Age 233

From Guild of Archivists
Age 233
Age 233.jpg
Name in D'ni sev 98
Author Gehn
Written 9438 DE, Leevotar 11
Link-in points Gehn's office
Connections Riven

Age 233 was the last complete Age written by Gehn. It was also the first successful Age he managed to write on Riven, far from the pre-made D'ni books and the phrases he usually relied upon.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Age 233 was an age filled with unusually-shaped islands as far as the eye could see. Just about every island took the form of a mountain sitting atop a mountain. The age was desolate with no plant or animal life visible, and a harsh sun which required Gehn to make modifications to his goggles.

The unusual rock formations were a result of the Age's instability. At one point in the Age's history, the water level was significantly higher, and acid in the ocean eroded away the rock directly underneath the shoreline. Some event caused the water level to drop, perhaps evaporation caused by the planet drifting closer to the sun, leaving behind the distinctive double-mountains.

History[edit | edit source]

An Age 233 linking book.
Gehn's living quarters.

Gehn wrote Age 233 hoping it would be a place that he and the Rivenese could relocate to after the Age of Riven collapsed completely. Trapped on Riven, far from the texts and materials of the D'ni, he had to construct Age 233 from scratch. It took him many failed attempts before he was able to successfully link to a new Age. Age 233 proved inhospitable to a permanent population, so Gehn continued work on a new age. In the meantime however he set up an office on Age 233 to serve as a retreat away from Riven.

Gehn's office.

His office was a round building constructed on one of the only islands that didn't have a second mountaintop. Fresh water on Age 233 was scarce, so Gehn's office featured a large bowl on its roof to collect rainwater. The main room in the office contained books that linked to each of Riven's five islands, and a writing desk where he focused on writing Age 234. An underground lower level served as his living quarters.

Gehn powered his faulty books with a furnace. It was much smaller than the Golden superdome on Riven, so it likely drew power from a source natural to Age 233.

Gehn was never able to determine whether the Age was fully stable before he was entrapped by the Stranger in the events depicted in Riven.

Gehn's Personal Artifacts[edit | edit source]

Gehn kept several things of personal significance to himself in his office on Age 233. In his living quarters he had an imager that held a recording of his wife Keta reminding him that she loved him. He also had photos framed of her and Aitrus, the only people who after all these years he still cared for and respected. On his wall hung a Maral-obe, a D'ni instrument which he liked to play. A Cannen on the upper level contained a recording of his playing, which he listened to sometimes while writing.