sam please type out your question, otherwise Modi
(07/31 17:21:48) splash1: but the other one is puzzeling
(07/31 17:21:57) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: I'm not sure what you're referring to Splash (why is there 2 age slots in my relto?)
(07/31 17:22:10) Device: Paul, could this wait until Kodama's done?
(07/31 17:22:16) Dr. Kodama: You'd have to ask Yeesha that question.
(07/31 17:23:17) Dr. Kodama: nest.
(07/31 17:23:27) splash1: dang
(07/31 17:23:28) Dr. Kodama: next.
(07/31 17:23:28) ireenquench: Sam please
(07/31 17:23:28) Whilyam: I'll write her a letter right now...
(07/31 17:23:28) Legacy: ill thats your jobb go ask yeesha
(07/31 17:23:28) Samuel Churchill doesn't remember wanting to ask a question...
(07/31 17:23:29) Samuel Churchill: Unless there is another Sam about...
(07/31 17:23:30) ireenquench: Modi Please
(07/31 17:23:35) kat05: if the bahro meant to harm us wouldnt they have done it in the watchers sanctuary?
(07/31 17:23:36) SillyEagle: if one more person walks right through me.. I'm going to need a pepcid ac!
(07/31 17:23:36) The.Modificator: Did the Dr. Watson who was the leader of the DRC also work at Cyan Worlds to develop Myst and Riven? And will you also open the Kirel classroom and Eggroom in the near future?
(07/31 17:23:36) KIMK: Im getting a headache trying to move around in here
(07/31 17:24:14) Dr. Kodama: Yes, Dr. Watson spent some time consulting at Cyan Worlds.
(07/31 17:24:14) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: You'd have to ask Yeesha that question. Next. (?)
(07/31 17:24:14) paul147: Chocie where are they
(07/31 17:24:14) paul147: Lol
(07/31 17:24:14) ireenquench: ( Whilyam next)
(07/31 17:24:14) Dr. Kodama: Classroom and eggroom - not in the near future.
(07/31 17:24:14) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: Did Dr. Watson who was the leader of the DRC also work for Cyan developing Myst and Riven?
(07/31 17:24:14) Dr. Kodama: next.
(07/31 17:24:15) kat05: even sharper admitted that he may have killed a good bahro
(07/31 17:24:15) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: Yes, Dr. Watson spent some time consulting at Cyan Worlds
(07/31 17:24:27) paul147: Konma will you always be here
(07/31 17:24:27) From M1SF0RTUNE in M1SF0RTUNE's Nexus: Where is Cate at?
(07/31 17:24:27) William Clark: (ireen, please put me up)
(07/31 17:24:27) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: Will you also open the Kirel classroom and eggroom ?
(07/31 17:24:35) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: Classroom and eggroom - not in the near future
(07/31 17:24:40) Whilyam: Dr. Kodama, has the DRC ever found a D'ni calendar? If so, could you describe one?
(07/31 17:24:45) ireenquench: whiylam please.... then william clark
(07/31 17:25:01) Illuvatar: Add me to the queue, ireen
(07/31 17:25:12) Rufellen: "Ireen can you put me on the list
(07/31 17:25:24) Dr. Kodama: A D'ni calendar? A physical one... no, but we do have some information on how their calendar works.
(07/31 17:25:28) Dr. Kodama: next.
(07/31 17:26:06) Whilyam: Maybe the D'ni words for "date" and "calendar"?
(07/31 17:26:06) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: Has the DRC ever found a D'ni calendar? If so, oculd you describe it?
(07/31 17:26:06) ireenquench: adding you guys to list dont worry, William clark next
(07/31 17:26:06) Dr. Kodama: I'm sorry, I do not know those words.
(07/31 17:26:15) From M1SF0RTUNE in A Beginner's Bevin: Where's Cate Alexander at?
(07/31 17:26:18) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: A D'ni calendar? A physical one ... no, but we do have some information on how their calendar works.
