Reference:Relto pages

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Relto pages are pieces of paper that can be added to a Relto book in order to alter the Age's appearance. These pages can be found throughout the cavern and in a number of other Ages as well. Contrary to the typical and dangerous process of altering an Age's contents by writing in new descriptive text in the Age's descriptive book, Relto pages only contain pictographs, are added to a Relto Linking Book, and can be activated and deactivated at will.

In the following table, the pages are listed in the order they appear in Myst Online.

Image Gift Found in Page location Notes
ReltoPage-Moons.jpg Sun and two moons Ae'gura On a book stand in the museum. These objects do not move, and thus do not alter the time of day in Relto.
ReltoPage-Waterfall.jpg Waterfall Gahreesen On the bed in the prison level (accessed through a bahro stone in Teledahn).
ReltoPage-HutDecorations.jpg Decorative paintwork and rug Eder Kemo On a ledge in the puffer garden.
ReltoPage-HutRoof.jpg New roof for the hut Teledahn Next to the aquarium in Sharper's office. Replaces the hut's normal roof with a heavy thatched roof.
ReltoPage-Logs.jpg Logs and stones Gahreesen In the room beyond the KI dispenser, within the crevice in the floor.
ReltoPage-Dock.jpg Dock Teledahn On a platform only accessible through a bahro stone in Ferry Terminal. The bahro stone needed for this page is not always present.
ReltoPage-Islands.jpg Islands Neighborhood On the outside face of the window closest to the light garden. This page is not always available.
ReltoPage-Rain.jpg Rain Rainy Cleft In the tabletop imager after completing the Journey.
ReltoPage-Cannen.jpg Cannen (music player) Great Shaft In the eder tomahn, near Dr. Watson's cot. The cannen is located inside the hut, and plays "Gehn's Theme" from the Riven soundtrack.
  • The "Gallery Theme" can be added to the cannen by activating the one found in the Kadish Gallery's balcony.
  • "House of Reminiscence" can be added to the cannen by activating the one found in Veelay Tsahvahn's Entrance area.
  • "Elonin's Sanctuary" can be found in Elonin in the caves at the bottom of the lily pathway.

In Complete Chronicles, it will play any OGG or WAV files placed in the "My Music" folder in the game's data directory.
ReltoPage-PineTree.jpg Pine tree Kadish Tolesa On a far ledge at the overlook between puzzles 2 and 3. This pine tree starts very small, but grows over time. It is in the same relative place as the tree elevator on Myst.
ReltoPage-Imager.jpg Imager Great Zero In the alcove beneath the courtyard link-in balcony (left side). This imager works just like the ones in the neighborhoods and can display images or notes created with the KI.
ReltoPage-Butterflies.jpg Butterflies Kadish Tolesa In the alternate vault. A Linking Book in Kadish's vault leads to this alternate version.
ReltoPage-FireplaceMoul.jpg ReltoPage-Fireplace.jpg Fireplace Myst Myst Online: On the book stand next to the Tower Rotation map.

Path of the Shell: In the fireplace, after entering pattern #256 into the door.
The picture is different between the two versions.
ReltoPage-Bench.jpg Bench Eder Delin On a bench near the fountain. Only available in Myst Online.
ReltoPage-Firemarbles.jpg Firemarbles Er'cana At the end of one of the drainage pipes (second from the left).
ReltoPage-Lush.jpg ReltoPage-Flowers.jpg Lush Negilahn
(Myst Online)

Myst Online: On the right platform in the upper section of the pod.

Path of the Shell: On Atrus's table.
The picture is different between the two versions.
ReltoPage-Clock.jpg Clock Ahnonay Myst Online: In the back room of the maintenance center in the third sphere.

Path of the Shell: On the right hand dock of the maintenance center in the second sphere.
ReltoPage-Birds.jpg Birds Cleft Next to the Riven Telescope. Only available in Myst Online.
ReltoPage-SparkIsland.jpg Spark Island Cleft In the fire pit near Zandi's trailer. This page adds a new island and bridge, where collected calendar sparks are shown. If all sparks have been collected, the island shoots off fireworks.

Only available in Myst Online.
ReltoPage-Fall.jpg Fall Trees Eder Delin In a gazebo to the right of the link-in point. Only available in Myst Online.
ReltoPage-Grass.jpg Grass Eder Tsogal On a rock near the opposite end of the link-in point. Only available in Myst Online.
ReltoPage-ErcanaPlants.jpg Er'cana Plants Er'cana Along one of the plant stems in the grove going forward from the link-in point. Only available in Myst Online.
ReltoPage-Storm.jpg Storm Ahnonay On the right hand dock of the maintenance center in the second sphere. Adds stormy clouds with thunder and lightning effects.

Only available in Myst Online (the Clock page is found here instead in Complete Chronicles).
ReltoPage-CleftPillar.jpg Journey pillars Cleft In the bahro cave beneath the tree. Activating this page replaces the Cleft pillar with the four pillars used in the Journey.

Only available in Myst Online.
ReltoPage-Aurora.jpg Aurora Veelay Tsahvahn On one of the fountains on the stairs going up Only available in Myst Online.
ReltoPage-Flowers.jpg Blue flowers Rainy Cleft Only available in Myst Online.
ReltoPage-CrystalTree.jpg Crystal trees Tiam In the room with green crystals Only available in Myst Online.
Bamboo Eder Naybree Up ladders on a light pole Only available in Myst Online.
Swing Eder Bahvahnter In the crystal cave Only available in Myst Online.