
From Guild of Archivists
Name in D'ni tre'bivDil
Connections Chiso Preniv
Restoration progress
Current phase Released
Phase 5 began February 15, 2021
Released June 4, 2021

Tre'bivdil is a Garden Age island. First found by explorer Lontahv and later restored by explorer Patrick Dulebohn and his new team, it is part of a new restoration of the D'ni cavern.

Entrance[edit | edit source]

Tre'bivdil can be accessed via a linking book on a pedestal in the Chiso Preniv library.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Development[edit | edit source]

Tre'bivdil was created by Lontahv and was originally released on November 21, 2008[1] for the Third Rapid Age Development contest; it was also the winner entry[2]. Updated for play in MOULa by Doobes, it was released on the Minkata shard on February 15, 2021[3], in preparation for the release on MOULa on June 4, 2021.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Gallery of Fan Created Ages", Guild of Writers wiki, accessed March 12, 2021.
  2. "Rapid Age Development", Guild of Writers wiki, accessed March 12, 2021.
  3. rarified, "#dev", OpenUru Discord, February 15, 2021.