Category:Uru chat logs
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Pages in category "Uru chat logs"
The following 103 pages are in this category, out of 103 total.
- Reference:2003-11-19 Douglas Sharper meets with explorers
- Reference:2003-11-19 Zardoz's encounter with Phil Henderson
- Reference:2003-11-24 Douglas Sharper plays ahyoheek
- Reference:2003-11-28 Phil Henderson returns to D’ni
- Reference:2003-11-28 Phil Henderson's encounter with MrM3FaN
- Reference:2003-12-02 Phil Henderson visits Cavern neighborhoods
- Reference:2003-12-05 Douglas Sharper looks for Phil Henderson
- Reference:2003-12-05 Michael Engberg in Ae'gura
- Reference:2003-12-05 Michael Engberg in the Guild of Greeters Hood
- Reference:2003-12-05 Phil Henderson and Douglas Sharper in the German Explorers' Hood
- Reference:2003-12-19 Douglas Sharper in his hood
- Reference:2003-12-19 Tink, Phil Henderson, and the DRC
- Reference:2003-12-22 Douglas Sharper in the Uru Obsession Hood
- Reference:2006-03-31 Rand visits the Cavern and talks fan-created content
- Reference:2006-04-26 Marie Sutherland Town Hall
- Reference:2006-04-26 Victor Laxman Town Hall
- Reference:2006-05-02 DRC Liaison Discussion and Planning Meeting
- Reference:2006-05-11 Mark "Moke" Dobratz Town Hall
- Reference:2006-06-03 Mark "Chogon" DeForest Town Hall
- Reference:2006-06-03 Mark "Chogon" DeForest Town Hall 2
- Reference:2006-06-13 DRC Liaison Discussion and Planning Meeting
- Reference:2006-06-14 Victor Laxman Town Hall
- Reference:2006-06-20 Ikuro Kodama Town Hall discussing Ae'gura and the City Proper
- Reference:2006-06-20 Marie Sutherland Town Hall
- Reference:2006-06-26 Josh Staub Town Hall
- Reference:2006-06-26 Josh Staub Town Hall 2
- Reference:2006-07-06 Ikuro Kodama Town Hall discussing new Ages
- Reference:2006-07-06 Michael Engberg Town Hall
- Reference:2006-07-18 DRC Liaison Vortmax mini Town Hall
- Reference:2006-07-18 Rand Miller Town Hall - From Myst to Uru Live
- Reference:2006-07-27 GameTap Town Hall with Rand Miller, Blake Lewin, Trent Hershenson, David Reid, and Ron "randomos" Meiners
- Reference:2006-08-10 Ron "randomos" Meiners Town Hall
- Reference:2006-08-10 Ron "randomos" Meiners Town Hall 2
- Reference:2006-09-16 Eric L Town Hall discussing user-created content
- Reference:2006-09-16 Eric L Town Hall discussing user-created content 2
- Reference:2006-11-08 DRC Liaison Discussion and Planning Meeting
- Reference:2006-11-11 The Great Tree Town Hall
- Reference:2006-11-11 The Great Tree Town Hall 2
- Reference:2006-12-19 Marie Sutherland and Ikuro Kodama Town Hall
- Reference:2006-12-21 Dr. Kodama in Ae'gura
- Reference:2006-12-22 Marie Sutherland in the Guild of Greeters' hood
- Reference:2006-12-22 Victor Laxman in Ae'gura
- Reference:2006-12-29 Dr. Kodama in the Uru Obsession Hood
- Reference:2007-01-03 DRC Liaisons meeting with Cate Alexander and Marie Sutherland
- Reference:2007-01-04 Michael Engberg can't sleep
- Reference:2007-01-18 Cate Alexander in the Uru Obsession Hood
- Reference:2007-02-06 Michael Engberg in Ae'gura
- Reference:2007-02-20 Nick White visits a Yeesha vigil
- Reference:2007-03-03 Nick White in Ae'gura
- Reference:2007-03-07 Nick White in Ae'gura
- Reference:2007-03-11 Nick White in Ae'gura
