Unexplored Branches stamp.png


From Guild of Archivists
Author Andy Legate
Connections Chiso Preniv
Restoration progress
Current phase Released
Phase 5 began February 28, 2021
Released May 5, 2021

Serene is a crepuscular Garden Age surrounded by tall trees.

Serene was originally written by explorer Andy Legate, but unwanted Descriptive Book tampering resulted in the link to this original Age being lost forever. While the resulting link resembles this original Age, it is not quite the same Age Andy Legate originally wrote.

This Age was later refurbished and opened to the public by explorer Patrick Dulebohn and his new team as part of the new restoration of the D'ni cavern.

Entrance[edit | edit source]

Serene can be accessed via a linking book on a pedestal in the Chiso Preniv library.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Development[edit | edit source]

Serene was created by Andy Legate and was originally released on November 5, 2008 [1]as part of the Devokan Trust fan storyline. Updated for play in MOULa by Doobes, it was released on the Minkata shard on February 28, 2021[2], in preparation for the release on MOULa on May 5, 2021.

The Age was chosen for inclusion to MOULa as a tribute to its creator, who passed away in January of 2020.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. andylegate, "Serene", Guild of Writers forums, November 5, 2008.
  2. rarified, "#dev", OpenUru Discord, February 28, 2021.