Dictionary:D'ni-to-English Dictionary

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a - å

ah - a

  • -ahloth - aloT - suf. (attached to adjective) marks a patient of a state;
  • ah - a - prep. marks an object as directly affected; contrasts with b'-; suf. (attached to a verb) marks the verb as imperative;
  • ah'- - a' - pre. marks an object as directly affected; contrasts with b'-;
  • ahbtsee - abxE - n. basalt;
  • ahbtseeets - abxEex - adj. basaltic;
  • ahchah - aca - n. definition unknown;
  • ahgo - ago - adj. well; adv. well;
  • ahl - al - n. definition unknown; suf. (attached to a verb) creates a present participle;
  • ahm - am - n. definition unknown;
  • ahn - an - ??. definition unknown;
  • ahnee - anE - v. to become;
  • ahneem - anEm - adj. fluid;
  • ahno - ano - n. water;
  • ahnoets - anoex - adj. wet, watery;
  • ahnonay - anonA - n. (proper noun) Ahnonay;
  • ahnotahm - anotam - n. magma;
  • ahr - ar - v. definition unknown;
  • ahreeuh - arEu - v. to protect;
  • ahreeuhtahn - arEutan - n. protector;
  • ahreeuhtahv - arEutav - n. protection;
  • ahrotahn - arotan - n. other (person); outsider; outworlder, native of an Age;
  • ahroy - arO - v. definition unknown;
  • ahrtah - arta - v. definition unknown;
  • ahtmay - atmA - v. definition unknown;
  • ahtsoo - axU - adj. ready;
  • ahve - ave - n. error;
  • ahvo - avo - n. definition unknown;
  • ahyoheek - ayohEK - n. (proper noun) Ahyoheek;

ai - I

  • No results

ay - A

b - b

  • b'bree - b'brE - adv. a little;
  • b'fahsee - b'fasE - adv. maximally, as much as possible.;
  • b'rigahsen - b'rigasen - adv. highly;
  • b'rish - b'riS - adv. very, so;
  • b- - b - pre. prefix variant of the preposition be; marks a verb as infinitive;
  • bah - ba - n. beast;
  • bahntahno - bantano - n. island;
  • bahr - bar - ??. definition unknown;
  • bahrel - barel - v. to make;
  • bahreltahn - bareltan - n. maker; God, Yahvo;
  • bahreltahv - bareltav - n. that which is made;
  • bahro - baro - n. beast-people; enslaved ahrotahntee; (proper noun) The Bahro;
  • bahronet - baronet - adj. phosphorescent;
  • bahrtah - barta - v. definition unknown;
  • bahsh - baS - n. definition unknown;
  • bahtsahnah - baxana - n. map;
  • bahtsen - baxen - v. to map;
  • bahtsentahn - baxentan - n. cartographer;
  • bahvahnin - bavanin - adj. definition unknown;
  • bantee - båntE - n. series;
  • baykh - bAk - v. to link, to travel via Linking Book;
  • be - be - prep. to, with a destination of; to, for, with a goal or recipient of;
  • beerah - bEra - v. keep; stay, remain;
  • beeree - bErE - v. to maintain;
  • beereetahn - bErEtan - n. maintainer, one who maintains; a member of the Guild of Maintainers;
  • bekhe - beke - v. to compel, to force;
  • bel - bel - v. to claim;
  • bel'khah - bel'ka - adj. strange;
  • beletsahrah - belexara - n. a kind of plant, similar to an agave;
  • ben - ben - prep. for; in exchange for; for; for the duration of;
  • bezol - bezol - v. trap; n. bezol pumi, a plant native to Negilahn;
  • bigto - bigto - n. blessing;
  • bintah - binta - n. law, ordinance;
  • birahn - biran - n. definition unknown;
  • bishtah - biSta - n. tunnel;
  • biv - biv - adj. every; all;
  • bivdil - bivDil - n. everything;
  • bivrov - bivrov - n. everyone;
  • blo - blo - prep. about; suf. marks a number as a multiple of 9,765,625 (i.e. 255);
  • bo- - bo - pre. marks a verb as future tense;
  • bodo- - boDo - pre. marks a verb as future progressive tense;
  • bodol- - boDol - pre. marks a verb as future perfect progressive tense;
  • boko- - boKo - pre. marks a verb as future perfect;
  • bol - bol - n. brother;
  • bol- - bol - pre. marks verb as future perfect tense;
  • bonoo - bonU - n. acid;
  • bonooets - bonUex - adj. acidic;
  • boogin - bUgin - n. creature;
  • bor - bor - n. page, specifically of the special paper used in Linking Books;
  • borin - borin - adj. tired;
  • bortah - borta - v. definition unknown;
  • bot - bot - ??. definition unknown;
  • bre- - bre - pre. to the;
  • bree - brE - num. two;
  • bren - bren - n. millennium;
  • broon - brUn - n. tube;
  • buhgsho - bugSo - ??. definition unknown;