- Reference:2007-03-12 Douglas Sharper in the Great Tree's hood
- Reference:2007-03-14 Nick White in sil oh wet's hood
- Reference:2007-03-22 Nick White in Ae'gura
- Reference:2007-03-27 Nick White in Thinkspiral's hood
- Reference:2007-04-06 Marie Sutherland in the Cavern
- Reference:2007-04-23 Nick White in various hoods
- Reference:2007-04-26 Cate Alexander visits several hoods
- Reference:2007-05-02 greydragon in TMP hood
- Reference:2007-05-19 Michael Engberg visits Ae'gura
- Reference:2007-05-19 Victor Laxman in Beginner's Bevin
- Reference:2007-05-20 Victor Laxman in the Guild of Greeters Hood
- Reference:2007-05-22 Nick White on Wheely and Negilahn
- Reference:2007-05-23 Michael Engberg in the Great Tree's Hood and Eder Tsogal
- Reference:2007-05-23 The DRC reach Wheely Engberg
- Reference:2007-06-24 Dr. Kodama in the Guild of Greeters' Bevin
- Reference:2007-06-24 Victor Laxman in Myss Terrie’s Bevin
- Reference:2007-06-25 Cate Alexander and Marie Sutherland in the Watcher’s Pub
- Reference:2007-06-25 Cate Alexander in the Watcher's Pub
- Reference:2007-06-25 Douglas Sharper announces his intention to go to Noloben
- Reference:2007-06-25 Nick White in Ae'gura
- Reference:2007-06-26 Marie Sutherland unveiling the memorial imager
- Reference:2007-07-30 Cate Alexander in the Guild of Greeters' Bevin
- Reference:2007-07-30 Douglas Sharper in the Watcher's Sanctuary
- Reference:2007-07-30 Nick White in the Great Tree’s Bevin
- Reference:2007-07-30 Victor Laxman at the Ferry Terminal
- Reference:2007-07-31 Douglas Sharper in Blabbity’s Bevin
- Reference:2007-07-31 Douglas Sharper, Nick White and bahro in the Watcher’s Pub
- Reference:2007-07-31 The Opening of Kirel
- Reference:2007-08-01 Douglas Sharper in the Great Tree's Bevin
- Reference:2007-08-01 Douglas Sharper in the Watcher's Sanctuary
- Reference:2007-08-01 Marie Sutherland in Kirel
- Reference:2007-08-01 Marie Sutherland Q and A in Kirel
- Reference:2007-08-03 Phil Henderson and Douglas Sharper in the Cavern
- Reference:2007-09-08 Cate Alexander in Kirel
- Reference:2007-09-10 Marie Sutherland on the stained glass project
- Reference:2007-09-10 Victor Laxman on the lake lighting project
- Reference:2007-09-11 Dr. Watson in the Watcher's Pub
- Reference:2007-09-11 Dr. Watson returns to the Cavern
- Reference:2007-09-11 Nick White in Ae'gura
- Reference:2007-09-12 Dr. Watson gives a speech on guilds and the bahro
- Reference:2007-11-02 Marie Sutherland in Ae'gura
- Reference:2007-11-03 Dr. Kodama departs for the surface
- Reference:2007-11-03 Phil Henderson in the Beginner's Bevin
- Reference:2007-11-04 Victor Laxman on the pellet project
- Reference:2007-11-05 Yeesha and the bahro in K'veer
- Reference:2020-08-01 Patrick Dulebohn’s appearance at the All Guilds Meeting
- Reference:2020-08-18 Patrick "Doobes" Dulebohn in Watcher's Pub checks on Age release progress
- Reference:2020-08-18 Patrick "Doobes" Dulebohn in Watcher's Pub talks New Age Releases
- Reference:2020-08-19 Briggs-Patrick "Doobes" Dulebohn Dr. Sara Blom Barricade Shenanigans & Introductions
- Reference:2020-08-20 Patrick Dulebohn visits Watcher's Pub after barrier removal
- Reference:2020-08-21 Patrick Dulebohn in Chiso Preniv
- Reference:2020-08-21 Patrick Dulebohn releases Chiso Preniv