Oath of the Guild of Writers

From Guild of Archivists
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The Oath of the Guild of Writers was an oath that all members of the Guild of Writers pledged to live by. It was written jointly by Ri'neref, first king of D'ni, and Ailesh, first Grand Master of the D'ni Guild of Writers and second king of D'ni, both of whom had also contributed to the writing of the descriptive book of the Age of D'ni.[1]

In 1975 DE, King Me'erta tried to pressure the Guild of Writers into relaxing the oath to allow them to be more "flexible" and allow the D'ni "to do more". Grand Master Tremal refused to change the oath, but died a short while later. His death cemented the stance of the Guild of Writers, who then collectively refused to change the oath as a mark of respect to Tremal's tenacity. Eventually Me'erta backed down, and the oath remained unchanged.[2]

By 9400 DE the oath was still largely intact, with only minor changes.[1]

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