ch - c

  • chahg - cag - v. to add;
  • chahn - can - ??. definition unknown;
  • chay - cA - n. fault (geological);
  • cheecho - cEco - n. temperate grassland biome;
  • cheto - ceto - n. disposition;
  • chev - cev - v. to thank;
  • chevet - cevet - adj. thankful;
  • chevtahvtee - cevtavtE - n. thanks, gratitude;
  • chil - cil - adj. main;
  • chilesh - cileS - adv. mainly;
  • chir - cir - n. organism;
  • chiso - ciso - v. to archive;
  • chisotahn - cisotan - n. archivist;
  • choohah - cUha - v. to catch;
  • choor - cUr - v. to learn;
  • chor bahkh - cor bak - n. a kind of food;
  • choylahnay - cOlanA - v. to complete;

d - D

dh - d

  • dhaynoy - dAnO - n. setback;
  • dhelim - delim - n. right, legal claim;
  • dho - do - adv. how;
  • dhozonesh - dozoneS - ??. definition unknown;

e - e

  • -em - em - suf. you, 2nd person singular agreement suffix;
  • -en - en - suf. marks verb agreement with a third person singular subject;
  • -esh - eS - suf. (attached to an adjective) derives an adverb;
  • -et - et - suf. (attached to verb) 1st person plural agreement suffix.; (attached to a noun) creates an adjective of capability or potential;
  • -eth - eT - suf. Forms an abstract noun from an adjective;
  • -ets - ex - suf. (attached to a noun) creates an adjective;
  • eder - eDer - n. a moment of rest (used in naming Garden Ages); v. to rest; to sleep;
  • eder sev - eDer sev - n. rest Age;
  • eder tomahn - eDer toman - n. way station; rest house;
  • eg - eg - ??. definition unknown;
  • el - el - adj. high;
  • elahth - elaT - n. definition unknown;
  • eleeahn - elEan - n. definition unknown;
  • eleeahnith - elEaniT - n. definition unknown;
  • elemahr - elemar - n. spore;
  • elioykh - eliOk - n. gust;
  • elioykhets - eliOkex - adj. gusty;
  • elon - elon - v. definition unknown;
  • elonet - elonet - adj. definition unknown;
  • emee - emE - v. definition unknown;
  • emelahn - emelan - ??. definition unknown;
  • enday - enDA - v. to build;
  • endaytahn - enDAtan - n. builder;
  • enyalo - enyalo - adj. sick;
  • enyaloth - enyaloT - n. sickly one;
  • er'doonah - er'DUna - n. (proper noun) Er'duna;
  • er'jerah - er'jera - n. (proper noun) Er'jerah;
  • er'kahnah - er'Kana - n. (proper noun) Er'cana;
  • erem - erem - n. skill;
  • erth - erT - part. a, an, marks a noun as indefinite; pre. a, an, marks a noun as indefinite;
  • etahf - etaf - n. seed;

ee - E

  • -eet - Et - suf. they, 3rd person plural agreement suffix;
  • een - En - adj. any;
  • eer - Er - n. bandage, strip of cloth to cover a wound;
  • eest - Est - pron. them; 3rd person plural, accusative;

f - f

  • f'- - f' - pre. on, upon, at;
  • fah - fa - n. num. one;
  • fahdho - fado - n. experience;
  • fahets - faex - adj. first;
  • fahlah - fala - v. to fold;
  • fahm - fam - adj. far;
  • fahmon - famon - v. to push back;
  • fahsee - fasE - num. twenty-five;
  • fahsh - faS - adj. near;
  • fe - fe - part. on, upon, at; pre. on, upon, at;
  • fel - fel - n. paddle, oar; v. to row;
  • feltahn - feltan - n. rower;
  • fenah - fena - n. story;
  • fenges - fenges - v. to act, play a role;
  • fengestahn - fengestan - n. actor, a person who plays a role;
  • fengestoy - fengestO - n. acting, the art of playing a role;
  • fentasenta - fentåsentå - n. historian;
  • ferem - ferem - adj. dry;
  • feshkin - feSKin - v. to guide;
  • feshkintahn - feSKintan - n. guide, one who guides;
  • filahdh - filad - n. top;
  • fitay - fitA - v. to look;
  • flin - flin - n. condition;
  • foles - foles - v. definition unknown;
  • fooruh - fUru - adj. sufficient;
  • foosah - fUsa - v. to call;
  • foosahtahv - fUsatav - n. name;
  • forshuh - forSu - ??. definition unknown;
  • fre- - fre - pre. at the; on the;
  • fuhsh - fuS - ??. definition unknown;