(07/31 17:26:24) Rufellen:
(07/31 17:26:29) To M1SF0RTUNE in M1SF0RTUNE's Teledahn: Kirel
(07/31 17:26:33) Dr. Kodama: Would your prefer information over new areas?
(07/31 17:26:54) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: I'm sorry, I do not know those words (Do you know the D'ni words for "date" and "calendar")
(07/31 17:26:58) AKA: could we have both?
(07/31 17:27:05) Dr. Kodama: There are too few of us to do both.
(07/31 17:27:08) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: would you prefer information over new areas?
(07/31 17:27:21) Nine-O-Nine: alternating between the two would be nice
(07/31 17:27:25) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: There are too few of us to do both.
(07/31 17:27:50) Dr. Kodama: next.
(07/31 17:27:55) darkstar: sounds like a no brainer
(07/31 17:28:01) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: Next
(07/31 17:28:12) ireenquench: Veotax
(07/31 17:28:30) Veotax: Will the new windows be put up in the Bevins this week?
(07/31 17:28:47) Nine-O-Nine: stained glass.....
(07/31 17:28:59) ireenquench: (after veotax: Thend then Pryftan then Illuvatar)
(07/31 17:29:23) Dr. Kodama: Not this week. Likely in about a month.
(07/31 17:29:33) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: will the new windows be put up in the Bevins this week?
(07/31 17:29:44) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: not this week. Likely in about a month
(07/31 17:29:59) Dr. Kodama: Two more questions, and I must be going.
(07/31 17:30:10) ireenquench: Thend then Pryftan
(07/31 17:30:13) Thend: Dr Kodama, you have been with the DRC since the beginning. How do you feel, frankly, about the direction the Restoration is going in now? (Also, Sam Byard, in line but crashed out earlier, asks if a private meeting with the DRC and Sharper could be set up to get Sharper's story)
(07/31 17:30:21) The.Modificator: okay, nevermind then :)
(07/31 17:30:26) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: two more questions and I must be going
(07/31 17:31:10) Dr. Kodama: I just want to do my job. If Cate will continue to fund it, I will continue to do it.
(07/31 17:31:19) Dr. Kodama: next
(07/31 17:31:20) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: how do you feel about the direction the Restoration is going? Can you comment on Sam Byard
(07/31 17:31:53) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: K: I just want to do my job. If Cate will continue to fund it, I will continue to do it.
(07/31 17:32:01) ireenquench: Praftan
(07/31 17:32:02) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate Alexander is in Myss Terri's bevin
(07/31 17:32:07) ireenquench: y
(07/31 17:33:00) Dr. Kodama: yes, we have discussed that possibility.
(07/31 17:33:13) Dr. Kodama: Thank you all.
(07/31 17:33:23) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: will the DRC ever consider giving untranslated pieces to explorer groups? K: yes we have discussed that possiblity
(07/31 17:33:37) AKA: Thank you Dr Kodama
(07/31 17:33:39) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Sydney: what's the real story Cate? (in Myss Terrie's bevin)
(07/31 17:33:57) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Kodama has linked out of Kirel :: end relay from Kirel
(07/31 17:33:59) ireenquench: sorry for not gettign eveeryone but i wrote down the names in order as best as I could
(07/31 17:34:05) Device: @Thend: your question was probably too general; he didnt really say much
(07/31 17:34:16) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: I can say that I know Sharper to be an honest man in his dealings with me. Why is your tone always so hostile Sydney?
(07/31 17:34:24) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: Where is Sharper now?
(07/31 17:34:32) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: Then why don't you leave?
(07/31 17:34:36) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Syd: you wish Cate
(07/31 17:34:42) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: I do wish, very much
(07/31 17:34:48) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate: that's why I asked you to
(07/31 17:34:53) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Syd: sorry, it's not going to happen
(07/31 17:34:57) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: then please shut up
(07/31 17:34:58) ireenquench: Maintainers, writers, greeters, messengers cartographers? thats what relteltee said the other day
(07/31 17:35:06) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Syd: then tell the truth
(07/31 17:35:30) Device: yeah, I thought you did a good job Ireen
(07/31 17:35:36) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: I'll be ignoring your comments from her on out. Anyone else?
