Reference:Rivenese transcriptions

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In Riven, the Stranger has a bit of dialogue with Nelah while prisoner on Tay. No trascriptions or translations were ever released. Explorer KathTheDragon attempted the transcriptions[1] that follow.

OOC: Rivenese is reportedly based on a dialect of Papua New Guinea. However, no one has yet managed to identify which one, let alone acquire a translation.



Cho's lines in Riven's intro.

čo? ša-di-(y)a-he. ka-ga-wa-ri-vu.
mu-wa-wi-vu-wi-vu (nervous stuttering?)
[ attempted D'ni ].
mi-si-ra-po, mi-si-rap(o?). mi-ti-t/ga-gu gu-(w)a-nei.
mi-si-ra-po. mi-ti-t/ga-gu gu-(w)a-nei. boku (w)a-nei. mi-si-rap(o?).
boku bai-nei. boku (w)a-nei. boku (w)a-nei! bo-nai.


Katran's line in the prison.

ya-fer-di-k(?) (cuts herself off)


Moiety rebels who capture the Stranger.

a-nau-v/mai. (ha-n)a-ru-na-sau-se. [first part of the second sentence is said too quietly]
ya-no-ke-ni-(h)a-boko-mo-boko i-si-bo.
frai-da-bo (ma).
doi-bi-yo. do-bo.

Nelah 1

Nelah's first speech to the Stranger.

Ka-ta-ri-na-(n)ei-nau-de-sai-ye-pa-lo. ya-pa-ai-ma-nai-ye-le-po.
t/di-sai. bai-de-fe-lu-pe.

Nelah 2

Nelah's second speech to the Stranger.

si-ra-po. (h)i-boko-mo-boko i-si-bo.
na-ve-ne. ta-po-mo-re-ve-ne-be-nu.
nau-ka-ta-ri-na-ne. wi-si-fi-po-lo-ya-se-pei-ai.


Line from a guard in Tay.

o-ke-do-ru-ri-bo o-ke-do-ru-ri-bi-si-ra-pe!
o-ke-bu-ri-bo-(w)a. ge-bu.