g - g

  • g'- - g' - part. and, conjunction; pre. prefix version of the conjunction;
  • g're- - g're - pre. and the;
  • gah - ga - part. and, conjunction; pre. prefix version of the conjunction;
  • gahlon - galon - n. ground;
  • gahlpah - galpa - n. cavern;
  • gahlpo - galpo - n. cave;
  • gahn - gan - n. empire;
  • gahrahno - garano - n. ocean;
  • gahreesen - garEsen - n. fortress, garrison; (proper noun) Gahreesen;
  • gahrkahl - garKal - n. storm;
  • gahrkahlehts - garKalex - adj. stormy;
  • gahro - garo - adj. great; mighty;
  • gahrohev - garohev - n. a symbol used in the Art in Writing Ages that symbolize important ideas;
  • gahrosh - garoS - adv. mightily; greatly;
  • gahroth - garoT - n. greatness; great one;
  • gahrtahvo - gartavo - n. a D'ni unit approximately 6 hours and 3 minutes long;
  • gahth - gaT - adv. still, yet;
  • gahtsay - gaxA - n. a kind of animal;
  • gatah - gåta - prep. due;
  • ge'dahn - ge'Dan - n. wisdom;
  • gedee - geDE - n. definition unknown;
  • gehstoy - gestO - n. art; The Art;
  • gel - gel - v. to write (normal writing, not Writing an Age);
  • gemedet - gemeDet - n. a D'ni game played on a 3D grid;
  • gen - gen - n. (proper noun) Gehn;
  • gerah - gera - n. sun;
  • gerahn - geran - n. definition unknown;
  • gestoy - gestO - n. art; The Art;
  • gid - gid - v. to excavate;
  • gidtahv - gidtav - n. excavation;
  • gilo - gilo - n. plant;
  • gimit - gimit - adj. immediate;
  • gipeli - gipeli - n. a type of small and colorful creature;
  • gitsah - gixa - adj. safe;
  • gitsahth - gixaT - n. safety;
  • glahs - glas - v. to drink;
  • glo - glo - v. to begin;
  • go - go - n. soup;
  • gol - gol - n. arm (body part);
  • golah - gola - ??. definition unknown;
  • golantan - golåntån - n. judge;
  • gonahth - gonaT - n. definition unknown;
  • gopah - gopa - prep. because;
  • gor - gor - n. time;
  • gorahn - goran - n. a D'ni time unit approximately 35 seconds long;
  • gorahyan - gorayån - n. clock; timepiece;
  • gormet - gormet - pron. now;
  • gormot - gormot - pron. then;
  • gorven - gorven - adv. soon;
  • goyray - gOrA - adj. straight;
  • grahner - graner - n. definition unknown;
  • gre- - gre - pre. and the;
  • guhlem - gulem - n. definition unknown;

h - h

  • h'rot - h'rot - n. tower;
  • hahpo - hapo - v. to combine; to mix;
  • hahr - har - n. D'ni equivalent of a year, equal to a solar year;
  • hahrtah - harta - n. cycle;
  • hahrtah choylahnaytahv - harta cOlanAtav - n. (idiomatic) anniversary (lit. complete cycle);
  • hahrten - harten - v. definition unknown;
  • hahzah - haza - adj. white;
  • hayvuh - hAvu - n. savanna;
  • hee- - hE - pre. used as 'fifteen' in building numbers (e.g. heegahfah fifteen-and-one being sixteen);
  • heebor - hEbor - num. fifteen;
  • heegahbree - hEgɑbrE - num. seventeen;
  • heegahfah - hEgafa - num. sixteen;
  • heegahsen - hEgɑsen - num. eighteen;
  • heegahtor - hEgɑtor - num. nineteen;
  • heek - hEK - n. a cane-looking weapon;
  • her - her - n. number;
  • hern - hern - n. room;
  • hev - hev - n. word;
  • hevkor - hevKor - n. lexicon, dictionary;
  • hevo - hevo - n. swarm;
  • hoor - hUr - v. to find;
  • hoosahtay - hUsatA - adj. definition unknown;
  • hootsay - hUxA - adj. holy;
  • hootsayth - hUxAT - n. holiness;
  • hoshah - hoSa - n. cowardice;

i - i

  • -ij - ij - suf. marks a verb as passive voice;
  • -in - in - suf. (attached to a verb) converts to a passive participle (i.e. an adjective);
  • idhsay - idsA - n. line;
  • iglahrno - iglarno - adj. temporary;
  • ikhah - ika - n. meat;
  • ikhah naijuhets - ika nIjuex - n. smoked meat;
  • ilais - ilais - v. to power;
  • inaltahv - inåltav - n. definition unknown;
  • inay - inA - prep. more than;
  • irah - ira - n. darling, honey (endearment used with spouse or close friend);
  • irvan - irvån - n. mineral;
  • istah - ista - prep. through;
  • isyeer - isyEr - v. to revere;

j - j

k - K

kh - k

  • kh'- - k' - pre. for;
  • khah - ka - adj. few;
  • khahg - kag - v. to choose;
  • khahntor - kantor - v. definition unknown;
  • khahpo - kapo - adv. perhaps;
  • khaht - kat - ??. definition unknown;
  • khe - ke - pre. for; prep. for;
  • khlay - klA - n. example;
  • khoy - kO - part. definition unknown;
  • khoyoo - koyU - v. to invoke;
  • khoytahg - kOtag - n. definition unknown;
  • khre- - kre - pre. for the;

