Eder Gira

From Guild of Archivists
Eder Gira
Author unknown
Written 8100s DE

Eder Gira (eDer gira[contested]) is an arid garden Age that was used by Yeesha and the bahro as part of the Journey.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

The Age is a volcanic scrap of land, dotted with steam vents and a waterfall. A number of large fossilized bones dot the landscape, and a series of inter-connected dark passageways run through the back ridge, behind the waterfall. Small manta-ray-like creatures can be found swimming in the pond below the falls, and baskets arrayed around the caves in the rear of the Age indicate that at one time this Age may have featured fishing as a distraction from everyday life in the cavern. From the link-in location that modern day visitors find themselves taken to, a large forest can be seen in the distance, beyond the area that is currently accessible. In the middle of the forest are ruins. Whether these ruins belonged to the D'ni who visited the Age or the Age's inhabitants is currently unknown. A link to Gira's sister Age, Eder Kemo, can be found near the waterfalls.

Explorers Tehl Nava and Gadren determined that a day on Eder Gira is roughly 10 hours long.[citation needed]

D'ni history[edit | edit source]

Garden Ages such as Eder Gira were known to have been placed in D'ni neighborhoods throughout the cavern as a way to escape the pressures of everyday D'ni life and get a breath of fresh air. The Age was written around the 8100s DE, during a period which the DRC have labeled a "Garden Binge". When Gira was discovered to be inhabited, it was removed from public access so that the Age and its population could be studied.[1]

This latest information from the DRC definitively closed the debate amongst explorers over whether Gira and its sister Age, Eder Kemo, are Ages which date back to the time of King Shomat, who ruled in the early 300s DE.

DRC history[edit | edit source]

The DRC has made very little impact on this Age visually, and records are very sparse as to their opinions on the Age or its general status. A strange linking stone - likely placed there by either Yeesha or one of the bahro, connects this Age to the DRC research station atop the Tokotah Rooftop in Ae'gura, and the DRC have recently re-installed the Linking Book back to the Nexus.

Journey proverb[edit | edit source]

A notebook provided by Yeesha includes a proverb for each Age in the Journey. Eder Gira and Eder Kemo share the following proverb:

When all is taken from one, the only hope that remains is what is given by another. Through this giving, both are redeemed.

— Regeltavok Oorpah; Book 2, Entry 1071, Item 54

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Eder Gira Restoration Progress", DRC Site, accessed August 10, 2023. Archived from the original on December 10, 2004.