Yeesha's Journeys

From Guild of Archivists
(Redirected from First Journey)

The Journeys are five quests given by Yeesha to the explorers, leading through several D'ni Ages where explorers participate in freeing the bahro and learning more about what Yeesha perceives as the darker sides of D'ni culture.

It is unknown whether the Journeys presents explorers with a view of the D'ni's true behavior, or whether this is merely an exaggerated presentation on Yeesha's part.

When a puzzle is solved, the player is rewarded a new bahro wedge for a ring in Relto. The Journey is complete when the ring is complete.

The Journeys on this page are numbered according to the order of the wedges, from bottom to top; they reflect the chronological order in which the Ages were made available in Uru Live.

First Journey[edit | edit source]

Journey cloth and bookmark from Yeesha's first Journey

The first Journey started in 2003. Yeesha chose the following Ages for her first Journey:

In particular, these Ages feature cloths and doors required to finish the Journey, and various forms of visible background information, such as glyphs.

Several DRC members and contractors are known to have taken the Journey, including Phil Henderson, Dr. Watson and Douglas Sharper.

The linking symbol of this Journey is a hand; for this reason this Journey is also sometimes referred to as the Path of the Hand.

Second Journey[edit | edit source]

The second Journey started between January 19 and February 15, 2007. It involves two identical time-based puzzles in two different Garden Ages: Eder Delin and Eder Tsogal. Both gardens have cloths similar to the First Journey; the linking symbol of this Journey is a spiral.

These Ages can be accessed through any neighborhood, though only one of the two Ages can be found in each neighborhood.

Third Journey[edit | edit source]

The third Journey started between March 1 and April 19, 2007. It is entirely situated on one Age, though to those unfamiliar with these places, they will appear as four different pod Ages. It revolves around portals.

Fourth Journey[edit | edit source]

The fourth Journey was started on May 24, 2007. It consists of only one Age: Minkata. The symbol of this journey is a jagged vertical line with two filled circles on the left and two hollow circles on the right.

Fifth Journey[edit | edit source]

The fifth Journey was started on June 26, 2007, during the "A New Light" events. It consists of the Ages of Er'cana and Ahnonay. The linking symbol of this journey is a shell; for this reason this Journey is also sometimes referred to as the Path of the Shell.