l - l

  • -len - len - suf. marks a number as a multiple of 15,625 (i.e. 253);
  • l'- - l' - pre. marks perfect tense on a verb;
  • l'izchah - l'izca - v. to cry;
  • lahn - lan - adj. only; suf. marks a number as a multiple of 15,625 (i.e. 253);
  • lahsah - lasa - v. seal; close;
  • lahth - laT - n. definition unknown;
  • lan - lån - v. definition unknown;
  • laysoo - lAsU - v. to carry;
  • laysootahn - lAsUtan - n. courier;
  • le- - le - pre. marks perfect tense on a verb;
  • lee- - lE - pre. Used to derive D'ni vailee names from numbers (e.g. Leefo);
  • leeahm - lEam - n. question;
  • leeahnith - lEaniT - n. definition unknown;
  • leekrotahn - lEKrotan - n. ferry boat;
  • leeshah - lESa - ??. definition unknown;
  • leeshahn - lESan - n. whole, the whole;
  • lelam - lelåm - n. a type of plant;
  • lem - lem - n. ink used in Books;
  • lenah - lena - n. journey;
  • lenitah - lenita - n. idiot;
  • lensho - lenSo - v. to tour;
  • lerilon - lerilon - v. explore;
  • lesah - lesa - adj. sealed;
  • lesh - leS - n. rule; fact;
  • lis - lis - v. arrive; get;
  • lon - lon - v. to discover;
  • lonep - lonep - ??. definition unknown;
  • look - lUK - v. to survey;
  • loopah - lUpa - n. definition unknown;
  • lorahg - lorag - n. definition unknown;
  • loymaht - lOmat - prep. though;

m - m

  • -mel - mel - suf. marks number as a multiple of 390,625 (i.e. 254);
  • m'lah - m'la - n. lizard;
  • m're- - m're - pre. of the;
  • mahdho - mado - v. definition unknown;
  • mahgen - magen - definition unknown;
  • mahgen - magen - n. definition unknown;
  • mahlah - mala - v. to come;
  • mahn - man - n. existence;
  • mahnshoo - manSU - v. to die;
  • mahnshootahvting - manSUtavting - n. definition unknown;
  • mahnshooth - manSUT - n. one who brings death;
  • mahrent - marent - v. to follow;
  • mahrg - marg - n. layer;
  • mahrn - marn - v. to create;
  • mahrntahn - marntan - n. creator;
  • mahrntahv - marntav - n. creation;
  • mahryayshah - maryASa - n. definition unknown;
  • mahtahn - matan - v. definition unknown;
  • maiood - mIUD - n. definition unknown;
  • mairuh - mIru - v. to own;
  • malo - målo - v. to forget;
  • me - me - prep. made from;
  • mees - mEs - v. to speak;
  • meestahn - mEstan - n. speaker;
  • meestahnyah - mEstanya - n. prophet;
  • meestahv - mEstav - n. speech;
  • meet - mEt - pron. there (that place);
  • mefel - mefel - n. night;
  • megormot - megormot - adv. since;
  • megoyray - megOrA - adj. straight out (in terms of relative position);
  • melin - melin - adj. outer;
  • meoor - meUr - n. pleasure; interj. You're welcome (i.e. my pleasure);
  • mer - mer - v. to watch;
  • merk - merK - n. poisoned water;
  • mes - mes - v. to require;
  • met - met - part. this,these (demonstrative);
  • milesh - mileS - v. hug, embrace;
  • mileshtahv - mileStav - n. hug, embrace;
  • min - min - n. woman;
  • minkahtah - minKata - adj. heavily scarred; n. (proper noun) Minkata;
  • miro - miro - adj. toxic;
  • misho - miSo - n. universe;
  • mishtah - miSta - v. to construct;
  • mishtahtahv - miStatav - n. construction;
  • mo - mo - ??. definition unknown;
  • mooden - mUDen - n. fortune;
  • mooshee - mUSE - n. definition unknown;
  • mor - mor - n. mother;
  • mor'okh'mor - mor'ok'mor - n. definition unknown;
  • morokhpor - morokpor - n. definition unknown;
  • morpah - morpa - n. queen;
  • mot - mot - part. that (demonstrative); pron. that, which, relative pronoun;
  • motee - motE - part. those (demonstrative); pron. those (demonstrative pronoun);
  • mre- - mre - pre. of the;
  • muhkhon - mukon - adj. complex;

n - n

  • n'- - n' - pre. around (preposition);
  • na'grenis - nå'grenis - adj. brittle;
  • nahdahn - naDan - n. mushroom;
  • nahgah - naga - v. to reward;
  • nahn - nan - v. to act (i.e. perform an action);
  • nahr - nar - adj. significant;
  • nahrah - nara - n. A synthetic metallic greenish-black stone, 30 times harder than steel;
  • nahsh - naS - n. part;
  • nahvah - nava - n. master;
  • naijuh - nIju - n. smoke;
  • naijuhets - nIjuex - adj. smoked;
  • nay - nA - n. root (of a tree); pre. used as 'ten' in building numbers (e.g. naygahfah ten-and-one being eleven);
  • naygahbree - nAgabrE - num. twelve;
  • naygahfah - nAgafa - num. eleven;
  • naygahsen - nAgasen - num. thirteen;
  • naygahtor - nAgator - num. fourteen;
  • nayvoo - nAvU - num. ten;
  • ne - ne - prep. around;
  • nee - nE - adj. new; fresh; clean;
  • neeah - nEa - adj. new; blank;
  • neegesh - nEgeS - adv. merely;
  • neemah - nEma - v. annoy, pester;
  • neetsahvay - nExavA - v. to suffer;
  • nefekh - nefek - ??. definition unknown;
  • nekis - neKis - v. to bend; to twist; to distort;
  • nekisahl - neKisal - adj. bent; twisted; distorted;
  • nekisahloth - neKisaloT - n. one who is twisted, bent, or distorted;
  • nem - nem - v. to form (i.e. make or create);
  • nerim - nerim - n. a slow-moving animal native to Negilahn;
  • neseet - nesEt - ??. definition unknown;
  • netso - nexo - v. produce, make;
  • neze - neze - v. to read;
  • nogin - nogin - v. definition unknown;
  • noloben - noloben - n. a species of birds native to Noloben; (proper noun) Noloben, named after the birds native to that Age;
  • noref - noref - adj. final;
  • nuhdahtahv - nuDatav - n. definition unknown;
  • nuhree - nurE - n. a D'ni unit of money;

