
From Guild of Archivists
This article is about the D'ni king. For the Guild Master, see Tejara (Guild Master).
Race D'ni
Eighteenth King of D'ni
Reign 3219 DE - 3422 DE
Coronation 3219 DE
Preceded by Rakeri
Succeeded by Ti'amel
Personal details
Born 3105 DE
Died 3422 DE
Father Rakeri
Children Ti'amel
Name in D'ni tejara

Tejara took the throne in 3219 at the age of 114. Though his father was considered to be an extremely decent and honorable man (especially in his later years), Tejara did not follow in those footsteps.

It's said that he was an intelligent man but that he used that intelligence and cleverness for his own personal gain throughout his life[1]. In fact, rumors say that Tejara succeeded rather well at convincing his own father that he was the perfect choice for the throne when most believed that one of his two younger brothers would have done much more for his people than he ever did.

If there was one thing that seemed to direct Tejara's reign, it was personal gain. He was known as a masterful pretender long after his death while those who saw through his lies during his reign, were few and far between[2].

Due to Tejara's nature, there is not much good that can be said about his time in the throne. The palace underwent a major renovation in 3271 and in 3279 the Writer's Guild presented Tejara with The King's Age, one of the most beautiful and amazing Ages that had been written up to that point[1]. It was later discovered that Tejara had ordered the Age written by two Writers who eventually "died" of mysterious illnesses after their work was done.

Tejara was married officially to one woman although there were many rumors of multiple other "companions". As it turned out, Tejara was also known within his inner circle, to be an extremely jealous man, especially of his wife and the other women in his life.

In 3285 Tejara's oldest brother was imprisoned for the creation of illicit Ages, a crime he vehemently denied to the time of his imprisonment. Tejara expressed great sorrow at the sentencing although it was later learned (well after Tejara's death) that the crime had been set-up as punishment for what Tejara had perceived as lustful looks from his brother.

In 3298 a Guild Master of the Guild of Miners was killed in a freak accident while inspecting the progress of new tunnels. Again it was later learned that Tejara had ordered the man killed due to a relationship he had had many years earlier with one of Tejara's lovers, long before Tejara had met her.

Though Tejara's reign was viewed as fairly repulsive by most, it is important to note that for the first time in their history, the people of D'ni remained strong and focused, even under the leadership of a poor King. The words and teachings of Tevahr stayed in their hearts and they focused on their personal lives (and if they were pleasing to Yahvo) more than their King[3].

If there is anything good to be said of Tejara it is that he did not destroy the fragile condition of his people. Religion was not important to him and thus, though he never did anything to encourage his people one way or another, he did nothing to prevent those who wished to believe a certain way, from doing so.

Tejara died in 3422 at the age of 317 and left the throne to his "third" son. Though Tejara claimed that the boy was born of his wife there were quite a few rumors that the boy was actually the first son of one of Tejara's younger maidens. The rumor was never proved either way as both his wife and the maiden passed away two years after the boy was born. Though officially Tejara had three sons, it's possible that he actually fathered twelve sons and seven daughters, an exorbitant number for a D'ni[4].

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Excerpted from Grand Master Jaron's, of the Guild of Writers, private journal
  2. From "The Lost Son" written by the Prophetess Bailesi in 3422
  3. From "The Lasting Impact" written by the grandson of Tevahr, Ailem in 3576
  4. It should be noted that most of these facts were not public information until long after Tejara's death. For the most part, the D'ni honestly believed that Tejara had been a decent king. Though some began to judge the reign of Tejara by his son, it was not until much later, when truths were revealed, that the public's opinion of Tejara truly changed.