(07/31 17:35:39) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Syd: fine
(07/31 17:35:53) ireenquench: thanks all for being patient... now lets check this place out :)
(07/31 17:36:05) Device: Bahro have been appearing on buildings in the city
(07/31 17:36:22) Device: and Cate's in MyssTerri's Bevin for whoever's interested
(07/31 17:36:44) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: do you have any information as to why Sharper attacked and killed the bahro? Does the current situation delay what was planned for the Jalak release?
(07/31 17:37:17) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: Sharper did not attack and kill an innocent bahro without my permission. Sharper defended himself.
(07/31 17:37:26) From peni: hi
(07/31 17:37:29) Moiety Jean: hey, the lights really add to the lag.. please leave them be!
(07/31 17:37:50) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: do anyof the D'ni documents refer to the presence of the bahro we are familiar with?
(07/31 17:37:51) From 5TheStranger5 in 5TheStranger5's Relto: ~:|SHORAH ALL|:~ WILL BE RELAYING IN 5'S BEVIN IF ANYBODY NEEDS ME
(07/31 17:38:14) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: there are hints for those who are looking for them
(07/31 17:38:46) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: How do you know that?
(07/31 17:39:00) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: not blatant descriptions from what I understand, but I am not a historian
(07/31 17:39:14) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: can you release them please? (speaking of documents again)
(07/31 17:39:23) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: we hare hoping that Kirel is a first step in a guild system
(07/31 17:39:42) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: how is Kirel part of a guild system?
(07/31 17:39:52) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: we have lots of plans but there is much more discussion needed
(07/31 17:39:55) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: could you elaborate on the plans for the guilt systems
(07/31 17:40:15) Ben Dixon: Lets see if it works
(07/31 17:40:15) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: rather than raise or lower hopes too much I would rather not speak until we know what the future holds
(07/31 17:40:15) Samuel Churchill: Leave Bob O'Goobo alone...
(07/31 17:40:21) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: Kirel has been opened
(07/31 17:40:30) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: What is Kirel and what is the population limit?
(07/31 17:40:39) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: We are hoping to do more with the guilds after Jalak
(07/31 17:40:58) Curty: no Zandi?
(07/31 17:41:01) Ben Dixon: Guess not
(07/31 17:41:09) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: But again, I'd rather not go into detail
(07/31 17:41:46) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Q: could you summon Sharper for us?
(07/31 17:41:46) Marck: Does anything happen when you press that button?
(07/31 17:41:57) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: no progress on the advertising debate as of this moment. Any other questions?
(07/31 17:42:01) Wiijon: nothing
(07/31 17:42:04) Ben Dixon: Nope.
(07/31 17:42:21) Placebo: anyone catch kodama's KI number?
(07/31 17:42:28) Marck: Well, something to look forward for later
(07/31 17:42:33) Curty: yes I have it
(07/31 17:43:17) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: explorers ask how we will be able to join a guild
(07/31 17:43:34) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: other explorers are arguing, request is made for moderation
(07/31 17:43:48) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: C: it's hard to hear questions over the arguing, perhaps I should come back after
(07/31 17:43:49) Placebo: thanks
(07/31 17:43:52) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: Cate linked out
(07/31 17:44:14) Device: could you take one, then come back and trade it?
(07/31 17:44:25) Device: cool
(07/31 17:46:03) Samuel Churchill: Hmmmm...four upcoming Guilds...four tables here that have no use yet...
(07/31 17:46:23) Queen Salacia: Hey Robert
(07/31 17:46:27) Samuel Churchill: Unreadable notes and things that look like sign-up sheets...
(07/31 17:46:38) Queen Salacia: I
(07/31 17:46:49) Queen Salacia: I'm lagging so bad I can hardly type
(07/31 17:46:49) Queen Salacia: I'm on the slow computer
(07/31 17:47:01) From [ Relayer ] Abathyr in Blabbity's Bevin: END RELAY