o - o

  • -om - om - suf. your, 2nd person singular possessive suffix;
  • -omee - omE - suf. your, 2nd person possessive suffix;
  • -on - on - suf. his, her, its, their (singular); 3rd person singular possessive suffix;
  • -os - os - suf. their, 3rd person plural possessive suffix;
  • -ot - ot - suf. 1st person plural possessive suffic\x;
  • oenahzo - oenazo - v. to hope, to wish;
  • ogel - ogel - ??. definition unknown;
  • oglahn - oglan - adj. ancient;
  • okh - ok - prep. of, belonging to (used when possession is direct and personal); suf. suffix form of okh, affixed to the possessed;
  • oko - oKo - adj. black;
  • oleekh - olEk - ??. definition unknown;
  • omd - omD - ??. definition unknown;
  • omsheeno - omSEno - n. rails, track;
  • oner - oner - adj. just, fair;
  • oshahn - oSan - v. to lose;
  • oshahnin - oSanin - adj. lost;

oo - U

  • oocha - Ucå - n. a kind of animal;
  • oolbah - Ulba - n. office;
  • oolin - Ulin - v. definition unknown;
  • oolintahv - Ulintav - n. definition unknown;
  • ooloy - UlO - adj. tall;
  • oonahn - Unan - adj. hostile;
  • oonray - UnrA - n. lord;
  • ooroo - UrU - n. gathering; community; (proper noun) the community of explorers in Modern D'ni;
  • ooshah - USa - n. formula;

oy - O

  • -oy - O - suf. First person singular possessive suffix, 'my';
  • oyn - On - ??. definition unknown;
  • oytahg - Otag - v. to teach;

p - p

  • -per - per - suf. (attached to numbers) forms a counting adjective: x-fold;
  • p'- - p' - prep. above;
  • pahboy - pabO - v. to bless;
  • pahboy - pabO - to bless;
  • pahl - pal - adv. definition unknown;
  • pahm - pam - part. or;
  • pahn - pan - v. to trust;
  • pahrah - para - adj. great, grand; large;
  • pahrahno - parano - n. definition unknown;
  • pahrahth - paraT - n. largeness; greatness;
  • pahrkh - park - v. definition unknown;
  • pahrtahvo - partavo - n. a D'ni unit of time approximately one hour and 13 minutes long;
  • pahts - pax - n. city;
  • palmen - pålmen - n. magnet;
  • palmenets - pålmenex - adj. magnetic;
  • panuhdoy - pånuDO - n. a type of animal;
  • paychahvo - pAcavo - n. danger;
  • paypeel - pApEl - v. definition unknown;
  • pazgo - påzgo - v. definition unknown;
  • pe - pe - prep. above;
  • pekay - peKA - adj. insidious;
  • pelool - pelUl - ??. definition unknown;
  • peray - perA - adj. silly;
  • pilel - pilel - v. to receive;
  • pirelin - pirelin - n. village;
  • pirin - pirin - n. color;
  • pisho - piSo - v. to belong;
  • po - po - ??. definition unknown;
  • po'aht - po'at - ??. definition unknown;
  • poahnt - poant - n. saliva;
  • pod - pod - adj. each;
  • poget - poget - v. rule, reign;
  • poog - pUg - v. definition unknown;
  • porpah - porpa - n. king;
  • poruh - poru - ??. definition unknown;
  • poy - pO - n. bulb;
  • prad - pråD - n. rock (a single rock); (uncountable) rock, as a material;
  • pradets - pråDex - adj. rocky;
  • pradges - pråDges - v. to sculpt;
  • pradgestahn - pråDgestan - n. sculptor;
  • pradgestoy - pråDgestO - n. sculpture;
  • pradnuhretee - pråDnuretE - n. money stone;
  • pradteegahl - pråDtEgal - adj. rock-working;
  • prahchiz - praciz - v. definition unknown;
  • preniv - preniv - adv. again; once again;
  • prin - prin - adj. small;
  • prorahn - proran - n. a D'ni unit of time approximately 1.5 seconds long;
  • pumi - pumi - n. An animal from Negilahn that hunt in packs in the trees;

r - r

  • -rah - ra - suf. marks a number as a multiple of 625;
  • r'- - r' - pre. marks the noun to which it is attached as definite;
  • r- - r - pre. (rare) A variation of r'-;
  • rahm - ram - adj. good;
  • rahnahl - ranal - adj. various;
  • rahshahth - raSaT - n. dark, darkness.;
  • rahsoo - rasU - adj. vanquished;
  • rahwah - rawa - adj. meaningful, rich;
  • raiway - rIwA - n. procedure;
  • ran - rån - v. measure;
  • re - re - part. marks the following noun as definite; pre. marks the noun to which it is attached as definite;
  • re'dantee - reDantE - n. tweezers, used in gemedet;
  • reekoo - rEKU - n. a small creature from Ader Jamat;
  • reepah - rEpa - n. A Negilahn creature that is timid and gorrilla-like with a scorpion-like tail;
  • rees - rEs - v. to eat;
  • reeslo - rEslo - v. to dissolve;
  • reetahn - rEtan - ??. definition unknown;
  • reethai - rETI - prep. definition unknown;
  • releeshahn - relESan - n. (proper noun) Releeshahn;
  • rem - rem - v. to flow;
  • remah - rema - adj. north;
  • remesfet - remesfet - adj. diligent;
  • remesfeteth - remesfeteT - n. diligence;
  • rev - rev - n. right (direction);
  • ri- - ri - pre. used as 'twenty' in building numbers (e.g. rigahfah twenty-one);
  • rifeen - rifEn - v. definition unknown;
  • rifoon - rifUn - v. definition unknown;
  • rigahbree - rigabrE - num. twenty-two;
  • rigahfah - rigafa - num. twenty-one;
  • rigahsen - rigasen - num. twenty-three;
  • rigahtor - rigator - num. twenty-four;
  • ril - ril - part. negative particle, no, not; pre. negative derivation, not-;
  • rildil - rilDil - n. nothing;
  • rilnahr - rilnar - adj. insignificant;
  • rilrov - rilrov - n. no one, nobody;
  • riltahgahmin - riltagamin - adj. unknown;
  • rilte - rilte - prep. without;
  • rilyimah - rilyima - adj. unseen; camouflaged; hidden; n. (proper noun) the Rilyimah, the D'ni secret police;
  • rinal - rinål - v. to honor, to venerate;
  • rinaltahv - rinåltav - n. honor, veneration;
  • rinto - rinto - n. definition unknown;
  • rish - riS - num. twenty;
  • robot - robot - adj. actual;
  • rochay - rocA - v. definition unknown;
  • ron - ron - ??. definition unknown;
  • roo - rU - pron. that; relative pronoun, marks a relative clause;
  • rooay - rUA - n. route;
  • rooayk - rUAK - v. to destroy;
  • rooayktahv - rUAKtav - n. destruction;
  • roob - rUb - part. but, disjunct conjunction;
  • roodsh - rUDS - adj. red;
  • roomay - rUmA - v. definition unknown;
  • roon - rUn - num. zero;
  • roshee - roSE - n. crater;
  • rotee - rotE - ??. definition unknown;
  • rov - rov - n. person;
  • rovhoo - rovhU - n. holy person, saint;

s - s

  • -see - sE - suf. indicates that the digit is a multiple of 25;
  • saheth - saeT - n. definition unknown;
  • say - sA - n. design; v. to design;
  • sayrah - sAra - n. west;
  • se - se - prep. at;
  • seen - sEn - v. to get, to acquire;
  • sek - seK - v. to have (own);
  • sekh - sek - v. to have;
  • sel - sel - v. to Write an Age;
  • seltahn - seltan - n. a Writer, one who Writes Ages; a member of the Guild of Writers;
  • sen - sen - num. three;
  • senahren - senaren - n. building; structure;
  • senper - senper - adj. triple, threefold;
  • seraht - serat - v. light up, brighten;
  • seren - seren - n. light;
  • set - set - pron. us, first person plural, accusative;
  • sifay - sifA - adj. wired;
  • sofeguh - sofegu - v. to fear;
  • sol - sol - n. sister;
  • somah - soma - n. seal, signet;
  • sovah - sova - ??. definition unknown;
  • soygi - sOgi - adj. stable;
  • soygith - sOgiT - n. stability;
  • stofah - stofa - adj. of one;

sh - S

  • -sh - S - suf. (attached to an adjective) derives an adverb;
  • shahfee - SafE - n. a D'ni unit of length, approximately 15.8 ft (4.82 m) long. Usually translated as 'span';
  • shahmlis - Samlis - adj. perfect;
  • shahn - San - v. to connect; to piece together (as in a puzzle);
  • shahveroo - SaverU - adj. definition unknown;
  • sheegah - SEga - n. definition unknown;
  • sheemah - SEma - adj. okay, alright;
  • sheetem - SEtem - n. message;
  • sheetemsootahn - SEtemsUtan - n. messenger;
  • sheeyah - SEya - n. angel;
  • shegahdah - SegaDa - n. (proper noun) Shegahdah;
  • shelah - Sela - v. definition unknown;
  • shelahtahn - Selatan - n. scribe;
  • shem - Sem - pron. you; second person singluar, accusative;
  • shento - Sento - v. to take;
  • sheten - Seten - v. to cherish;
  • shin - Sin - adj. able;
  • sho - So - n. dirt;
  • shokhoo - SokU - v. instruct, teach;
  • shokrotahn - SoKrotan - n. bulldozer;
  • shol - Sol - v. to prepare;
  • shoogah - SUga - ??. definition unknown;
  • shooth - SUT - n. death;
  • shorah - Sora - n. peace; interj. hello; goodbye;
  • shoraht - Sorat - adj. peaceful;
  • shuhfay - SufA - v. to finish;
  • shuhteejoo - SutEjU - n. rocksalt (halite);

t - t

  • -t - t - suf. (attached to adjective) derives noun referring to a tendency or direction;
  • -tahn - tan - suf. agent noun suffix, changes a verb to a noun that performs the verb;
  • -tahv - tav - suf. (attached to verb) changes a verb into a noun;
  • -tee - tE - suf. (attached to noun) pluralized noun; (attached to verb) second person plural agreement suffix;
  • t'- - t' - pre. of, in, with; expresses membership; in with, among; expresses co-location;
  • t- - t - pre. of, in, with; expresses membership; in with, among; expresses co-location;
  • tah - ta - n. definition unknown;
  • tahg - tag - v. to give;
  • tahgahm - tagam - v. to know;
  • tahgayr - tagAr - v. to learn;
  • tahgil - tagil - v. to understand;
  • tahleeo - talEo - n. surface;
  • tahm - tam - n. fire;
  • tahroo - tarU - v. to die (not natural causes but by accident or murder);
  • tahrpin - tarpin - n. an animal found in high branches in Negilahn;
  • tahruh - taru - v. definition unknown;
  • tahs - tas - v. to muse, to think, to ponder, to meditate;
  • tahvo - tavo - n. D'ni unit of time equal to approximately 14.5 minutes;
  • tanuh - tånu - v. definition unknown;
  • taybuhn - tAbun - ??. definition unknown;
  • taygahn - tAgan - v. to love with the mind; to know with the mind; to unconditionally love (with an implied deep understanding and respect);
  • taykheboorkh - tAkebUrk - v. seek;
  • taynee - tAnE - v. to welcome;
  • tayr - tAr - v. to help;
  • tayroo - tArU - adj. definition unknown;
  • tayroosh - tArUS - v. definition unknown;
  • te - te - prep. of, in, with; expresses membership; in with, among; expresses co-location; pre. prefix form of the preposition;
  • tee'ahnah - tEana - n. storyteller; (proper noun) Ti'ana;
  • teeg - tEg - v. to work;
  • teegahl - tEgal - adj. working;
  • teeget - tEget - adj. working;
  • teegtahg - tEgtag - n. study (also used as a suffix, like -ology);
  • teegtahn - tEgtan - n. worker;
  • teegtahv - tEgtav - n. work, effort;
  • teejuh - tEju - n. definition unknown;
  • teeko - tEKo - ??. definition unknown;
  • teemah - tEma - adj. south;
  • tefoonet - tefUnet - n. memorial;
  • tel - tel - n. guild, especially one of the D'ni Guilds;
  • telbahtsen - telbaxen - n. (proper noun) Guild of Cartographers;
  • telbeeree - telbErE - n. (proper noun) Guild of Maintainers;
  • telbetsiv - telbexiv - n. (proper noun) Guild of Engineers;
  • teledahn - teleDan - n. (proper noun) Teledahn;
  • telkailo - telKIlo - n. (proper noun) Guild of Healers;
  • telook - telUK - n. (proper noun) Guild of Surveyors;
  • telrov - telrov - n. Guild member, Guildsperson;
  • telshee - telSE - n. (proper noun) Guild of Messengers;
  • tem - tem - n. ordinary ink;
  • temah - tema - v. definition unknown;
  • temo - temo - prep. in which, in that;
  • ten - ten - adj. simple;
  • tenesh - teneS - adv. simply;
  • ter - ter - n. tree;
  • terelin - terelin - n. contact;
  • terokh jerooth - terok jerUT - n. (proper noun) Great Tree of Possibilities;
  • terth- - terT - pre. in a; of a; as a;
  • tes - tes - n. group;
  • tetemo - tetemo - prep. definition unknown;
  • tik - tiK - v. to deny, to refuse;
  • tikoleet - tiKolEt - adj. sorrowful; interj. sorry, I'm sorry;
  • tildah - tilDa - v. to suffocate;
  • timel - timel - n. gallery;
  • tishmah - tiSma - n. friend;
  • tiwah - tiwa - n. shaft;
  • to - to - n. place, location;
  • todelmer - toDelmer - n. planetarium; (proper noun) Todelmer;
  • togahsh - togaS - ??. definition unknown;
  • togo - togo - n. floor;
  • tokituh - toKitu - v. to determine;
  • tomahgilo - tomagilo - n. garden;
  • tomahn - toman - n. house;
  • tomahnah - tomana - n. home; (proper noun) Tomahna;
  • tome - tome - adj. homesick;
  • tomet - tomet - adv. this place, here;
  • tomot - tomot - adv. that place, there;
  • tonah - tona - adj. long;
  • toogo - tUgo - n. foot;
  • tookhoot - tUkUt - ??. definition unknown;
  • tool - tUl - v. to grow;
  • toomin - tUmin - adj. definition unknown;
  • toporpah - toporpa - n. palace;
  • tor - tor - num. four;
  • toran - torån - n. unit used in measuring angles, approximately 0.00576 degrees;
  • torinai - torinI - adj. cold;
  • torn - torn - v. to spit;
  • totel - totel - n. Guild House;
  • tre- - tre - pre. at the; in the; near the; with the; of the;
  • trel - trel - adj. blue;
  • tren - tren - adj. some, a few;
  • trom - trom - n. wing;
  • tromets - tromex - adj. winged;
  • trov - trov - v. to spin;

th - T

  • -th - T - suf. Forms an abstract noun from an adjective;
  • thirk - TirK - v. to save (keep);
  • thoe - Toe - part. how; variant of dho;

ts - x

  • tsahn - xan - adv. always; forever;
  • tsahnlee - xanlE - n. mountain;
  • tsahnlee yahm - xanlE yam - n. iceberg;
  • tsahnosh - xanoS - adv. permanently;
  • tsahnril - xanril - adv. never;
  • tsahr - xar - v. to go;
  • tsahroo - xarU - ??. definition unknown;
  • tsahv - xav - v. to live;
  • tsahvahn - xavan - adj. immortal; eternal;
  • tsaydor - xADor - v. to burrow;
  • tsaydortahn - xADortan - n. generic term for burrowing animals;
  • tseemah - xEma - v. to need;
  • tseemahahl - xEmaal - adj. necessary;
  • tso - xo - prep. of, about, used to express non-personal relation; pre. prefix version of the above preposition;
  • tsofah - xofa - n. horn (of an animal);
  • tsogahl - xogal - adj. sunny; bright;
  • tsoid - xoiD - v. to glow;
  • tsoidahl - xoiDal - adj. glowing;
  • tson - xon - n. definition unknown;
  • tsonot - xonot - n. abyss;
  • tsoonoo - xUnU - v. to greet;
  • tsosahtahv - xosatav - n. definition unknown;
  • tsotoy - xotO - n. child;

uh - u

v - v

  • v'ja - v'ja - n. celebration;
  • vah- - va - pre. used as 'five' in building numbers (e.g. vahgahfah five-and-one being six);
  • vahgahbree - vagabrE - num. seven;
  • vahgahfah - vagafa - num. six;
  • vahgahsen - vagasen - num. eight;
  • vahgahtor - vagator - num. nine;
  • vahkh - vak - adj. linking, pertaining to the act of Linking;
  • vahmo - vamo - n. east; adj. calm;
  • vahmot - vamot - adj. eastern;
  • vaht - vat - num. five;
  • vahtee - vatE - ??. definition unknown;
  • vailee - vIlE - n. D'ni equivalent to a month;
  • vaiuh - vIu - n. definition unknown;
  • vaynuh - vAnu - ??. definition unknown;
  • vaytsoo - vAxU - n. presence;
  • veech - vEc - v. to scream;
  • veechtahv - vEctav - n. scream;
  • veelay - vElA - n. soul;
  • veeshah - vESa - n. (proper noun) Veesha;
  • veewuh - vEwu - v. to deserve;
  • veren - veren - v. to mollify; to pacify;
  • viduh - viDu - n. atmosphere;
  • vilekh - vilek - n. misery;
  • vog - vog - n. nature;
  • vogets - vogex - adj. natural;
  • vokan - voKån - n. birth;
  • volah - vola - part. yes;
  • voohee - vUhE - adv. can; could;
  • vor - vor - n. page (ordinary paper);
  • votahnah - votana - n. truth;
  • votahr - votar - v. to praise;

w - w

  • wahrk - warK - n. Wahrk (Rivenese marine carnivore);
  • winis - winis - adv. together;
  • wish - wiS - v. to lift (raise);
  • wotsah - woxa - adj. harsh;

y - y

z - z

  • zahfay - zafA - n. fate;
  • zahgah - zaga - adj. prolonged;
  • zander - zånDer - n. gravity;
  • zandnee - zånDnE - n. (idiomatic) the Call to D'ni;
  • ze - ze - pron. her; third person pronoun, accusative;
  • zeeglah - zigla - adj. mad, insane; twisted, warped;
  • zeero - zEro - n. definition unknown;
  • zeeway - zEwA - n. weather;
  • zik - ziK - n. definition unknown;
  • zintsahr - zinxar - v. definition unknown;
  • zith - ziT - adj. definition unknown;
  • zithahth - ziTaT - n. definition unknown;
  • zithon - ziTon - v. definition unknown;
  • zo'e - zo'e - n. loss;
  • zoo - zU - pron. me; first-person pronoun, accusative case;
  • zuh - zu - n. end;
  • zuhnuh - zunu - n. ending;